C374:Thirsty Reptiles

Agsus had to deal with consequences of Ain's scheme. His fame and popularity sky rocketed. Agsus almost cursed how his phone, social account and the crowd got non-stop in following,waving and messaging him. While he was walking on the alley, mall and even when he stood by the bus station. People are smiling, greeting and asking a selfie. It was like his world became unfamiliar. Their customer increased from the female groupies. He got some advertisement offers and even posed for a magazine cover.

The triplet's feature were not denied and was offered but Ain and Urchin did not gave them the permission. Agsus reffered Taffy and his sister who was fit for the endorsement of perfume and shirts. Yet the growth of attacks were doubled.

"Guys you need to devide in two. There are some strange occurance by the town cathedral and subway." Fur announced.

"Triplets go with Cherith. Saga, Urchin and Ole take the subway." Ain instructed.

It was thanks to Agsus' career that they were to buy more equipment. It was designed by Kahieli's bullet proof glass.

"Keep your lines open. I will guide you. Ophir will monitor the triplets. I will take the subway team. Guard each other and get home back here safely." Ain sent as he observed.

Ophir and Kennan were amazed by the technical materials. Ophir and Kennan were taught by Agsus and Saga to use the stuff.

"Nimrod send your coin glided on the floor. Control your pitch to lessen the noise." Ophir guided as they stood in front of the grand and heritage town cathedral.

"Kahieli learn to use some instrument. You can't be stuck in defense." Kennan added as Kahieli and Nimrod moved from the back door.

Kahieli learned from Ophir that he can pray as he march.

"Our God who is the armour itself. The enemies surrounding us are attacking on all sides but I do believe that you encircle us. May this javeline purge the foe's jaw and strike them to defeat. Amen."

Kahieli's hand formed a bullet proof javeline with liquid emerald and ruby within it. Ophir's lesson had unleash the gift they inherited from Natalina and Cyprus. Nimrod pumped his fist together and prayed.

"God of mercy and direction. You dictates the path that shape, make and mold our heart. You check and test us to growth. May it be that we can apply and attack while we wrestle. Amen."

Nimrod got clothed in gold cylinder. His sphere glitters in sapphire. His face molded and displayed the features of eternal beauty. It was Natalina's feature. Among the triplets the valor and presnec are from his mother. Even his hair waves like hers. But a male version.

Ophir was took in the view. It was like back from when he was fighting along side their parents. He can't believe how blessed he was to witness this view. He can't help but avert his lenses to the second son. Sycamore had the most unique and outlandish gift. It was a literal one that speak if his name but it's root were deep legacy. It's fruit are of from the stories he protects and his leaf are smooth memories that carries his parents promises.

Sycamore kneeled down to pray.

"Our God who advances with the pace of His perfect love. Give us the love and endurance to do what you have assigned us to finish. May it be that we can do it your way and not of ours. Amen."

Cherith swam through the cloud dowm to the sparkling and Lebanon roof. He flight sideways and lead out the wind.

His wings soar like of an angel that leads out a thousand of heavenly armies.

The enemy kept on detroying the altar aimlessly. It kept throwing his knotted attcak that damages the altar, chairs. It roars like lion. But it's face were of a fat snake that glides upward. It's floating mid air. The width and length were enough to level with a human size.

It's fangs were pointed with thorns. It's a reptile that starve and is ready to hissed at anyone who enter it's territory.

When Sycamore entered the boundary that the enemy aligned. Sycamore attacked with his whip and thorns but the reptile dodges and swallowed it. It's mouth was enough to sucked in a chair. It was like a vacuum that can magnify and eat all the dirt.

Sycamore used his force to get his root to the ground. He implanted himself on the ground as he avoid the impact that comes from the enemy's belly. Kahieli threw his javeline to fence Sycamore from being sucked in. Nimrod dances with his coin to slice the snake's tail but the wound regressed and grew.

Kahieli avoid the snake's venom. Nimrod aid his eldest brothe by launching himself and collided with the enemy but it was fast enough to avoid his force. Nimrod used his coin as a skateboard to encircle the snakw upward.

Ole merged with crowd to search for the opponent. Saga take in the ticket's area. He observe every passenger. Urchin used his identity to check the enemy's office. As we watches the surveillance.

The number of people piled up when it's rush hour. Saga was pushed back to the bottom of the stairs. Ole was concealed by the crowd. Urchin can't even notice where Saga was pushed. Ole tried to made his way to be in the front of the bus. He got pushed back within a bus.

The ride started without Ole being able to get back to the station. She was forced to ride and continued to be alert when the bus reached a certain distance and location. Ole's connection got rowdy and busy. Saga started to get worried when he can't hear her respond.

Urchin informed him that Ole got pushed in a ride but he was not sure which ride it was. He tried to go against the crowd but he can't. It was suffocating and narrow. It was a strong force that even if he tried to extend his hand it won't reach out.