C318: Butt of Spear

"The knee marked by one became the last born. Yet the elbow numbered with two remain unchanged. The unexpected baby got birthed first." Kish stated as he told them the whole story.

(in reference to chapter 126).

Kahieli exhaled exasperated.

"Cyprus kidnapped your mother because of his obsession toward the late queen. They camp under water which was possible with Cyprus, sorcery." Ain expanded.

"As far as I want to fill in my own testimony, where is Nimrod?" Urchin interrupted.

Kahieli got earthly brought back.

"He dive in to trail Kahieli. I losed him underwater." Sycamore professed.

Kahieli groan at the news. He was too curious about what the enemy instilled to his mind that he forgot to count some heads.

"Sorry but his spy camera fell within a range that it got disconnected." Agsus added.

"I saw him following his coin." Sycamore uttured in realization.

"I can try to make the lake smaller." Ain proposed.

The gang looked at him in disbelief.

"Alright I got it. I will resize it like a basin and will scoop the inside of it with out giant hands." Ain announced.

"Stop watching fantasy old man." Saga commented.

"That is far beyond imagination sir." Taffy supported losing his own interest.

"Don't make fun of me!" Ain roared as the gang shrugged at him.

"I can pause the lake's time but in a limited span." Urchin suggested.

Ole smiked and lead them to the lake.

She clasp her hand to pray.

"This valley that caused with much distress. I hereby command you to be in coal. From liquid to charcoal! Our father who created such wonder, We rest this issue upon your hand. May it be that whatever finger is pointed to us, only your open arms can unleash power. Amen."

The lake the brownish black formed a partial decomposition with the water. It became a solid combustible that was influenced by the pressure coming from moisture. Cherith flew in to punch the solidified liquid and it cracked from beneath. They found Nimrod sleeping at edge of the lake. The enemy got sealed by Kahieli as it started to declare.

"Numberless head are odds to zero." Kahieli created a friction with his bulletproof glass and zipped the enemy's lips.

"The famous lake miraculously got frozen with coal. It was like a meteor landed to end the tale of the ghostly nymph." Nimrod read from the web as he leaned on the chair. The Tale Bearers escape the place before it got found out. Sycamore and Kahieli did not spoke of what they heared from Kish about their birthing arrangements. Nimrod giddyly hum as he slump on the bed.

"While asleep in deep waters, I heared mother's lullaby. It felt like the lake used be her comfort zone." Nimrod recited with face on the soft pillow. Kahieli and Sycamore exchange glances.

"Anything else that you want us to hear?" Sycamore inquired.

Nimrod flapped his feet on the bed like a fish.

"I heared the woman say, welcome home son of sacrifice."

Kahiel stood up and flipped Nimrod to check his body if there was engraving aside from the messy number on his knee.

Nimrod started laughing as his brother hands tickles him.

"Stop being a baby." Kahieli scolded

"I am not! It tickles." Nimrod spoke.

Sycamore held Nimrod's head when his gift unintentionally got activated.

His eyes mirrored the scribbling the woman left upon his nape. Nimrod's expression was in grief as the woman used the scales to draw on his skin.

Sycamore jump in to push Nimrod's face on the pillow and was horrified.

"-1" was imprinted on his skin. Kahieli shook in disbelief.

"How can this be? What does that intruder mean?" Kahieli whispered.

"She chanted flat bread." Nimrod innocently spoke.

Kish entered the triplet's room with Urchin and Ain upon hearing the news.

"This is not shown to me. Could it be that the fortune teller was not fabricating?" Kish muttered.

"I am bothered." Ain suspiciously voiced out.

"I will try to check with my trance." Urchin volunteered.

"Nimrod bear with this for a little while." Kahieli advised. The youngest nodded.

Urchin stepped in to open a trance from the curvings and found a memory untold by Natalina and Cyprus.

"Natalina entrapped the water ghost and trusted her but the truth was the evil woman seeded herself in between the two. She planted her own egg within Natalina's womb. That is why the water broke earlier than we exoected back then. But her son is not Nimrod." Urchin confessed as the grim expression landed of Kahieli.

"The water altered the arrangements of birth." Ain had his eyes in disbelief from his own word.

"She called Nimrod the child of sacrifice." Sycamore uttered.

"She named me as the odds from the even birth." Kahieli admitted.

Kish kneeled in front of Kahieli and grabbed his shoulder like a father.

"No, I perfectly witness that you are your mother's seed. Your Natalina's blood and flesh. Our God does not lie! " He spoke dignified.

Kahieli bowed his head as his silence made the people within the room got worried.

Agsus knocked to deliver the snack. The aura does not seem to bother his bright mood.

Ain tried to break the ice by joking.

"What comes in before 1 and 2?"

Agsus stared at his older friend and answered.

"It's the perfect Zero lone bachelor."

Agsus' word lighted the mood within the triplets room.

"What's this i feel some cliches with our are?" Agsus said and banged the door close.

"Looks like we solve your problem Kahieli." Ain boasted.

Nimrod smiled but his eyes shaded in sorrow got sheltered by his bangs. The scribblen behind his nape got colder like an iceberg. Nimrod hid the friction and pain it radiates.

Kish sat in front of their youngest boy and said.

"Your not telling us everything aren't you?"

Nimrod pressed his lips together as it attempt to quiver.

"We are not forcing you to talk but if you won't tell us then we went be able to share that burden." Kish gently advise.

Nimrod spoke lowly as he bowed his head.

"I... I.. fought her and tear down her territory but she resume to celebrate. I got losed out of control and somehow, I got a glimpse of my reflection.I ...look liked a monster."