Chapter 219: Less than Nothing

Natalina crafted a pearl board with emerald pen and golden eraser. She gave it to Ecles who is in riot with Resh. Ecles looked more calm and better as the days passed by. Ecles started scribbling and was hired as Kennan's right hand at the public library. Ever since that incident Cyrus would pout at how often Urchin would spend his time with Grandpa Ecles than with him.

Sage bid his goodbye to the triplets and left for Kisiena with Kish, Sienna and Eyel. Eyel encouraged Ecles to remain at El Oathniel for his own good. When Ecles had no one in his side since he was itching to travel he had no choice but to give in. Cyrus slammed him on the face when he tried to escape for voyage. Resh entrapped him for fun while Kennan needed to tie him by the library's counter.

Sienna blushed when Hexel waved at her from the port. Sienna almost missed their departure due to Hexel's naught. Sienna can't help but be flustered by how their morning session almost tied her to bed. The duchess even pestered her again about concieving an offspring.

Lila hesitated to speak about her worry. After tucking in Urchin to bed she closed the door and joined her husband.

"Don't you think Urchin is too mature at his age?" Lila inquired as she looked up to Kiel who is sealing some documents on the bed.

"No. I was the same." Kiel shortly replied.

Lila gasped and realised that for her husband it was normal. Lila just bid her good night and rested. Troubled that her son might be going through something rough yet her only option was to support him.

Cyrus cannot fathom why would Ham's household be involved. It irked him to no end that even from the grave that man is bothering him. Cyrus checked all the file of information of the victims and sent his knights to inform the families of those who still hope to see their missing family children.

"Have them visit the graves. It is the only blessing we can do for them at this point." Cyrus ordered.

The Tale Bearers lead the people and was able to allow the family members to mourn.

"Just how many times do I have to do this. I am seated on the throne to help this people but I was not capable of doing something to protect them. The pain was surreal. I am a King that seated on a golden throne and was continually watching his people mourn from the enemy's attack. And all I can do is bow my head on countless graves." Cyrus uttered as Resh and Evi pressed their lips together in silence to allow the king to express himself.

"Your back as a King is something to be proud of. You don't just send the flowers and candles. You attend every burial personally and that touches the people's heart. Look at them salute you from each graves." Resh stated as he point to the people who looked at their King in appreciation and gratitude.

Cyprus jammed the desk when the session started to get heated. Lila and Kiel were there to halt the rumble but was thrown to the background.

"Stop or I will lock you all to jail." Cyprus warned.

The people behaved and proceeded with the case.

"Your Highness, I am here to plead the case of our lot that was moved from the background. We have all the papers."

The man in his farmer attire spoke. His pants were folded and his long sleeves were dangling.

"Yes, we have studied your case but the complainant argued that you were the one who declared it as lies. Going through the case we have seen that the complainant is in the error. Therefore we have decided to dimiss the case.

From now on the complainant won't be able to step in your lot. The other party will no longer bother you. If bothered you can send them to jail. If there is no objection, I pronounce this case adjourn." Cyprus announced as he waited for the first people to vacate and prepared himself for another case.

Lila approach her son and spoke.

"Urchin are you okay with Grandpa Ecles and Uncle Kennan."

Urchin nod his head and was glad that his parents finally came home.

"Are you hungry?" Lila quarried.

"No, mommy. I want a bath." Urchin replied.

"Then do you want me to bath you?" Lila teased.

"No, I feel shy. Daddy should bath me." Urchin stated as he blushes in front of his mother.

Lila pinched her son's cheek and called Kiel to bath their son.

Ophir waited for his team to board the carraige back to El Oathniel. He knew how solemn and heart wrenching it was for the family who hoped to see their beloved families but will have to move on since their hope were flickered out from the darkness. Ophir heared the King's sentiment. Ophir decided to escort the King to his chamber.

"Your Highness one of the civilian came to me and wanted to deliver a message. She said that she appreciate what we did and that you have put a solution to their long time grieving."

Cyrus just wave at him and dismissed his royal aid.

Urchin observed how stress his mother was for him. Urchin cannot help but be his self. His father said that he was the same and that he adopted that traits from him but Urchin does not wish to worry his mother who always put on an effort to make him happy.

"Mommy, are you tired for the day?" Urchin inquired.

"No, not too tired for my little boy." Lila sweetly answered.

"Then can you please sing me a lullaby." Urchin requested.

Lila happily cheered as she sang one for her son.

"Love may your eyes drift to rest. The sky will twinkle at your breath.

The chill on the windowpane traced the scene of tomorrow. Rest and be uncurtained for another day. Sleep love."