C348: Neco Terror

Agsus was able to order one of the Lapidoth paintings. It was a simple abstract that was on sale.

"Sorry it's the only one I can acquire." He apologized.

"It's good but this painting showed a single torch holder." Ain replied.

"It's named as the bearer." Fur butt in.

"It is described as the reason why the torch should be held." Agsus recited as he read the caption.

" I understand. Thanks. I don't know how long will we be able to help Saga." Ain stated.

"We trust you. We won't allow the shop to get bankrupt." Fur added.

"Yeah, you better be." Ain waved as he sliced the space and Urchin opened a direct trance to where Ophir was.

Kennan is currently exercising his limping thigh when Ain, Saga and Sycamore arrived.

"Your here!" Ophir beamed.

Ain just shrugged as Sycamore walked in. The second royalty was yanked off from his bed.

"I need more sleep uncle Ophir. This unmarried man here just threw my blanket earlier." Sycamore yawned and settled himself on the bed made by Kennan.

"You know what this kid sometimes pisses me off." Ain hissed.

"But he is telling the truth." Saga sided Sycamore.

"You could have atleast told us earlier or the day before." he continued.

"Okay, I understand get some sleep." Ophir commnaded.

Saga realised that he is in front of Ole's father.

He instantly bow his head and greeted the Tale Bearer's legendary leader.

"I apologize for complaining. I am Saga." He introduced.

"Well aren't you too polite." Ain side commented.

"Nice to meet you. You must be my daughter's lover." Ophir said.

Saga blushed from his neck toward his ears.

"No... I.. I am.. not sir." He stumbled.

"Oh, I see. So it was me getting ahead." Ophir admitted.

Saga just shly stood there as Ain kept whistling to tease him.

"You were what again." The unmarried man chimed.

Ole woke up hearing the news from Urchin. She pouted to hear that they left without letting her see Ophir. Nimrod and Kahieli were helping Fur at the shop when a loud scream was heared coming from the customer.

It was a middle age woman with long earings. Her dress were like a second skin.

"You were staring at my cleavage didn't you!" She yelled at Kahieli.

"No maam. You are not too attractive for me to pay attention with." Kahieli's tactless attitude resurfaces.

"Your not just a pervert. Your also foul mouthed." She cursed.

"I am telling the truth." Kahieli firmly dignified

"I am a customer here. You should bow and apologize." The woman demanded.

"No. I won't apologize for some thing I did not do or with anything that you accuse me with." Kahieli aired.

The other customer started whispering and murmuring.

The woman glared at Kahieli she motioned to sit down but her motive was to grab the glass of water and splashed it on Kahieli's face.

"This is the reason why kids needs to be disciplined." She yelled.

"No, This is the reason why kids are being brought awfully, Because of adults like you." Kahieli fiercely stated.

The woman shuddered at how Kahieli looked furious.

The woman slammed her payment on the table and walked out of the shop.

Ophir heared from Ain that Saga's gift was scary and uncontrollable. But seeing it in person, Ain's description did not justify how Saga's gift wiped out a whole mountain.

Ophir speedily knocked out Saga after testing him a while ago. Sycamore's assignment is to be supervised by Kennan. Ophir studied Saga's features and breathing. Ophir found it funny and insane that this kid is from a Hanamel. Kennan explained that a Hannamel is a gurdian of a virgin forest that exist from years ago. They are not fairy nor wizards. They are simply human that took care of the forest. And the old man Sage mistaken the gurdian as a prostitute. Ophir can't help but wonder why did he put on a blindfold all along. Ophir heared from Urchin that Ole is getting better with Sage but it seems the young man started to backfire from his own feelings.

Ophir apologized to the chief of the tribe, since Saga wiped out the entire mountain and turned it into a jungle. The chief was surprisingly happy to say that the mountain used to be a sorcerer's home. Ophir got curious and planned to make it as Saga's training ground. Saga woke up to see Ophir grilling their food back in the camp.

"Hey sleepy head" Ain teased.

Sycamore just smiled and said.

"I heared you turned a mountain into a jungle. Thnaks to that it will be our training ground."

Saga sighed as he ruffled his hair. He remembered releasing all of his gift because Ophir commanded.

"I had a strange dream." Saga said as he stared at the grilling meat.

"Where did you get such variety of meat?" Saga inquire as he diverted from his first sentence.

"Oh, this are the animals that were fallen from your gift. The whole tribe were feasting because of it." Ophir replied.

Kennan chew a whole plate as he kept savouring each type.

"Wow, I am glad it helped." Saga chuckled.

He sat down beside Ophir better than how he first reacted.

"So what was the strange dream all about?" Kennan said in between his bites.

Saga got his potion and replied.

"Yeah, it was about a woman called Lila."

Sycamore and the gang froze.

"What did you see?" Sycamore demanded.

"Well she was hanged in a web like thread. She was asleep. When she opened her eyes zombies and skeleton started marching. It felt like I was part of the dream because I felt all the physical avenue. When she landed her eyes on me. I woke up but I felt pity for some reason she was crying with blood." Saga spoke.

"Did she said anything?" Sycamore followed up.

"Oh yeah she was chanting. Like.. Gaza... Gaza... Gaza.." Saga imitated.

Sycamore eyed Ain who started to think about such mystery.