Chapter 212: Rolled Up Sky.

Lehi felt a familiar gaze landing to her side. When she spotted to see her teacher. She gladly waved at him with a bright smile as she walk toward him. Lehi noticed a tint of anguish in his eyes as she zoom in. Lehi was surprised when Ecles flash a thin smile.

"How are you teacher? I haven't seen you around since that incident." Lehi greeted referring to their previous encounter.

Ecles mildly gave him a wink and replied

"Good but your King here missed me."

Lila bowed to him when she joined in to embrace her son.

Urchin enlaced his chubby arms to his mother's neck till Lila coughed from the tightness of his hold.

Ecles understood Urchin's sentiment. The young boy is being overprotective against him.

Ecles trailed behind the gang when Cyrus whispered to his ears.

"Don't be too gloomy. Your way obvious. Flash your arrogant facade or else you'll get found out."

Ecles grappled Cyrus face and whispered back.

"Yeah right. Your starting to get on my nerves."

Resh chuckled and scoffed as soon as his eyes caught a established shot of Ecles.

"Your really here. I thought you wanted to badly fight with us."

Ecles slapped his face that made the people fall silent.

"You talk too much, even flies does not deserve to land in that filfty face of yours."

Resh got angry and the two started their usual riot. After the riot there meeting ended with a warm lunch. Resh and Ecles visited Cyrus' bedchamber.

"Are you that scared Ecles to lose your self control?" Cyrus inquired as the two sat on his couch facing Gardenia's painted face.

"Yes, that is why i am here. And Gardenia's really beautiful even from a painting. Where did you get something this realistic" Ecles muttered as he stared at Gardenia's face.

"Kiel won it from an illegal gamble when spying." Cyrus answered.

"You mean all of this?" Resh asked.

Cyrus just nodded and eyed Ecles.

"I saw her came back to life to manipulate you." Resh professes.

"With that face, I can tell that your talking about Xytie." Cyrus concluded.

Ecles shut his eyes upon hearing her name. Ecles had this thought that it might be her but having it be confirmed gave him a lump that form within him. It was a sorrowful bell that keeps ringing to have him return his old ways.

"Yeah. That strange woman said the same thing. I wonder who is behind her ghost to drive her wild." Ecles spoke as his eyes glued with Gardenia.

Cyrus noticed the longing in Ecles eyes as Resh gave him the nudge to say something.

"Urchin cannot tell me either but that kid saw everything." Cyrus stated.

"I feel bad for him. He is just a child but his gift is unspoken and is beyond ours." Resh honestly remarked.

"By the way I just noticed did Gardenia knew she was going to die?" Ecles questioned out of the blue.

"Yes, partially Urchin revealed it to her. But she did not let me know considering the consequences that might distort what is bound to happen." Cyrus said with a light voice and proud tone.

"I admire her courage and fearless decision. I wonder if I will be able to do the same." Ecles confessed.

Lila heared from Lehi how was Urchin constantly bringing up when would Ophir and Lehi give birth to a child. Lila told this event unto Kiel and was even encouraging his son to keep pestering the two. Lila can understand Lehi's situation but Kiel and Urchin had a point. Ophir and Lehi were the first one to get married among the team.

Nevi visited Kennan since he might be mourning like the dove for losing the love of his life without any conclusion nor closure. Nevi spotted the man almost closing the library.

"Where are you heading?" Nevi asked to catch his attention since his mind seem to be drifting from his earthly presence.

"We had some emergency meeting. It's the time of the month to review the books you sealed." Kennan replied as he waved and vanished into thin air.

Nevi just sighed and headed back to the palace when Mem summoned him by the King's order.

"Ecles and Resh will be travelling to Kisiena for Ecles to be guarded. Someone is after his life. So I am assigning Nevi, Hexel and Ophir. It may took quite long so pack your things." Cyrus instructed.

"Someone is giddy to see his wife." Ain hummed as Hexel smack him on the back of his head.

Ophir sat on their bed as he watched Lehi arrange his things for tomorrow's voyage. Before they got dispersed in the meeting Urchin grabbed his hands and whispered something that flustered and scared him. Ophir tested if Urchin was playing a prank but he was not. Ophir can hear Urchin's veins calmly pulses without any hint of lies.

"Urchin said that he wanted a friend from us. He also mentioned that this mission may result into something unpredictable." Ophir stated.

Lehi just kept packing her husband's things and was preoccupied by Ecles' facade. Ophir can hear her system focuses to what is in her mind. He waited for her to settle his things before pulling her into a kiss.

Lehi was shocked at first but she can tell that Ophir's gesture were passionate and it implied fear.It was full of mixed emotion that Lehi cannot foretell what was bothering him. Lehi caught her breath when Ophir momentarily allowed her to breath.

"Wait, what's wrong?" Lehi asked confused.

Ophir overcame her and expressed his love toward her.

Lehi can't even resist and just accepted Ophir's passionate touch. Lehi halted her husband since her nervous system almost exploded.

"Sorry but can you give me a moment to breath. Plus, I honestly don't know how to respond." Lehi stated in between her breath.

Ophir planted a kiss on her forehead and said.

"Do you want to pray?"

Lehi recalled the day before their wedding. She was buffled and panicking back then, and it made her calm down whenever Ophir lead her to pray. She smiled and nodded.

Ophir held her hand and prayed.

"Lord God who is love itself. Thank you for leading us with revelation to be with each other forever. May your blessing be upon us as we start to dream and build a family. Thank you for being our author in this knitted love story. Amen."