C276: Lonely Places

Mem raised his head after the trance. Kennan waited if Mem would speak but he just stared at the blank side of his cell. Kennan got annoyed and cleared his throat.

"Now that you heared it. What's your plan?" Kennan inquired.

Mem shifted his gaze and shut his eyes.

"Can you hold the hearing till the next full moon arises?"

"I am not sure but let's see what I can do."

Kennan replied.

Urchin silently passes his exam papers on the front. Ole and Cherith exchange glances. It's their exam and the two can't figure out how did Urchin finished it in less than hour.

Ole started to get fired up and scribbled more of the answer.

Not long after Cherith stood up to pass his papers. Ole had her lashes twitching, her wrist started to move in a manner that made her desk create a noise. When she flipped the last page. Ole stood up with her papers like a flag she won in a game. She submitted her papers and dash to where Cherith have told her.

Urchin was surprised when Cherith came after him.

"Your done as well?" He asked in astonishment recalling how they forgot to review about exam.

"Yep, I only answered the questions I know." Cherith beamed like it's nothing.

"I don't know about that." Urchin wrapped in.

Ole came behind them looking proud as she proclaimed.

"I was able to leave nothing blank."

Urchin just faked a laugh.

Ole took the center and yanked the two let us head to the park.

Urchin was in awe when the whale swam in front of his view. When Ole mentioned the word park. Urchin had this thought that he will be able to ride the swing once more. But right now his heart swing more than he can imagine. It's the sea in a huge building with white screen.

"Wow, I never knew that you can build a house made of the sea." Urchin uttured in awe.

"This is what you call as ocean park." Ole introduced.

"This makes you feel like your underwater." Cherith commented.

"Yes, it's the most beautiful place I have ever seen. My mother would always take me here whenever I asked where would my father be." Ole confessed as she appreciate the fishes gliding behind the screen.

"And what did your mother tell you?" Urchin asked.

"She said that this exact place describes my father. It depends how I see it. Basically she just want me to forget my loneliness." Ole responded.

"How does it felt for you?" Cherith asked.

" It felt magical and is unforgettable but the lonely one is not actually the places. It was the person." Ole said as they feed the fishes.

"Yes because the places only had it's heart when a person is within it." Cherith suddenly added.

Urchin glance at them and asked.

"Are you two that lonely?"

"No, We are just trying to open up." Cherith replied as he pointed on the octopus.

Kahieli heared from Cherith that they will be heading home first. Kahieli waited for his little brothers to come out if their classroom when a his gaze caught some thing from a far. Kahieli trailed the suspicious being and it led him behind school when he was certain that it's hidding on the bush. Kahieli cornered it and lift up the cat.

The cat looked thin and light. It's grayish blue color match it's orange and black eyes. The cat had it's tail cut and it's feet look burnt.

Kahieli put the cat in his bag and rerurned to check on his little brothers. When they reached home Kish helped him to tend on the cat as Ain and Fur serves the customers.

Agsus came later on holding some bags of cat supplies. Selah suddenly grappled the cat with her tiny hand and splat it on the ground.

Kahieli got mad at Selah for hurting the cat.

"You can't just do that!"

Selah was startled and burst out crying.

Ain picked up Selah and comforted her. Kahieli helped the cat and headed to the backyard. Fur followed him behind and had some pep talk.

"What's wrong Kahieli? You seem different this past few days."

Kahieli just shook his head and caress the cat and softly stated.

"I just don't like it when people hurt what I care for."

Fur winked at Kahieli and teased him.

"How mature and sweet."

Urchin was even more surprised that Ole and Cherith had them eat on the restaurant.

"Where did you get the money?" Urchin asked.

" Grandpa gave it to me. I asked him how to cheer you up and Cherith suggested that we should look around." Ole replied.

"Yes because you've been pouting since the other day." Cherith added.

Kahieli apologized to Selah by evening. Urchin thanked the two and was able to gain his peace. Kennan appealed for Mem's case but the higher ups are grilling his reason and authority to file the case. Kennan almost kneeled in front of the officials but his request did not earn it's request. Kennan can't think of any more solution to delay the trial. He started to disturbed the barriers to cause a delay but it still push through.

Kish was drinking his evening tea when Urchin sat beside him.

"Today, I saw something amazing. I felt better. I heared from Ole that she used to inquire about Ophir." Urchin spoke.

"Yes, she would sometimes go around the neighborhood asking who his father might be. Lehi can't help but silently cry every night. She also had it rough and missed her husband. When I told Lehi what happened after she disappeared, she wept and mourn for Sienna and the rest." Kish narrated.

Urchin stared at the sky and was tracing some shapes and form with the stars.

"Mem said that father wanted me to know how we are under the same sky even if we were torn apart." Urchin opened up.

"That sounds reassuring. It only means that he is thinking about you." Kish interpreted.