C322: Farewell Anthem

The wound recieved by Kish were down to seven. Ole stared at grave placed beside Hexel. Ole felt terrible for lacking the ability to save Kish. She watched as the stone displayed the name, Kish Lorelei.

Urchin knew that all he can do is to held himself from stepping in within Ole's lamentation. He needs to respect her right to mourn and process because certainly no one can replace Kish over her life.

Cherith received some wounds but never had such serious injury. The skin-deep wounds he had were nothing to how his heart is crying to the sight of Ole.

Ole would eat in a short time and would shut herself in her room. Selah tried to cheer her up by taking her into a buffet but she failed. Although Ole eat all the food and won a prize, her expression did not change.

Saga and Urchin took her to the aquarium but Ole turned more emotional.

Fur and Agsus tried to treat her into the hot spring but she just took a bath.

"I wonder how to cheer her up. This is a soul issue after all." Ain stated.

Sycamore planned to have Fur in drawing her family members. Kahieli and Nimrod helped in remembering them. They framed the drawn portriat of Eyel and Kish with Lehi and Ophir. They handed it to her which made her wept and even more depressed. Litrez heared about the concern and she asked her to visit a salon with her. Litrez forgot about the time and was surprised to see that Ole emptied all the wine within her table. Ole started to cry and monologue.

Litrez dialed Urchin and Saga's number to have her be picked up but was disconnected. Thankfully Cherith recieved his call.

Litrez apologised for letting Ole empty her wine bottle.

Cherith came to aid her but Ole started to get out of control.

"How can you be so cruel to leave me alone?!"

"It hurts my heart is leaking!"

Ole dramatised as Cherith held her to walk by the street.

All the people passing them started whispering and gossiping. Cherith can now understand what Saga meant when he chased her after getting drunk.

They are about to ride a cab when the rain suddenly poured down. The droplets were large and fast. Cherith withdrew and decided to wait for the rain to halt.

They sat on a small in. The woman even kept on trying to seduce Cherith but he firmly implied that he is with Ole.

Ole started to attack the woman who kept on flirting with Cherith. Ole grabbed her blonde hair. She harshly grappled it and used a force to have her be pushed on the counter. Cherith almost cried since he can't halt Ole's yankee side. They got thrown out of the inn but the rain still kept pouring. Their nearest option was the love hotel beside the inn. Cherith cursed when Agsus said that the street on their block got flooded due to the cannal beinh clogged.

Cherith forcefully paid for a room as the owner kept cheering him in a sexy manner. The owner even gave them a free drink which Cherith refused. Cherith unlocked the room and found the bed decorated with candle and rose petal. Cherith had his shoulder hang low, aside from the unexpected turn of events Ole's been too hard to handle.

Ole sat on the floor and fell asleep. Her shirt were wet. Cherith asked a woman to change her clothes which the owner politely abided thus he paid for additional charges. Cherith can't help but think that this hotel sucks and the owner is a scammer.

Later on Cherith entered almost grtting angry at Ole for pulling the service woman's hair.

"How could you behave this way?! Earth to Ole. You got soaked with the rain, You should be sober by now!" Cherith pointed.

Ole fidgets with her finger. Her face was still flushed due to the wine. When Cherith inquired about the wine he learned that those wine are not supposed to be chunked all at once.

Ole bowed her head and started sniffling. She fidgets with her finger and spoke a short and simple "Sorry."

Cherith sighed and turned his back to take a shower. When he finished taking a bath Ole was still in the same position as she kept muttering the word sorry.

Cherith felt bad about raising his voice at her. He sat beside her on the floor and said.

"It's okay I was only tired."

Ole glued her head on the floor. Her eyes were swollen from crying ever since from Litrez' house. Cherith pat her back, her robe and semi wet hair felt warm.

"It's not your fault." Cherith assured.

When Agsus and Ain came to pick them up. Cherith recieved a full length sermon about intimacy.

"I told you. We don't have a choice besides. I won't lay a finger on her!" Cherith defended within the car.

"We know. We trust you but still you could have picked a better place." Ain nagged like a father.

"I did but Ole kept causing havoc that we end up being kicked out! That one was our eleventh room as of today!" Cherith explained.

"I even begged the owners not to report us to the police!" He finished as he raise his tone.

"Let us keep silent about this! Urchin and Saga won't sit still." Agsus suggested.

Ole vomited and was feeling dizzy all day. She thought that drinking those wine will take way the pain but it only add up to her physical struggle. The pain was there and she almost run out of energy. Ain knocked on her door.

"Wine never wash away an actual pain. If your parents would see you like yesterday their hearts will ache and would question where did they go wrong. Apologize to Cherith, he did a good job in handling you yesterday."

Ain and Agsus was then shock to hear that the guys find out about Cherith and Ole sheltering under a love hotel.