Kennan hassled to plead the case under their court as a care taker. His case got dismissed and failed. Kennan got his ears tingling when the judge delivered his conclusion before his hammer seal his plead.

"It's the fruit of your actions. You should have told that young Glockenspiel to use his Tale Bearer gift and ended the era as a historic book but you went your way and fooled them to do the opposite not the alternative. This are your option:

One, you train those kids and utilize their gift as they catch the stamp for your library card in their current period and that will encourage the higher ups to help you search for the others.

and Last you can just grit your teeth and walk away."

The single sound of pounder had his soul brought back in reality. The ringing bell for the next customer to buy his own herbal medicine and tea.

Kennan walked in to see the triplets taking good care of Selah. The toddler can now walk as Kielah held her hand. They are scribbling on a paper as Urchin and Ain sell on the counter and Fur is preparing their lunch. Kennan heared that this young man was accidentally pulled from the whirlpool before and thrived with the Tale Bearers. He can commend how he is teaching this kids but is that truly all? It's too much of a coincidence for him to be this in sync with the guys. Kennan noted to investigate his background.

Fur entered from the kitchen with his apron and pot of soup. It is known as the boiled chicken stew. He went back inside and brought in a plate of fried chicken feet. He again step in with leafy and healthy bowl of fruit. But it cannot be described as bowl rather a basin. Just how much this kids can eat?

Kennan was all the more surprised when their meal ended swiftly he just need to gobble up with them. The wrestling meal ended.

"I heared from one of the customers that the triplets are qualified to enter the nursery." Fur opened up.

Kennan who had never really cared of anything in their current era felt like it's a new word. What surprises him more was Ain's reaction.

"Yes, I received this file and filled it up. I put you as the primary guardian. Urchin needed to be enrolled in first grade tomorrow." Ain stated normally.

Kennan just looked at them and listened to their conversation.

It's late evening when Kennan was able to tell them about the case.

"It fail. Our only option is for us to complete this library card." was his ending after reporting his dismissed plea.

"As expected. I wonder how are we going to seal and collect those stamp of books." Ain muttured.

"One more thing. It's not going to be us. The kids will be the one who can do it. We are not permitted to move in their behalf. Most likely the only person who is knowledgeable and is prepared in any battle is Urchin." Kennan explained.

"What? this kind of decision is a mess. Why do the kids need to do the works?" Ain exploded.

"Well the logic behind is... our time was done. It's up for the next generation to continue." Kennan added.

Kennan revealed the card and Ain almost broke it.

"Are you kidding? You care takers call this a card?" This is a table!" Fur complained.

When the table like card made of wood like an ark with engravings got smaller and slapped him on the face.

Fur tried to hit back but his attack were a miss.

"Stop this thing! Why does it attack me?!" Fur demanded.

"Actually it's not attack, the card choose you to be it's beholder." Kennan confirmed.

"Does that mean I need to be with the kids all the time?" Fur inquired.

"No, when the book got signed by the tale bearer insignia then it automatically appears right there." Kennan pointed.

"What would be the sign?" Ain asked.

"That card will earn a feather. The feather depends on the book that got captured." Kennan expanded and quarried.

"I need to see for myself how the kids are doing. I will train them tomorrow evening."

Fur accompanied the triplets and Urchin to school. Gladly nursery was not that far from the main campus. It was like a single gym structure but is designed in a childish manner.

"Kahieli, Sycamore and Nimrod El Oathniel are now enrolled. Next month will be the start of their classes." The female with familiar feature explained. Fur knew he met her before but where?

"Excuse me aren't you Dande Ixe?" Fur suddenly blurt out.

The female tilt her heart shape face. Her pinkish hair went sideways and her button like eyes with cream tint thought for a minute and recognized Fur.

"Few Uliel Row Cinnamon!" Dande exclaimed.

"You don't need to recite my full name." Fur stated.

"But your name sounds like a new brand of cinnamon. It sounds sweet and delicious." Dande defended.

"No! Stop that is embarrassing." Fur waved when the triplets and Urchin approach him.

"So, Please take good care of my relatives. For the sake of friendship even if you are nine years older than me." Fur wrapped in as he tried to escape.

Dande picked up her pencil case and threw it to Fur who avoided it.

"I am only seven years older than you brat!" she yelled. All the people within the room got surprised but she just flashed a polite smile.

Urchin and Fur just finished their enrollment when Urchin instantly got covered by the crowd. His chubby feature got swallowed by the school gate. He was about to run back when a strong presence halt his movement.

Urchin was sure he did not activated his trance. When the person finally reached his view. His pupils adjusted in disbelief. It was not a trance. It was the familiar presence it brought.