C266: Flesh Seek Moments

The morning was never Kahieli favorite. Who would have thought that they will start their training in the morning. Ain woke them up by blowing the horn and had them line up. His face was so happy to see all the kids muttering and complaining.

"Now, at the count of three jog!" Ain said excitedly even Agsus got dragged with them.

"Is that the best thing you can do?" Ain teased.

Kahieli wanted to grab the man on the neck but his glare sternly bore his head.

"Stop sending daggers Kahieli. You looked like the previous King." Ain shouted.

Ole started to adjust her pace while Cherith and Urchin are enjoying their run.

As they got deeper on within the woods. Ain started his plan. He slice the space and it rattled the sleeping forest. The birds started to flight upward. The animals howled and growled. The wind started to get chilly and spooky.

"What is happening?" Ole inquired.

"The animals got disturbed." Cherith replied.

"Your task is to survive and get back at our villa before the sun spread it's ray. Best of luck. See you later." Ain informed before slicing the space and leaving the kids behind.

"He did this on purpose!" Kahieli hissed.

"What do we do?" Agsus voiced out that made the team got reminded that Agsus can't fight.

Urchin took the lead and answered.

"Stay close with us Agsus. Remain within our circle." Urchin advised.

The number of hairy lizard with huge and long stature surrounded them.

"Why do they looked like a crocodile?" Nimrod remarked.

"Don't be too happy about it little brother." Sycamore butt in.

"Okay, let us devide the task. Do the team like before. The best comabat for distance were Kahieli and Ole, you two clear out the path.

Nimrod and Cherith focus above. Sycamore and me will take care of the close combat."

Urchin explained as they positioned themselves.

Ain slapped his forehead when he forgot his technical assistant. How can he leave Agsus with the kids. Fur laughed at him till his stomach ached.

"Alright that was a good laugh. We already handled the breakfast. So i can help you operate." Fur uttered as he stretch his fingers.

Kish was combing Selah's hair when every dust froze. Selah was clapping her hand when it happened. Kish observe how long it will last and he counted a good three seconds. Kish never realize how pretty the dust were.

Ole clasp her hand and used the enemy's bones to pierce each other. Kahieli used his bulletproof glass to create an edgy whip. The two successfully lead the team out from the middle. They were about to reach the villa when number of lizard got doubled.

Nimrod used his coin like a boomerang and Cherith unleashed his feathers like a bullet.

Agsus carried the sticke given by Sycamore, But the hairy lizard sudden extended it's tongue and pulled Agsus out from the circle. The hairy lizard dragged Agsus out their sight.

"Let us chase after Agsus. Be alert of your surrounding and get wild! Don't hold back. Our priority is to save Agsus." Urchin motivated as they chase after the lizard. Cherith put his left hand upon his chest and prayed.

"God who behold the entire view from heaven. I hereby come at your feet to be clothed in your majesty. Thank you for the wing that will help me secure our friend. Amen."

Cherith grew some wings. It was a white one with a bat like structure. His speed was aggressive that it cause the lizard to panic. Agsus got harshly dragged and was earning scrapes at the moment.

Kahieli supported Cherith by using his glass whip to clear out any sharp object that will harm Agsus. Ole used her bone control to disable the lizard who vigorously toss Agsus to a cliff. Cherith flight downward as he increase his altitude till the wind starts to break his skin. He reached out for Agsus successfully but they end up with the cliff where the hungry lizards are waiting for their meal.

Sycamore used his vine to have the other saved but the lizard started to gang up Cherith and Agsus. Nimrod threw his coin for a temporary distraction and they successfully joined the two. Kahieli and Ole get back to their original assignment of clearing the path. Cherith and Nimrod watch their roof and Sycamore with Urchin took care of the sides.

The kids successfully cleared the lizards den and and Fur can just sweat drop.

"Come on, I only told them to get back here. I did not ask them to clear out lair." Ain scoffed.

Fur nod his head and can't get enough of the kids to surprise him.

"Yes, but you have to do some thing with Agsus' wounds." Fur reminded.

The kids got back with a smug in their faces despite looking messy and dirty.

"Alright you did well. But you went overboard. Now go and take some bath in the Jacuzzi that we prepared but Agsus needs to be back shortly." Ain stated.

The kids were excited with the Jacuzzi effect that they heared and they all went for a swim. Agsus was startled to see Ole bathing with the boys and asked.

"Ole aren't you startled that your with us?"

"No, I mean was it wrong?" Ole responded innocently.

Agsus just chuckled and said.

"I guess it's fine, I hope you won't regret it in the future."

Agsus resigned first and visted Ain who was waiting by the living room. As soon as he stepped in, Ain bowed his head and spoke.

"I apologize for forgetting about you and causing you harm."

"No, it's fine I am alive anyway." Agsus cleared.

"No but as a trainer, it is a mistake to forget the number of your students." Ain insisted.

Agsus just surrendered and shyly muttured.

"Your forgiven."

"That's good then let me clean up your wounds." Ain offered.

Agsus honestly thought that he will end up being eaten by the lizard but he is glad that his friends came after him.