C281: Started with None

Mem Clavi the royal knight. The protector of the King. The loyal messenger. The persistent right hand and the nagger who would enlarge his eyes when people put off what is supposed to be done. Right at the moment his suit are of apron. His wrist behold a pan and his right hand pouring some oil.

"Next plate please." He is aiding the head chef in preparing breakfast for the judges.

Kennan just watched in awe as the maid and kitchen people observe in amazement.

The toll of seconds doubled by the time Mem was done with the hundredth plate.

Kennan would survey him from the sideline. He can confirm that despite the separation they all went through. Kennan can see how Mem matured. Before he would nag the people who sits around while others are having their waist crack on the sideways.

He can related with how Mem was coping. Kennan was trapped on the era and was promoted as a caretaker. If Novena did not take the measure then Kennan would still be a wonderer but probably was unable to survive due to Evi's slaughter and scheme. Hence Kennan can just be grateful to his unrequited first love that unknowingly got shone in grace.

Kennan got back to work after his daily check up with Mem.

Ole qas glaring at the boy who seated in front of her desk. His way of annoying her are in many levels that she wanted to yank his silver hair and bend his fair neck backward. She can also gauge his ash muave gaze and would use it for her artifact with the club. But she knew better that this normal boy will end up to death. Ole released a long and heavy sigh. She had lips curving and her eyes meet with sarcasm.

"Excuse me Saga,Can you please move aside." Ole tried to sound polite but it end up like a threat.

"No way. Who told you to sit at the back and complain?" Saga mocked.

Ole can't hold back anymore and yanked his hair backward. The boy started throwing his arms on the air for defense.

Cherith and Urchin came to halt Ole from pulling Saga's hair.

When it was finally released Saga glared at Ole. The teacher ran inside and punished them to kneel by the hall. Urchin and Cherith can't help Ole at the moment since it was her fault for losing her temple.

"This is your fault." Saga pointed.

"Really, If only you were kind enough to move aside then your hair won't be grappled." Ole notified.

"Instead of apologising you even mock me." Saga raised as he glare at Ole.

"Huh, Aren't you the one who mocked me?!" Ole retorted.

The break time saved their knees. Urchin and Cherith helped Ole to walk properly as they hit their club. Agsus who heared what happened kept laughing. Ole gnashed her teeth in annoyance. Taffy joined them for lunch and had his interest perked.

"Saga Winow. A genius who resides in hope orphanage. His story went viral before. He was found floating on the orphanage's fountain under noon. Well, he support himself by working and taking soft labour." Taffy informed.

Ole silently gulped in her food as she blink her eyes in sympathy. Urchin observe how would Ole react and he can tell that her compassion was the same as her mother. Her eyes were focus below the window watching Saga got bossed by the higher kids.

"Aren't they your classmates?" Urchin asked.

He was pointing at the ten year old boys who were bullying Saga. Taffy and Agsus nod their head to confirm.

"Hey loner, You fetch the wrong flavor!" one boy pushed Saga as he questioned him.

"Yeah, he asked for milk not orange juice." The other one supported as the whole team smirk.

The complainer was about to punch Saga when his fist got halted by Ole.

She blocked his fist with her heel as she jump out from the window. One of the boys pulled Ole's hair but was silenced by Urchin and Cherith.

"You seniors should not bully the younger years." Cherith warned.

"Your the bunch of arrogant kids who was always with Agsus." The third boy with blonde hair spoke.

"Yeah, they are with us." Taffy claimed.

The boys retreated when they counted that they are more than their number.

"You will pay for this." The boy yelled.

Taffy extended his hand to Saga who accepted it.

"Since it comes to this you have to be in our parameter." Agsus offered.

The bell rang but Ole and Saga's punishment is still valid. Their silence were awkward, Saga was surprised when Ole muttered a swift and shy "sorry." Saga just nooded his head as their day ended. Taffy and Agsus waited at the gate for Saga.

"Those ugly brood of proud boys might ambush you." Taffy notified.

Saga blinked his eyes when Ole, Cherith and Urchin joined them with three more boys who looked like the same. Saga later on found out that they are triplets.

As they were walking in the narrow alley toward the orphanage. A group of highschool appeared before them.

"I heared that the orphan bullied my young bro. So we came to collect the receipt." The one with thick eyeliner and vampire like get up proclaimed.

"Yeah, we can tell your ugly faces are the same." Taffy smirked.

Agsus just sweatdropped at how Taffy would act like a gangster sometimes.

"You brat! Go and rip them off!" The older guy shouted.

The riot begun with the highschooler ganging up with the primary kids. Taffy picked up a stone and used it to hit the leader's forehead. On the background people can literally tell that the Highschoolers have the upper hand but in a close up shot. The Higschooler are about to get beaten up. Ole tried to control herself and focused in pulling hair as they yank each head backwards. Urchin used his bag to beat up the older men. The riot got mixed with white and purple uniform of various age bracket. Yet their under the bridge rumble got halted by an authorized whistle.