C310: Scandalon

Ani merrily laughed when her plan were put in effect. All she need is to have Ziki walk within her trap. But it's been a week since the incident happened and Ziki did not contact her yet and worst Ziki blocked and unfollowed her. Ani trashed her place, she started to threw her plates. Overthrow the tables, and tear her pillow.

"You blocked me!"

"You damp me!"

"You ignore me!"

"Ziki, Your insane!"

She chanted, her chat box revealed a message.

"I can help you. Click yes and be the best one to complete your revenge." An electronic voice recited.

Ani did not hesitate to click the yes due to her desperate emotion. Ani started to scowl as her mind got bugged. She started to laugh on her own. Her drive to harm Litrez grew stronger.

"I will start toying with her. Then torture her and Kill her." She exclaimed joyfuly.

Litrez got better and returned to school. There was no paint, chili and sauce got showered on her. But when they were having a class. A stone broke through the window and it almost damaged Litrez. The teacher cancelled their class and was merge to another class. Litrez sat with Ole. During their break time, Litrez got hit by an egg. The egg got splat on the ground and Litrez thought she stepped on them. The crowd did not notice but Cherith, Urchin and Ole saw it.

Cherith blended with crowd to trail the culprit. Urchin and Ole jump out of the window as Saga stayed beside Litrez to reason out.

"Where are they going?" Litrez asked.

"To the bathroom." Saga smiled.

"Let us order for them," He diverted.

Litrez agreed and was linning up and inquiring about the food they prefer.

Cherith used his eyes to identify the culprit but the crowd had him defeated. Urchin and Ole went for the back of the school and rushed to corner the culprit but they were unable to spot her. Currently their are people eating with their lunch box and were happy to see Urchin. They rushed back and found Saga and Litrez still getting their food.

Cherith came back sweating. He regretted following the crowd the girls ganged up to offer him a lunch. Technically he had his tummy full. The Tale Bearers tried to made the lunch comfortable and delicious for Litrez. When they were walking by the hall Ole and Cherith tapped in Saga about what happened.

After class they were walking by the pedestrian lane. A car suddenly cut and was aiming for Litrez. Saga pulled Litrez with him as Cherith, Ole and Urchin rushed to follow the car. The romantic setting between Saga and Litrez got deserted. Nonetheless there was no feelings at all.

Urchin released his trance to capture the car in motion. Ole and Cherit cornered the said car and found Ani. Urchin dialed Saga's number and informed Ziki. Ole knocked out Ani when the trance was released. They all meet up by the boutique.

"As suspected. This person is the one behind it." Saga hissed

"But why did she aim for Litrez when she was suspecting Ole?" Cherith asked.

"Our cctv footage caught Ani on that day by the window. Sorry for not letting you know. She might have taken seriously when I tied the ribbon." Ziki stated.

"Just what exactly happened between you?" Ole demanded.

Ziki sighed and started to spill the bean.

"A year ago, she insisted to go out with me. I did not said yes but she clinged to me like my girlfriend. Every girl who approaches me got threatened. At that time when we were at the restaurant I was pointing out that she was with a guy every weekend but I am not brothered. I tried to reject her properly but she won't budge. So i tried the harsh one and then I did not expect her to be the obsessive and clingy type."

"That sound like a pain." Saga muttured.

"Yup, it's beyond annoying." Cherith agreed.

"Plus she is a self proclaimed girlfriend." Urchin added.

Ziki eyed Ani and felt all his energy got drained and uttured

"I put up with her for a year but this went too far."

As if Ani recognise Ziki's voice ,she woke up and almost threw herself on Ziki. Ziki pushed her chair down and stared with obtruded.

" Sit down and start singing or I, myself will judge you guilty." Ziki warned.

"Wow, You look more handsome when your angry." Ani beamed.

The gang just nervously giggled.

Ani smirked.

"Then you will get back to me."

Ziki scowled at Ani and sighed.

"Never. Let the police take you."

"But you sent me those message!" Ani accused.

"What, I did not!" Ziki stated.

"Then who?" Ani yelled.

"The police are here. Speak to them." Ziki advised.

The police took in custody Ani and was then interrogated.

The police can't jail and charge Ani since there was no strong evidence to have her lock in.

Zike almost cursed when he heared the news. Litrez started to feel more frightened that the Tale Bearers would be with her till after school. But it got oddly quite, later on the newspaper printed a woman who died from falling on her building.

Ziki was beyond surprised that he blamed himself the autopsy report only concluded that she died with her head crushed on the ground. The distance from where she jump has created such heinous impact. Ziki entered the crimes scene since his name and photos were all over the area.

Litrez got more restless and afraid. Ani had caused her so much harm and attack. It had her scared of walking on gates and pedestrian and it made her doubtful for any car that would pass by. And now she needs to deal with a dead person. Her nightmares got worsen that it was Ani throwing the chili ,egg and the glass breaking during her class. Litrez sweat not from the heat but with fear.