C342: Court with Yard

Ole heared a marching footwork before they reached their tent.

"There are steps gathering all over the area." She informed.

"Can you estimate their number?" Ain asked.

"No, they are massive." Ole replied as she heightened her hearing.

"They might have been the one we annihilated a while ago." Sycamore commented.

"Maybe, but they are more than what we encountered a will ago." Ole said as she perked up and heared the conversation.

"They are aiming for Saga." She informed. The team moved beholding that they need to be in the battle field.

Ain sliced through the space when Urchin traced them with his trance. Ain kicked the one in cape trying to yanked Saga. Urchin punched the others who were enclosing them. Cherith spread his wings as he soared to send a number from the outer lane.

Sycamore used the ground to navigate some roots with thorns and overthrow them.

They fall down that kept their stance.

It was like a rosary in human blockings in formation.

Cherith opened his communicating device given by Nimrod made of coin.

"I think they are performing a ritual right now. Break the line. It looks awful up here."

"Copy." The whole gang stated.

"Take Saga out of the circle and be out of the way. I will try something." Ole instructed.

The men obeyed Ole and pushed through their way to get Saga out of the area.

Ole clasped her hand in prayer.

"Our God who redeems and rebuilt with all your heart and soul. You instilled inspiration within us that there is nothing hard for you. Thank you for teaching us to fear you more than anything and because of that we can believe that all things are done in your favour and goodness. Amen."

Ole's bone become a cannon. It was an arm length. It cylindrical texture and coal glows formulate a bubble made of oil It was small one that compared to the size of her balled fist. It bounces like a rainbow and hit right on the enemy's midst. The bubble multiplied into saltwater and blood. It explode right before it reach the soil and bombed the whole minions in cape.

Ain was shielded by Sycamore. Urchin used his trance to divert the bubbles and Cherith flew up with Saga.

" Wew, That's my girl!" Cherith cheered.

Saga stared at the proximity of Ole's location and found her right at the boundary of the forest. She was in position but she fired without any sense of direction. It's amazing how the bubble formed a rainbow before breaking into blue, red and transparent bubbles. Seeing it above made it look like a bubble shower for kid's party.

Ain grabbed one the men in cape and tied him on the rock beside their tent.

Sycamore held his hand to view his past and his orbs witness something worth getting angry for.

"Gather all the male kids and let them pass through the forest, lest our torchbearer will appear on the way." A man in his cape encouraged. Some mothers were dancing and singing. Everybody was rejoicing and no one was weeping except for the number of boys who are being forced to walk within the burning forest. The practice continued up until at the moment."

Sycamore grit his teeth the forest where Saga lived was not a natural calamity rather it was a human's greed and prostitution toward their idols. And Sycamore can imagine why Wifey had to end Sage's suffering it is to prevent him from being burnt alive. Sycamore eyed Ain as he recalled what he saw. The bachelor old man did not even know since Wifey helped him then he got no choice but to keep his own words. After all Wifey had sealed a spell on his heel that if he ever revealed it to Ain then his feet will be cut off.

"The land was never dead. It was killed by this people who practices something unacceptable." Sycamore stated as he fill in the details.

"Does that mean there are many boys who passed through the forest and was all forgotten?" Urchin raised.

"Yes, I think we need to search for that part of the forest and put on a proper tomb for them." Ole advised.

"Why so?" Saga asked.

"Their are cries fading all over the place." Cherith replied.

"So the numerous footworks were from those unrested spirit." Ain muttured.

Ain started his interrogation with the man he captured. He started by scaring the cape man who was not shaken. He also started to question him with a little drama but nothing worked. The cape man kept his mouth zip.

Saga stood in front of the man and spoke.

"What are the basis of your rituals?"

"It is to summon you our lord." The cape man replied.

"Unfortunately I am not. I myself did not survive the flame. I was protected. Why the forest and not the mountains?" Saga explained and followed up his question.

"Because Hanamel was there. The gurdian of the pits. She behold the fruitfulness of the land." The cape man professed.

"What does Hanamel got to do with this?" Saga dig out.

"She is a woman that is a medium. Was feared all over the place and owned that forest but then one of our female ancestor witnessed her giving birth inside a pit alone.

The child's cry speak of our hope." The cape man further revealed.

"Hanamel is a prostitute not a medium." Sycamore argued.

"No, she disguise herself as one. And even cursed the people saying that even if the forest would go bald our line will not continue for only her torch can quench such fierce anger." The cape man insisted.

"Torch?" Sycamore said.

"It's her male child. She named him Lapidoth for that reason." The hostage explained.

"How will that torch help you on this?" Ain asked.

"He will magnify the bones of the dead and will put on a altar for the boy's sacrifice. He will send the whole forest in quake as he pour out his tears. And that very words were performed by you." The cape man expanded as he bore his eyes on Saga.