Chapter 221: No.... Sooner!

Eyel was surprise to hear that Sienna and Sage will be leaving the island for her birthday celebration. Eyel got abashed to hear that only Kish and herself will be staying at the temple for who know how many day it would be since Sienna did not give her a direct answer. Eyel played it cool and pretended that she won't be bothered by it. When the two got transported by Lila an awkward silence aired between them.

Eyel excused herself to cook but suddenly Kish offered that he will make a soup for dinner.

Eyel flatly accepted the offer and stayed in her room after taking rounds if she missed to clean something. When she decided that all were done she unconsciously groomed herself abd waa sitting on the mirror for like ages till Kish tapped him to eat. Eyel realise what was she doing and erased her make up. She started to act and practice with herself in the mirror to be natural like the usual but it had her exhausted and eventually give up.

When she tasted the soup it was delicious and it delighted her. She gladly savour it forgetting her table manners.

She scoop seven bowl of serving and consumed it all. Her throat pushed something hard and her stomach cannot digest the food. Her intestine rejected the very first food cooked for her by Kish. When she shly excused herself to visit the toilet. It feared her to see a ring coming out from her system.

Eyel cannot fathom how did it entered her body but one thing is for sure, she needed a rest. She already embarrassed herself that much in front of the man she secretly fancied.

When Kish kneeled in front of her and demanded her hand for marraige she simply answered no.

After the celebration, Hexel and Sienna were on their bed side by side.

"How did you plan this with every body?" Hexel asked as he caressed Sienna's side.

"We concealed it from you, sorry. The guys were purposely delaying you in order for us to prepare." Sienna admitted.

"It's okay. I mean you went through the trouble just for me, when it's your birthday." Hexel answered with the tint of joy and inspiration.

Sienna just giggled in his arms like a child and replied.

"It's because your always too serious. I want to make you smile. And your smiling face is the best gift ever."

Hexel just blushed at how he was receiving too much complement and appreciation from his wife. When Sienna mentioned the word gift it reminded him of his purchased present. He searched his pocket and handed it to Sienna.

"Her, it's a simple whistle but I want you to have it." Hexel presented.

Sienna can tell that it is from Natalina's craft.

"Did you personally designed this?" Sienna inquired as she felt love and touched. It is Hexel's figure holding the whistle. It looked comic and epic but Sienna felt like it was the best gift at the moment since she kept missing Hexel.

Kish started to ponder and check where did it go wrong for him to be rejected.

Kish knocked on Eyel's door and asked.

"I know it's a little annoying but I want to know why you rejected me. Is it because of your standard?" Kish inquired in faze.

Eyel gave him a thin smile and replied.

"Yeah. I mean your younger than me."

Kish just shrugged at her and pointed.

"So what?"

Eyel just breathed and shut the door in his face.

Kish already made up his mind that he will pursue and persist.

The next day he prepared a breakfast for Eyel and demanded the same request.

"Marry me!" yet it's been a week of thriving and he did not progress.

Sienna and Sage even returned preparing a congratulatory gift and present but was dumbfounded to hear that Eyel did not accept his proposal.

Kish for the last time didicated his effort. It his ninth time if Eyel would not accept his offer then she is not the one.

Kish waited by Eyel's door and kneeled.

He politely asked with all his might

"Will you marry me?" Kish asked with his hope beaten and faith fallen.

Eyel suddenly said yes which surprised


"Yes." Kish remain unmove and again he asked himself what is going on.

When the two finally calmed down.

Kish asked and said.

"What happened? why did you suddenly said yes?"

Eyel just shrugged at him and straightforwardly pointed.

"Because you asked me. I mean at first you just demanded. You did not give me the right question that is why I did not answer rightly."

Kish reflected and nodded. Eyel was right. All he did was to demand and request. Despite his effort Eyel gave rejected him. When Sage mentioned that he needed to be humble and sincere. It came to Kish that all he did was order Eyel to accept his proposal and the main reason why she flatly rejected it was because he did not asked properly.

"Then you can't take back your answer okay?" Kish warned.

Eyel just giggled at him as she stretches her hand to the sky. The gap in her fingers highlighted the vast sky and future ahead.

Tera patiently waited for the result of the study involving the infection ans found it simple.

"It was a man-made infection. Somebody blew his mind and had it applied to the innocent beings." Tera reported as Cyrus instantly replied.

"We will investigate it. And thank you for always giving us the accurate report."

Tera was proud to hear that Sienna and Hexel might be having a sweet time from the past few days. Her shift ended and her carriage sent traverse her to the home she missed thanks to the researching they have done.

Tera could not react when her carraige suddenly went wild. The horse got out of control. It had the courage almost going upside down. Her ride was like sailing on a rough see until her window showed an endless bottom.