
Ole had this chill as she sneeze her head are not that light nor hot. It was like a breeze passed to her spine.

"You don't have a fever,..maybe someone is talking about you." Saga stated as he retrieved his hand from her forehead.

"Ole, everyone Kennan finally contacted us after a long time of mourning." Agsus stated.

Kennan's face is finally on the screen. Thanks to modern technology they can communicate via video calls.

"Hey, sorry for not calling for a long time. In pursuit of the killers I got my feet disabled." Kennan stated.

The gang gasped in horor as he just wink.

"Just were are you?!" Ain scolded as demands

"You know that ancient place where you get your head cut off when you stand?" Kennan give out a clue as if it was a game.

"You mean Unsown?" Ain raised as he think deeper.

"Yes, and here I am stuck in a cave. I did not find the culprit but I found someone other than the enemy." Kennan stated.

"Okay, stop beating around the bush and just tell us." Fur commented.

Kennan chuckled and Agsus asked.

"Aren't you too happy to be stranded in a cave?"

Kennan shrugged at him and he glanced to his side he made a gesture of calling and someone whom they never thought they'll be able to see will appear. His hair were in shade of black and white, wavy and ruddy. His cute small face did not grow older and his black and brown lenses twinkled.

Urchin,Ain,Fur and the triplets screamed the same name.


Urchin almost hugged the screen. Ophir giggled as he waves.

Ole froze on the spot. Her ear might decieved her they said Ophir. And Ophir was the name of his father.

He was smiling brightly. He looked handsome in her view. He is the exact description of her mother. And she looked a lot more of his father than her mother.

Ole stood in front of the screen she was starting to get bashful.

Ophir giggled and waved at Ole and said .

"Hi Ole. It's me your father."

Ole blushed and bashfully replied. She bowed to greet her father and said.

"Hello... Fath...er. It's nice to meet you."

Ain and Fur smiled at the scene Urchin can't help but chuckle. Cherith suddenly appeared since he just got up and leaned on Ole's shoulder as he yawn.

"What are you turning red about when it's early morning?" He lazily asked.

Ole just eyed him and said.

"Yeah right, good morning bird brain, I am currently talking to my father."

Cherith looked at the screen and saw the man his father was talking about.

"Nice to finally meet you in person sir, I am Cherith Guadalupe." Cherith introduced.

"In person?" Ole inquired.

"My father always talk about you." Cherith replied.

"Ah, yeah and what a sight your the owl version of your father." Ophir winked.

"Yes as everyone said, But your the same, your the cow version of Ole." Cherith smirked as he put his chin over Ole's shoulder blade since he stood at her back to see a clearer view of Ophir.

Ophir sarcastically scoffed and stared at Cherith.

"Are you dating my daughter?" Ophir raised that made the room silent.

"No, if that happens will end up in the farm." Cherith pointed.

Ophir balled his fist and said.

"Then how about you maintain your distance from my daughter?"

"Yes sir, I heared that your overprotective but not this overboard. I am your friend's son remember?" Cherith notified.

Urchin can sense an endless bickering and said.

"Alright, how about you come here and live with us."

Ophir gave out a small smile and said.

"I can't cross over from this place. It seems that I am entrapped in here."

"Then how about we go there?" Sycamore exclaimed.

"That is a good idea but Lila is not with you not unless you can transport here?" Ophir answered hiding his excitement.

Ain wave at Ophir and said.

"We will get there wait for us."

Saga was left with Agsus since he still on the process of recovery. Ain slice the space and transferred to each space before reaching the area.

Ophir embraced one another and looked for his daughter.

"Where is Ole?" He asked.

"She is flying with Cherith here." Urchin replied and was hiding his amusement.

Ole never felt nervous before when flying with Cherith. Her hands were trembling from excitement.

"Are you happy?" Cherith asked.

"Yes, I can't believe it, I even stop praying about him yet Our God is gracious. He remember what I have given up." Ole honestly opened up.

"What will you feel if I said I was dating you back then?" Cherith asked.

Ole tried to laugh it off but Cherith seemed to have been serious.

"Well, i... I don't know." Ole stated.

Ophir was pouting and complaining that Ole and Cherith haven't arrived yet. When he was sulking by the side a man with thin light wings descend in front of his cave. From the shadow it outlined a precious comrade in his life but he can hear it. It's Nevi's son and his daughter.

When Nevi carefully put Ole on the ground Ophir watched as Cherith withdrew his wings. It was a view that always facinated Ophir back then when it comes to Nevi.

Ole just stood there when Ophir approach her and embraced her with open arms and longing.

"I am finally meeting you. Your so much like your mother." Ophir whispered.

Ole just inhaled her father's scent and said.

"I am glad to be this close to you."

Cherith also hugged in with them and said.

"Me too uncle,"

Ole was surprised to hear what Cherith just said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked in confusion.

"My father and your father are brothers different fathers with one mother." Cherith explained.

Ophir pinched Cherith on the cheeks and said.

"Your naughtier than your father."

"No I am way kinder than him." Cherith defended as the cave resounded a merry laughter.