Chapter 243:Tunnelled

Nevi asked Eyel and Urchin's assistance in preparing the meal. Nevi heared about the travellers who were from a foreign land and invited them for a friendly chat while doing the food.

"So where did you came from?" Nevi asked.

"We actually are from the City of Carmel and then our ship got caught in a whirlpool and then we found ourselves wondering in this lonely place for three months." The older man with white modern hair and suit stated.

"And I am supposed to be in a bussines meeting." he added

Nevi hid his astonishment and awe. Nevi knew that there was something wrong after Ecles died. Since Ecles had a time honoured gift then a distortion or friction might have occured in remote areas. Nevi had this thrist to get back home but he was scared of the unknown consequences in the future. Nevi saw how it was with Urchin's action.

"That is strange. Where are you suppose to be heading in that meeting?" Nevi asked to perk up his personal curiosity.

"To a town that is supposed to be re-stated." The same man replied.

Nevi just nod his head. Urchin and Eyel diligently sliced the ingredients needed.

Lila felt somewhat giddy and relieved. Lila left Ophir and Kiel to talk as she gather the graments that were lined up and dried. Sage helped her to carry it as Kish and Ain folded the collected one.

Fur would steal glances and watches her every move. Fur can't help but be affected by her every gesture and action. He kept thinking about her. His heart squealed when she would notice and bow to him. Fur can't catch and control his own emotion. He mustered the courage and decided to get to know more about Lila.

Ophir sat on the other side of Kiel's opposite side.

"Nevi spotted another crack on the border a while ago but mostly we noticed it near a brook, river, fall, stream, cannal and the ocean. I bet the shore connects this era to another time." Ophir reported.

"Yeah, it was the same, those people also said that they were from the City of Carmel and was sucked in from a whirlpool. There were thirty passengers but only the two of them survived."

Kiel filled in as the two remain silent.

"Aside from Ecles who is time honoured did someone who is similar with him encountered some torment or any harm?" Kiel raised as he tapped his finger.

Ophir can't talk about someone he can't remember and diverted.

"Your wife and son have similar gift as Ecles."

Kiel eyed Ophir and stated.

"Keep silent about it. Sotai said the same thing. I have to protect those two and be a exemplary person to them."

Ophir nodded his head and answered

"Yes we can see that. You are a good father but not a good husband. Lila's been waiting for you since then. You can't keep brushing it off or else someone who fancies her might sip his way to her heart. " Ophir peek from the tent and allowed Kiel to see a slight view of Fur trying to flatter his wife.

"See, you got it right now. Value it because i envy you." Ophir stated as he stood up.

"Yes, thank you then why don't you get married?" Kiel suggested.

"I am already married." Ophir said as he wave his finger with ring. And his wrist with transparent ribbon.

Kiel just resigned in stood up to join the others. Kiel approach Cyprus who is taking good care of his children.

"How can you get more handsome as you get old? Your way too opposite with my father." Kiel complained.

"Well it's thanks to Natalina who kept bugging me to be hygienic." Cyprus responded.

"So, it must be something important for you to talk that way." Cyprus pointed.

Kiel opened up about what happened from the shore. How he yelled at his wife and told her to shut up.

"I don't see anything wrong with that. The only thing that you missed is the consolidation. Lehi must have been waiting for you." Cyprus stated.

"As for me Natalina matured as this boys grow. This kids are learning some thing new and so is with us. Actually it's not about the new things more of the level and version of how you maintain what you have."

Cyprus wrapped before striding to pick up his second son Sycamore. Kiel held Kielah and Nimrod's hand as they sat for dinner.

Urchin and Ain are in charge of the dishes as Eyel supervised them.

Kish and Nevi accommodated Fur and Misad. They prepared a tent for them.

Natalina and Cyprus tucked their boys to sleep as Sage kept the watch. Hexel is currently tending his daughter. Hexel shared the tent with Urchin as well. Since Urchin is now a growing boy he started to be shy toward his parents which the guys thought was abnormal since he is still six years old.

Ophir stared at the core of their roof. Their tent was built in by Natalina's gift. The pearl roof highlighted the night sky. Ophir wonders if Lehi is watching the same sky. Ophir can't help but hate to think that Lehi might be having her prime in life and may not remember that he is the father of her child. Often times Ophir is tempted to cross over each dimensional crack that was caused by Ecles' death but he held himself.

Kiel sat by the bed he smoothered.

It's been long since he made an effort for his wife. He paced to wait for her to enter their tent but it was too slow for Kiel and it has an agonising effect. Kiel perked up and was about to stand up only to see Lila holding her blanket and sheet.

"Oh, sorry I have to help and teach Urchin wipe the washed dishes. I will just settle on the edge like the usual." Lila stated as she started to arrange her things but Kiel just smiled at Lila and embraced her.