C354: Consumed Wonder

Kahieli clicked his tongue when Agsus displayed a knowing smile.

"Are you sure that it's what you really want me to do?"

Kahieli sighed and swat Agsus' hand from his shoulder.

"Your handsome when you get jealous." Agsus teased and dash towards Fur and Ain's room.

Kahieli went back to find Selah blushing.

"You seem happy and bashful at how he would spend his time with you." He remarked trying to sound calmly but it came out as an accusation.

Selah stood up and was about to walked pass Kahieli.

"Do you hate our photo together that much to an extent that you will avoid me?" He raised.

Selah paused as she stared back. She inherited her father's rush behavior at some point.

"No. I could say the same, why did you do that anyway?" Selah hissed as she tried to conceal her irritation.

Kahieli just shrugged and said.

"I just thought that what we have was special. But the truth was only special."

Selah blinked her eyes not following what Kahieli was saying.

"What?" she asked trying to seek an explanation.

"Nothing. Good night. Don't worry I will eradicate that photo." Kahieli waved aa he walked out.

Selah grabbed the pillow from the couch and threw it at Kahieli's back.

Kahieli was surprised as Selah glared at him.

"I am not done talking. Don't dismiss it like it was a joke." she screeched as if she losed something precious.

Nimrod who was about to visit the livih area. Concealed himself on the cieling and crawled back toward their room as he did his best to silently close the door.

"Your the one who kept showing that you were not interested." Kahieli pointed.

"That was because you were not clear about it!" Selah replied.

"Ah.. it'd because we don't have a mutual concern." Kahieli said as toss the pillow at the couch. Selah picked up the same pillow and threw at back at Kahieli as she started to tear up her pearly eyes showed up.

"Your so mean!" She started to march toward her room but Kahieli pulled her by the training area.

Kahieli sighed and embraced Selah as he comforted her.

"I am sorry, I was having a foul mood. I did not mean to take it out on you." He professed

Selah does not know what to do. She is still possessing what was happening.

"Yeah, I am sorry for being childish." Selah whispered.

"Then why are you avoiding me again?" Kahieli asked.

"I just don't know how to face you." Selah admitted.

"So you don't hate me?" Kahieli asked.

"Nope." Selah replied.

The two made up as the night got deeper.

Agsus worked on the keyboard as they traced back the torch holder's location. His heart was wrenching to hear that it was Urchin's father who had his heart ripped out and was entrapped in the painting. Agsus can feel his energy on surge as he moved in a fast pace tracking.

"Torch holder by lapidoth is not a painting but is an artifact. It will be auctioned tomorrow midnight." Agsus read.

"We need to prepare more bill. To obtain Kiel's heart." Fur stated.

"No, If we have an item to exchange it with then we can trade it. It's like a barter auction since those who does not have the treasure can use a money." Agsus corrected.

"Then what can we do?" Ain asked.

"We can ask Nimrod and Selah to create something in the morning. As Kahieli and Cherith will work on Saga's glasses. Ole and Urchin can be our face on the web. It's a butterfly masked auction by the way." Agsus said.

Kahieli and Fur were by the mall to find the right item when Agsus phoned them that Taffy got it all covered. Ole and Urchin are buying a costume for the auction. Gladly, Taffy is a VIP in the auction. He can introduce them as his company employee. They visit the parlor for grooming and put on the proper clothes. Ole picked a scarlet apparel with flaunty but modest touch. Urchin paired up with a gray and white suit. Their butterfly masked are provided by Taffy.

Taffy was at the Tale Bearer's house when they arrived. He was happy to hand the eyeglass he purchased toward Kahieli.

"That will suit Saga." He beamed as he handed the butterfly mask.

Selah and Nimrod put in an egg like structure with a crown symbolising a torch. It was small but it was personally inspired of Saga's character. It was designed like a palm size coin with the egg as the inner ring. It was crowned in torch and the egg contained a water that preserved the dust within the egg. Taffy who saw it was even impressed.

"What will be the name of this masterpiece?" He asked.

"We decided to name it Crowned Sage." Selah stated.

"Not bad, we can just have those corrupt official bet their money and reveal it as an exchange for the torch holder." Taffy suggested as he started laughing like a witch.

"You better have your manners aligned or this people will put a price over your head." Agsus notified.

"Yes I will hear you Agsus just don't take me into another sermon." Taffy shrugged.

Ole and Urchin were geared as a pair. They allowed Taffy to take care of everything. Ole put on a scarlet butterfly mask as Urchin used a white one. They rode the luxurious car and trailed Taffy who marched confidently on the red carpet. Ole and Urchin moved as if they are a real auction holder. Urchin secured the item as they enter the hall. A lot of greedy official are having the time of their lives.

The people started chatting and gossiping as they air their opinion about every item presented. Taffy walked in the stage and unravel what they have.

"This is our crowned Sage. It's purely made of gold, water and dust. When it's turned upside down it will show up a sunny side up." He explained. The real battle begins as the greedy intention invites a fierce competition. Ole and Urchin did not notice the owner of Lapidoth arts.