C264: Cleave

Ain was glad that the kid did not grill him.

"So, are you guys that excited?" Fur raised.

"Yes!" They all exclaim in unison.

"Then, I don't need to explain anything but I advise you to eat well. Now the first attack might happen tonight. I will team you up with how you introduce your self with Kennan.

Listen carefully, our goal is to protect the house so your main training for tonight is to prevent the enemy from entering the villa without you guys going out. Meaning we will observe all your long distance fighting skill." Ain introduced.

"Okay this will be long, we will just be in the kitchen if you need anything." Fur interrupted.

"No, we will stick with you guys. You won't know how the enemy works besides you guys are bunch of non-combat people." Ain notified which made Fur threw a vase in Ain's face.

"Yeah right then while you are planning help us in peeling and chopping the ingredients." Fur yelled.

As agreed, while they were having a meeting they are peeling some onions.

"Okay, sniff...listen..I can't concentrate! So let us help them fist before discussing." Ain commanded.

Fur was surprised when the kids finished all their task less than an hour.

"Your that excited to fight?" Fur raised.

"No, we are just happy to help you." Ain replied sarcastically.

The gang sit by the edge and resumed their trainings.

Agsus sat with them listening as he carried Selah.

"Okay, now that you know our goal and your method. I want you to be paired up with the one I have choosen. Work with it without any complain." Ain pointed as to which the kids nodded.

"Agsus and Fur designed an earing for you as your tale bearer badge. I had Kahieli craft it. Now put this one for Natalina, the triplets mother have created this. It's main function is to communicate but with technology now a days. Our pal Agsus and Fur added a camera on it. Meaning we can review it after your training and we can help one another. Plus this watches works the same which is manually crafted by Kish with again Kahieli's help." Ain sidelined before he forgot.

"Kahieli and Ole will be one protect Agsus and Selah.

Nimrod and Cherith protect Kish and Fur.

Sycamore and Urchin protect Me"

The team was confused as to why would Urchin protect Ain.

"But you are strong enough." Sycamore pointed.

"Yes that is why you two need to protect me. Are you going to protect someone only because they are weak?" Ain asked.

Sycamore realised what Ain was pointing and even for Urchin it will be troublesome.

The front door are guarded by Ole and Kahieli with Agsus and Selah in between them.

The veranda is owned by Urchin and Sycamore with Ain.

And the backdoor is faced by Cherith and Nimrod with Kish and Fur.

Ain sliced the space for protection for the demons to only take the path where he assigned the kids.

Kahieli and Ole are playing with Selah when the noise got clearer.

Agsus stationed himself behind the two with Selah in his arms.

The first one is a crawling old man begging for food but suddenly transformed unto a beastly spider.

Selah who is a year old watching it crawl giggled and clapped her hand. Agsus can't understand if this kid in his arm truly needs to be protected.

Ole can't control the spider since it only had a minimal bone. Kahieli used his bulletproof peebles and it had the spider purified. The two never thought that the spider was just an appetizer. A large swarm of crude and swinish form swarm within their entry. Luckily for Ole she learned from Kahieli.

Ole clasp her hand in prayer.

"Our Lord who never decays and have defied death. Your resurrection cancelled out the carcasses in us. May your hand move upon this place. Thank you for the wisdom. Amen."

Oke smirked and snapped her finger that causes the swarm of enemies turn to ashes.If she can't manipulate the bone then she will manipulate the fluud within the demon's body. In symbolism spirits are shone upon waters. Agsus can't help but agree with Selah and clapped his hands.

Kahieli snorted at how Ole worked but he won't hold back as well. He raised his fist and prayed.

" Our God who always go before us and will always come after us. Thank you for reminding us that in every battle we need to take you with us. May your power eradicate what torments this place. Amen."

Kahieli opened his palm and a transparent net sliced the black spirit in their face. But his movement halted when Selah. Clapped her hands and shouted. Ammem!

The whole place got purified. Agsus bowed his head for forgetting about Selah but Ole and Kahilei just raised a thumbs up indicating that he did well. Usually Selah would be invading the enemy at the beggining but it happened when the two were done.

Ole and Kahieli release the signal that they are cleared.

"That's fast!" Fur exclaimed.

"That is reassuring." Kish breathed his been anxious for Ole the whole time.

Nimrod and Cherith got pump up after the news when the back door started to get crowded.

Cherith was thought how to pray and was able to do it by his own. And he put on their tribes signature. He touched his chest with his left hand.

"Our God who is far Higher than anything on eartn. May your wings cover us with warmth. Cleanse our heart for battle and May Your glory shine in this place. Amen."

When he spread his left hand feathers rained down on the enemy. Kish and Fur were in awe. It was unusual not to see the mini Nevi not leaving his ground when usually before Nevi is the first on the arena. Kish can't help but visualise Nevi on Cherith even if their was no proper ground that he is Nevi's son. Kish kind od suspect that the others were not sealed but were scattered to different area and time line. How he wish that Lehi would be the with Ophir if his suspicions were true.