Chapter 235: Appalled from No One

Ecles held Selah close to his chest. Even if he can't view how the soft and warm life in his arms. He needs to protect her. Kennan left the place saying that the King sent him for another mission but the truth was he approach the Legion of Care Takers to have him be transported toward Lehi and Nevi's era. Kennan needed to confirm his suspicion. What if Lehi's disappearance had a foul play then it will give Ophir and Nevi the chance to search for her within the era.

"We cannot grant your request but we can allow you to see through that person's life through the reading glasses." The voice that usually spoke to him every meeting and every book submission replied.

Kennan gratefully thought that it is better than nothing.

"That would really help. Thank you very much." Kennan bowed.

A glittering line of light drew a circle abd had it shown a scene.

"Tell me the exact name of that person." The voice inquired.

"Lehi Lorelei." Kennan replied and nothing appeared.

"Strange, is that person committed?" The voice asked.

"Yes,, I forgot. It is Lehi Glockenspiel." Kennan added.

When the name was mentioned. A structure of wooden house with red roof appears.The curtain got blown by the wind and it showed Lehi sleeping. Kennan observed any more abnormalities and wondered what happened to the child concieved in her womb. Kennan nodded his head and got back to the palace.

Ophir digged through the rubble and can't even trace any proof or evidence left for the enemy to be caught.

"It looked like they surely left the place in rubble." Hexel commented.

Kiel stood on the ground and summon Sotai's rod.

"This is the time Sotai's rod come in handy." the prince assured.

He tapped the rod on the ground and prayed.

"Our Father who knew and witness what occured in this place. Our eyes, lips and imagination can decieve us but what you saw in this place is meant to be ever since the ancient time. Reveal to us through this gift that you have choosen to be utilized in our hands. Amen."

His rod showed a transparent screen that replayed the past. A gang of six entruded with a purple hood. One with the tallest height started a havoc and random used his axe to destroy everything. The others were following his lead. When they reached the whistle a wave blew them away. One of them easily halted the wave with a single palm and successfully retrieved the whistle.

One of them create a hole in the open space and transported the team.

After such view the screen vanished.

Kiel secured Sotai's rod and pointed.

"They are within the area. Urchin can invite them on a trance." Kiel stated.

"How can you be sure?" Hexel asked

"There is a crack on the space." Ain stated.

Urchin opened a trance and the space broke. The hooded people were revealed. A sudden axe was upon Urchin's head. Hexel blocked it with the sword. He pushed back and gained his momentom. Urchin released his trance.

Ophir caught a glimpse of the one who halt the wave and used his blade. He pushed back the person in hood and he was surprised to see that it's woman. Her features resembles Bethany. Ophir used his force to push the woman in a corner. He striked her elbow with back of his blade as the woman used her palm to release a transparent glue that froze Ophir's attack.

Nevi used his fine line wings to launch a punch toward a man wigh braided hair and thin like eyes. The man's skin were tan with muscles. The man grabbed his wings and threw him like it's nothing Nevi got wheeled on the rubbles. His skin got sliced with the rough swinging.

Kiel used Sotai's rod to hit the others who were attempting to blow the whistle. One was an old man with white hairs. The other was a thin man with grasshopper like features. Ain run after the woman with a boyish brown hair.Her shark teeth displayed it's mischief as the two started to play a hide and seek through the dimension. Ain grit his gums and transformed the kid's size but her pranks did not ended. She gleefully digged another hole as Ain decided to transform back the woman.

Hexel acknowledge the man's skill as he was able to push him on the edge but Hexel knew better not to prolonged the battle since his daughter might be put in danger. Hexel took the upper hand and knock off the enemy's axe. His sword perfectly split it like a cloth. Hexel ended the match and aided Kiel.

Ophir heared the sticky noise as he moved his blade. He used his salt water to lesson the glue's effect. He thrust his blade and it's tip wounded the woman's left cheek. Ophir pulled his blade and splat the glue back to it's caster.

Ophir used his blood gift to wrap the woman with her glue.

Cyprus helped Kiel and Hexel to acquire the whistle. His action banged the old man and grasshopper man into the soil. He controlled the old man to surrender the whistle and had them kneel on the ground. Ain panted from chasing the boyish woman that was easily got kneeled the ground by Cyprus.

"Speak, why did you stole the whistle?"

Cyprus asked with intimidation that sent a chill toward the enemy's spine and with his team mates as well.

The old man forcefully replied since Cyprus halt his comrade's flow of blood.

"We wanted to revive our tribe that was abandoned and forgotten by this kingdom."

"What do you mean forgotten?" Ophir asked.

"The giants and dwarves forgot the half human and giant tribe. We asked for help but no one came. Our cries were ignored and our despair became a byword." The old man replied.

Von and Wee repented from what was pointed unto him and started to extend their hands for their community. Hexel sighed in relief when the problem got peacefully solved. His daughter is safe and his worries were false.