C312: Fleet-footed

Litrez felt like her knees are without bones. Her hopes on chopped waters were sinking. She may have been a good person but she hated the fact that Zikre would do they same as he did when they were in grade school.

Litrez thought that Zikre was her hero and saviour as a kid but finding out the motive behind his actions made her fantasy crumbled.

Litrez attended the funeral with her black dress and viel. Ole, Saga, Cherith and Urchin joined her but it does not give her the assurance she seek. Litrez heared from the news how her organs were in pieces due to the fall. Her head were almost in split and her blood splatted on the side of the street.

"Her neck had some nail marks." Urchin commented.

"Yeah, her skin were in bruises." Saga added.

"She might have fought back. She was not just emotionally wounded but physically as well." Ole supported.

"Not to mention the kiss mark on her cleavage. This entirely shattered her soul. How unforgivable." Cherith glared.

Zikre arrived with his head bowed down. His weeping and tears fooled the crowd but Litrez and the gang can filter his acting.

"Ani, You were an amazing person. You were so kind to me!" Zikre released his scripted lines.

Litrez took the courage to support his display and pat his back gently but Zikre burried his face on her shoulder and whispered.

"Thank you as always. Thank you for being here." His voice were hoarsed as he inhaled her scent. Litrez pushed him away that almost caused a scene.

Litrez bowed her head and walked out of the room. Saga and Ole trailed after her. Cherith and Urchin blended with the crowd to see how he would react. But for the first time Urchin felt a creepy vibe when Zikre shadowed a smile.

Cherith send the signal that they needed to go. Urchin took another glance and found his face raining with tears. His fake phrase made the crowd magnified over him.

"She was just distress as I was. She is one of our good friend...." His voice faded when Urchin reached the exit.

Litrez sat by the edge of their family car. It was a lengthy day for her. Zikre made it rusty and unsociable. Her eyes focused on the signage and decided to cheer up.

"Tea that Bears Tale. Share a cup of yours."

Ole smiled and invite her in.

When she entered the tea house. It looked like a palace within an empire. The furniture were antique.

"This felt like I stepped in a Kingdom." Litrez complimented.

"That is the first time we heared that." Ain politely replied

"How come your a manager here when you can pass as a model?" Litrez blurted out.

"You think so?" Ain said as his eyes blink with a spark.

"Wow, what a simpleton. I can see the background get flowery." Fur muttered as he tried to slap the floating flowers all over Ain's space.

Kish arrived with the tea and said.

"Here is your balsam tea. It will help your mind in peace."

Litrez gracefully nooded which amazes the ancient men.

"Your etiquette is a little lovely..." Kish remarked.

"I am raised as our family's next heir. My parents had me enrolled in such lessons." Litrez stated.

Ole walked out from the mart when her eyes caught the shadow of someone following her. Ole tried to divert her stalker but it won't let her move away. Ole can't help but smirk. She find this kind of incident amusing. She entered the next abandoned route where the closed down hotel were cautioned.

"Stop hiding behind those shadows. I can literally see you." Ole warned.

"Yep, I knew it." Zikre beamed.

"What do you want?" Ole demanded.

"Nothing just trailing you behind." Zikre nonchalantly stated.

"Is that so?" Ole scoffed.

"You know what Litrez suddenly change right after meeting you guys. My whisper are not working on her anymore." Zikre informed.

"Well she is human." Ole cooly praised.

Zikre glared at Ole and examined her.

"You are a little different from every women I encountered. You don't seem to fall on my charm."

Ole snorted and laughed as she replied.

"That is because your ugly."

Zikre raised a brow. Ole can hear how his blood rushes over his head.

"Ah, how annoying. You think that would provoke me?"

Ole just shrugged and turned her back.

"Your starting to get in my nerve." Zikre warned. His pace advances toward Ole's back but she twisted his arm that was about to pull her hair and said.

"I despise guys who pull women's hair!"

Zikre just grinned and used his body to plunder Ole's space and cornered her on the dirty wall.

"You are cocky but let's see how you would handle this." Zikre phrased. He punched Ole's stomach and was about grab her hair when Cherith yanked his offensive hand backwards.

"Your under arrest for assaulting this unpredictable person." his wingless voice warned.

"How dare you punch her in the gut!" Nimrod yelled.

"Oh... so you lured me here." Zikre realised.

"Not really but kinda." Urchin added on the background.

"Aren't you guys funny. You think this will entrap me!" Zikre argued.

"No we just want some proof and evidences." Cherith stated as he helped Ole pick up tje food she brought. It got spilled on the ground when her stomach got hit.

"This is not a playground." Zikre smirked. He dashed in between Nimrod and Urchin. Nimrod swinged his coin to chase him but Zikre was good enough to detour the coin.

Urchin opened a trance but he was able to escape it. Cherith was about to flighy after him when Ole said.

"He is no longer within the vicinity."

"He is not human. I don't know what kind of background he had but this is far dangerous than we thought it might be." Ain said after watching the footage.

"I retrieved every footage concerning him but He suddenly vanishes." Agsus informed.

"He is like a wild gazelle that unless you blew a horn it won't stop to chase you." Kish uttured.