C291: Beards with Edge

Saga felt like the thorn in his side got unplugged after the girls settled down and finally apologized. Urchin and Cherith who had it rough were rejoicing since they promised that the girls are held responsible. The field trip had them sun bathing ashore. Saga wondered how the triplets and Selah were doing.

Kahieli chopped the carrots finely. Sycamore grilled the meat tenderly. Nimrod fried the rice with eggs that made it juicy and had wrapped it with fried lettuce. Selah served the plate on boat. Since they are currently on a school training under a restaurant by the next village with a boat like concept but it is under the shade of bamboo forest. The restaurant gain it's popularity due to the triplets charm and Selah's beauty. Upon their last day, the owner begged them to stay. Kahieli end up resorting to call Fur and explained the matter. This are the kinds of situation where Fur's influence are useful enough to bail them out of the restaurant.

Ain had the tea served in front of a middle age woman. Her veil covered the side of her face. But her voice sounded urgent and deep. Her eyes were as pinkish that it contradicts the leather shoes she was wearing.

"Your not from this time. Your roots are of betrayal. Whose soul have you devoured?" Ain flinched at how the woman's pinkish eyes bore into his.

"I... i don't know what your talking about!" Ain replied.

The woman tugged the edge of his apron and said.

"You mother has ended a kingdom. But your separated for this foreign nation. Protect your tea pot because someone will come and have it's fill till your tea run dry." The woman warned.

"I can say that you can pass as a poet, dear customer." Ain nervously answered back.

"That is not a bad suggestion, maybe I should start posting one of this words online." The woman remarked. She unpin her brown viel and it revealed a citrus hair with puffy braid.

"But that's not it. One more thing you should consider marraige." she added.

Ain had his brow twitching.

"I have." he hissed.

"The whistle left a desecrated sanctuary from the holy offspring. You can't let it's aftermath rob what you have right now." The woman kept talking.

"Alright, I got it." Ain shrugged as he was about to walk out.

The woman grabbed his chin with her palm in a funny manner.

"Take this seriously young single man or those who follows after you will suffer twice you have went through. By the way I am Wifey." The woman whispered as she trailed Ain's jawline.

"Ah, your disbelief has disabled even the cupid." She wrapped and slammed her payment on the table as she gulped the tea like a wine before walking out.

The kids and Fur who got back from their school training and field trip were in awe.

"We did not know that your type are the agressive one." Nimrod commented.

Ain blinked his eyes and glared at Nimrod.

"I can't believe that those words are coming from you, our youngest boy."

Ole stride to the table and the woman left a strange coin. The coin was not circular rather it was an octagon. It showed a crest of a vine gripping an anchor.

"This coins are strange." Ole said as she examined it.

Ain and Urchin exchange glances.

"It's Filadelfa's crest." Nimrod stated.

Urchin and Ain run toward the woman but she vanished.

"She might know who the traitor is." Kennan replied after hearing it from a call.

"It's strange, I did not really thought that there are still few survivors from our time." Ain answered back.

"They might be one of the people who was accidentally got sucked in after Ophir blew the whistle or they arrived in this era before we did. They might have passed one of cracks Ophir, Lehi and Nevi was sealing." Kennan explained.

"Yeah, I tried to brush it off at first but she seemed to be telling the truth. I will send you the photo of the coin she slammed in my face." Ain irritatedly said.

"Yes, Thanks for calling." Kennan responded.

"By the way how was your tongue?" Ain teased.

Kennan pressed the end button way to harshly that Mem had to conceal his chuckle.

Urchin sighed after returning from the school president meeting with Saga. They were just done with the field trip and now they needed to prepare for the upcoming school fair.

"Okay, our concept this year is movie remake." Urchin introduced

"Each class are to choose a genre and our dear president pick up the thrilling concept." Saga informed.

"Our class should produce atleast five. Our teacher have devided the team." Urchin stated.

The class got excited and were all giddy to throwing their ideas.

Sycamore and Selah being their class representatives sighed with Urchin. Their level will be making a fantasy based costume and service.

"I will just be a fortune teller." Selah muttured.

"I can be your assistant." Sycamore agreed

Ole got excited and suggested how about the three of you dressed like how your family wear a royal garment."

"That's a good idea!" Sycamore pumped.

"No, it will magnify some unwanted attention. Just be the three little pigs." Ain butt in.

Ain was joking but the triplets really dressed up as the three little pigs while Selah put on the red ridding hood but she insisted that it can pass as a fortune teller fashion.

Cherith and Ole walked around the younger sections to take a peek of the triplets and it did not surprised them to see how they are loved by the crowed. Selah's fortune telling booth high rocketed as well. Ole and Cherith teased Selah and lined up for her when a familiar veil caught their attention. She is the next customer for Selah. Ole and Cherith left the line and stationed themselves at the back of her tent booth.

The woman's pinkish cotton candy eyes glimmers. Her citrus puffy braid reveal a lovely face. Selah never realised that this woman who slammed the coin would enter her booth.