C367: Don't seek End.

Saga put on his on his glasses after drying his hair. His eyes can see how many feather does Cherith have.

"So how was it? Did she broke your wrist?" Cherith asked.

"Almost, you could have told me that there are stains on my collar. How could you!" Saga nagged as he stared at Cherith.

"It's a confirmation on my part as well. I do felt like it was unfair for us not to be together. But I want to confirm that she is not toying with you as well. It's complicated but it's my sentiments." Cherith admitted.

Saga comb his hair as he nod his head.

"Did you recieved the confirmation you needed?"

Cherith smiled and said.

"Yes, i bet it was a good choice. I am sorry for using you."

Saga just threw out a small box at Cherith.

"It's an early birthday gift. I got it while we were delivering. I thought it will suit you."

Cherith caught it and shook the pinkish box as he asked.

"Should I open it now?"

"Wait, for me to get my self out here." Saga stated as he reached for the door knob.

"Okay, I won't lock the door." Cherith waved.

Cherith unwrapped the gift and found a watch. It was simple but it really gave him a sense of comfort. Cherith put it on his left wrist.

"I should wear you at all times. Your buyer just gave me something to be grateful. You know what how come he knows what lulls me.?!" Cherith monologue as he peeks at the window and traced the outline of shaped created by the star.

Saga knew that Cherith had this lingering emotion toward Ole but he can't help and wonder if Ole felt the same. Saga can't brush off the thought that Ole might be pretending. He wanted to remove his glasses and scan Ole's emotions but that will only make him felt like a creep. Saga made his way toward the kitchen and mixed in some sugar and coffee. He halted before going up and removed his glasses. He saw what he does not wish to see. Cherith and Ole are tracing the same shape of star from his vision. It was too much for a coincidence. Saga breathed gently and silently as possible. He did not forget how heightened Ole's ears are.

He found Ole withdrawing her fingers as she glanced at smile at his face. Saga knew that there was something wrong with that smile. Saga recalled how he would eavesdropped whenever she would be with Cherith on this same spot.

"Here, it will warm you up." Saga tried to sound normal but his pitch were uneven.

Ole used both of her hands to carefully received what he was extending. Saga sat beside Ole but was a meter away. He can't let Ole hear how his veins and heart are painfully pumping.

Ole waiter for Saga to say something but he remained silent. Ole can't help but feel how ear breaking the silence was.

"You asked me out here on the roof for a coffee?" she raised and glanced at his side.

Saga slurped his own and said.

"Yeah, Why was it boring? " Saga suddenly replied. It was like his voice were being held but Ole can sense how broken it was.

"No,.. I was just trying to.. break the ice.. or connect with you... but it failed.. " Ole searched for the right words to say.

Saga just kept looking at the star that they were tracing. It was shaped in a ribbon. Saga clenched his jaw as he can't help but recall what he saw. He knew it was sneaky for him to use his gift but it was still bothering him. Yet again his heart shatters at what he saw. He got excited for a moment just because Ole displayed her jealousy but Saga missed how she used it as a facade because Cherith was within her radar. Saga gulped in his coffee and allowed Ole to hear how he was holding it all in. Saga's breath form a murky tiny cloud toward the space.

"Let us end this." Was his soft and short words.

Ole stood up and spilled her coffee. The mug rolled out of the roof as it fell on the garden.

"What? I don't understand." Ole managed to voice out.

Saga was worried that Ole might slip but when he saw her safely approaching his frame he decided to step backward and distant himself.

"I saw you two.. I saw right through you Ole!" Saga hissed, he was not angry but was hurt.

Ole realised what he meant.

"No, it was a habbit."

"Too much for a habbit. You are in sync with him!" Saga pointed it was above whisper and was close enough for Ole to feel his cold gaxe and warm caffeinated breath.

" I did not mean it that way.." Ole reasoned out as she tried to reach out his hand but Saga moved away.

"No, you were in sync because you were thinking each other. I got caught with how you were trying to pull it off but in the end.. It's still painful for me." Saga tried to delivered it calmly as possible but his eyes betrayed him. It was moistening. He blinked the moist to prevent it from forming into tears.

Ole can hear how tormenting it was for Saga.

"You were right but i am no longer feeling the same way. It was purely a habbit. Saga please hear me out." Ole tried to reach out once more but Saga attempted to stood up. Ole was desperate and was sorry for Saga. She can't let this end. They are just starting, she owe him a lot of things. She yanked his collar and pulled him into a hug. She pushed him down as she remain on top of Saga.

Saga was surprised when Ole yanked his collar. He can't push her since they are on the roof. He tried to be in his feet but Ole pushed him down. She overpowered him with her weight and Saga knew that he got himself defeated.