Chapter 247: Maintaining the Distance

Cyprus needed to baby sit at the moment since the women with Sage went out to the creek to do the laundry.

He is getting exhausted in running after the kids. When Fur came to play with them.

"Hi Can I play with you?" The foreign guy inquired.

Cyprus agreed and welcomed the his presence and invitation. He can't babysit three kids at a time.

"Yes please, I thought my back and waist would break. I wonder why they ended up being bubbly, naughty and heavy?"

Fur had this eureka moment. He can make a toy with the kids to keep them preoccupied.

"Okay kids, I have a proposal for you. I need to tie you with this flexible belt i have. We are going to look for things we can make as toys." Fur beamed.

Nimrod clapped his hands. Kielah just blinked and Sycamore jump with joy.

Fur can just sweat dropped and asked.

"Are you that excited to get tied up?"

Fur hooked the triplets as he tied the belt on his waist. The three were giddy about the set up that they started going in circle dragging the poor Fur with them.

Mem approached Cyprus and woke him up.

"Hey sleepy head look at your kids torturing Fur." Cyprus stretch himself and found Fur literally knocked on the ground with the kids pulling him helplessly as they kept circling, running and skipping the ground.

Cyprus stamp his feet to halt the kids running.

"Boys aren't you considerate enough to slow down. Rest,"

Cyrpus was shocked when the boys zoom in to his face making Fur's current state worst.

"Dwaddy, wew dwon't nweed Rwest." Nimrod exclaimed.

"Yes but your playmate badly needs it."

Cyprus explained.

"Butsh itsh funsh.." Sycamore resoned out.

"Yes son I know, I am only asking you to rest not to stop." Cyprus expanded.

"Hthen hwe hare hdone." Kielah replied nonchalantly.

The kids did not wait for his response and started another round.

Natalina used her gift to spin the clothes as Eyel and Lila just watch her in a speechless manner. Eyel dismissed her works and taught her how to manually wash the garments. Lila assisted Natalina and as expected to the most sought out bride she easily learned it.

Eyel smiled she felt proud seeing that this young lady started learning more to do the house works without complaining. When they were done they went back to the tent and saw Cyprus scolding the boys.

Cyprus can't help but be stern. Fur barely had his garment tucked in that are now a rugs.

"Look at what you did? Apologize!" Cyrpus demanded having his authorituve voice doubled.

Keilah, Sycamore and Nimrod bow their head.

Fur stood up and approach them.

"It's okay as long as you had fun."

Nimrod gave him a puppy eye that melt his heart.

Sycamore wink at him and Kielah smiled creepily. Unfortunately the first born got Cyrus' stiff smile and face.

"Don't be fooled by their faces. You have to be firm don't get swayed. Teach them to properly apologize." Cyprus stated.

Fur got intimidated by how Cyprus delivered it and stood up. He put both of his arms on the waist and pretended that he was angry. The boy gave him a puppy eyes except for Kielah who releases a shark eye that almost made Fur burst into laughter.

"Weshh share shorry." The triplets stated in unison.

Natalina clapped her hand and Cyprus hid behind Fur. His wife kissed their children and dismissed them with Fur who lead them to look for material to form a toy. Cyprus was about to step backward when Natalina pulled his collar.

"Where do you think your going dear?"

Natalina asked.

"To follow the kids." Cyprus stated.

"I heared how you sleep under the tree while the kids are playing in the open area." Natalina pointed.

Cyprus shrink like a cat and said.

"I am sowrry."

Natalina blushed at how cute his husband and pushed him on the tree.

"Don't imitate your kids!"

Nevi, Urchin and Ophir visited the creek and found another crack on the same spot that was closed by Sage.

"This is strange. The crack reappeared." Nevi stated.

"Yep, I bet something worst is brewing." Ophir followed up.

Urchin tap it with his finger and created a ringing sound.

They started to seal it by using Nevi's strength as Urchin paused the time. Ophir put in a salt water and blood. The crack frooze in a steady tune.

"This is another challenge for us. It's not closing at all instead it is freezing." Nevi raised as he panted.

"What should we do?" Urchin asked.

Ophir used his power of words and it closed but it caused the ground to quake.

The earth convulsed. But ut was not strong enough to break the ground. Cyprus and Natalina halted as Cyrpus secured his wife. The two realised the situation and went after their kids.

Fur and the kida were walking when the upheaval suddenly occured. Fur shielded the triplets from any branches raining down toward their direction. Fur and the kids ventured unto the woods to gather something to craft.

The quake lasted for an hour then it halted. Gladly the tent were secured by Mem and Sage. But the washes laundry got trashed. Hexel and Ain secured their medical kit preparing to respond for any casualties but they were glad to hear that no one was harmed. Kiel and Lila looked for Urchin but eventually heared that Nevi and Ophir was with him.

Cyprus and Natalina found Fur guard the kids from any branches when they are about to rescue them the quake halted.

Ophir and Nevi can't help but puffed a breath of relief. They thought that they will be busted but thankfully Ophir's word was effective.

Nevi sealed the crack and prayed.

"Our Almighty God who sees us from where we are. Keep this thing concealed unless you say it's enough. We believe that you will bring us out when it is enough. Amen."