C331- Ravening

The city lights have highlighted the whole district when they reach the side, Saga can tell that their house had the largest wall. Saga felt like stupid for listening to himself after hearing Ole's response.

"Then should I marry your father since he is the root of all your action and intention?" Saga uttured with aloofness.

Ole felt bad that her statement did not even make up to what she is doing right now.

"I.. I... apologize.." was her short mumble.

"I don't even know how to take your apology rihgt now." Saga stated as he stood up when their ride was done.

Saga kept walking straight as Ole tag behind.

He took a circle of the stool and played some games alone without even glancing nor talking to Ole.

Ole tightly gripped the sling of her bag as she trailed Saga behind. Ole felt humiliated when Saga kept ignoring her presence. Yet she sealed her lips and endured trailing Saga before her. She knew that Saga is testing her. She can hear his nerve worrying as he steal a glimpse of her from behind.

"Aren't you tired?" Saga asked without looking at her as he exit the park.

"Yes, But I am trying to endure." Ole replied without halting as she kept walking forward to where Saga stood but her head bump on his back as he suddenly stop.

Ole rubbed her face with her had. Saga sighed and faced her.

"You don't have to try anything. Just be natural. I am not expecting anything from you anyway." Saga hissed.

"Then starting today please expect something from me!" Ole demanded.

Ole heared a faint footstep. It's a lamp behind them. She instantly yanked Saga as they run.

"Don't ask! Just run were being followed!" Ole instructed. The street had this romantic aura but here they are holding hands as they escape from a unknown presence.

"There are two of them." Ole muttured.

She took a peek from the side when a spear pierced through the air.

Ole knew that the foe aimed at Saga's head. She halted a step from Saga she waited for the spear to be near the parameter and used Saga's shoulder as her base. She had put both of her palm on his shoulder as used her right foot to kick the spear upward. She cooly landed on the ground as the second opponent appear in her face. She clasp her hand and prayed.

"Our Saviour who had put on the sand as the border of the sea so that those who listen to his voice will be led out. I cry out for help to deliver this battle. May the opponent's identity be revealed. Amen."

Her garment turned into a shade of coal and bones. Her shoulders had some armour as her body got shaped in a henna like display. Her rod made of bones and cane had some flowers on the side as the coal sparks. The enemy had some scarlet robe and masked face. It was like a ninja in red.

He tried to spiked out Ole's neck but Ole used her weapon to thrust the enemy by the side which it avoided as he twril above her.

Saga was surprised when Ole again searched his hand as she fought the enemy.

"You should let me go, I am holding you back." Saga whispered.

"No! They are after you." Ole firmly said.

Saga saw the spear pointing at the sky as it descend to aim for his head but Ole thrust it back and splitted it in half.

"Identify yourselves while you can!" Ole warned.

The enemy in her face kicked her fiercely that Saga even supported Ole. They got pushed backward as Saga tried to held their balance together.

"You have to use both of your hands or you will get injured." Saga nagged as he tried to withdrew his hand from Ole's grip.

"I said No!" Ole yelled at Saga as she recover her ground.

"I am saying it again... NO!" Ole directly said with determination.

Saga sighed and nodded.

"Then tell me how to help you."

Ole just followed the enemy's approach as it launched himself toward their direction.

Ole pulled Saga behind and said.

"Support my back I will smash him with my right hand."

Saga did as Ole asked. He held her in the back

her rod wrapped her right hand as she smashed her wrist with the enemy. The force had Saga almost blown he can't help but click his tongue. Ole basically told him to held on her to avoid being blown away. Her bone and coal created a blast that erased the enemy. It was a strong gravitational effect.

Ole watched as the enemy fade out.Cherith killed another one at the hospital. Ole saw the same death. She can tell that their attacker is one of the time leaper's hunter.

The spear that she splitted came back with it's owner.

"You dare to kill one of us." the foe with scarlet ninja stated.

"You took two of us. Now it's a tie." Ole stated.

"Not unless I take your companion's head.The enemy warned.

Ole chuckled and replied.

"I will take yours. Answer my question before your last word. Why are you after them?"

The opponent scoffed and voiced out.

"I like your courage but is it really bravery or ignorance. Since it will be your last breath I will answer... They leaped the era.They did not cross."

The opponent thrust his spear but Ole used her right hand to break it. She grappled the blade and yanked it off from it's rod. She charged as she released Saga's hand. She used the blade to stab the enemy on the chest.

"Didn't I tell you? You will be the third." Ole muttered.

"Too bad for me then." The opponent whispered as the wind carried off his ashes.

Ole unleased her armour as she walk back to where Saga stood.

"That's an odd number to tie with." Ole thought as Saga blinked his eyes.