C380: Forever Interest

"I got it!" Ophir raised in defense.

Who would have thought that Lehi will say those kind of things to there daughter about him. It was not like he took a whole decade yet a year was still lengthy.

"But she loves you no matter how she would sleep alone those nights. She still loves you even if she have to go through the journey alone. She loves you even if she knew she won't be able to see you again. She even said that your prayers was the foundation that she was able to give birth and that your prayers are your expressions of love." Ole smiled as she looked up.

"I know and I am the same. But you see what you went through is not easy to deal with. It will take time but let Saga know of what you needed." Ophir advised.

"Yes, I won't do as you did!" Ole teased as Ophir raised a brow.

"Seeing that you can crack those jokes at this moments mean you are feeling better."

Ole smiled and said.

"It was thanks to you. It was thanks to your past mistakes."

Ophir pouted and said.

"Alright, I was sorry."

"And mother said that you ever say that after heaeing this then she has forgiven you and that she still loves you." Ole laughed.

Ophir can't help but embrace his daughter.

"I know." is what he continued to whisper

Ole just sniffed in the sweet aroma of love that comes from her father's arms. It was light and fluffy but she knew that this might be what her mother said when her father can sooth her every pain. The dust that was slipping through from the window above them made her felt like she saw a glitter that comes from heaven.

Saga combed his messy hair as he stood by the mirror. He heared from Ophir clearly that she is being sensitive and that he needs to be careful. He started to recite his plan but it turned awkward and scripted. He can't help but sigh. Just what can he say to her? Can he just give him a hug and leave it in silence? Or should he pack some burgers then what? He pulled his hair to compose his thoughts.

"Come on Saga, you can do it!"

A lazy voice behind hime second demotioned.

"Yes, you can.. Yehey." Cherith cheered.

"What are you acting for. It's Ole you know?" Cherith reminded. Saga stood up and sprayed a perfume.

"Yeah, you are right." Saga affirmed.

He breathed in and said.

"Thanks." He walked off the room and was planning to go when Agsus passed.

"Urchin and Sycamore went before you. Your too slow is what they said."

Saga can't help but pout as he check the fridge for burgers.

Ole was by the river when Urchin arrived.

He waved and gave her a hug.

"I am sorry for taking this long."

Ole just pat him and replied.

"It's exactly what I needed."

"Selah was worried of you as well." Urchin informed.

"Oh we left Saga since he took to long any moments from now they might be here." Urchin said as they took a stroll by the river

"I bet Syca might be worried." Ole muttured.

"yup he is here with me but Ophir held him to accompany him somewhere." Urchin spoke.

Saga heared from Urchin that Ole visited a hill that was introduced by Kennan. And Ophir supported that they directed her toward him. The hill was said to be nothing special it was bare with few wild flowers.

"Just go and talk to her." Ophir said.

"Don't go pouting." Urchin scolded.

Saga just walked out from their naggings and followed the direction given by Kennan.

Saga kept memorising his script but when he reached the place and saw Ole. His mouth got sealed. It was as they said, the hill is adorned with wild flowers. It was a variety but it's pleasing to his eyes.

Ole gave him as slight smile but it was enough to encourage him from approaching.

"How are you?" Was his first word that was not in his script.

"Not that good and not that bad." Ole replied.

"I brought some burger." Saga waved from the basket he was holding.

"Is this a picnic?" Ole chuckled.

"No, I just don't know how to get close to you at this moment." Saga admitted.

"Are you telling me that I am like your pet. I don't get swayed by food alone." Ole stated.

The two did share the food and burger. But it was all about eating. They silently consumed their share as they stayed under a tree.

"I always thought that a tree can shade over a hundred stories." Saga raised the line he invented.

"Is that part of the script?" Ole teased.

Saga laughed loudly and blushed.

"Was it obvious?"

Ole just nodded as she started to looked down.

"I heared from that shadow that if I kill him you die." Saga blurted out.

"I don't understand why he can say that he is a big part of you." He added as he stared at Ole's face.

"It's as you heared. He is a part of me. He was born as my shadow." Ole replied.

"But he was too confident that you will abandon me just because he did something." Saga added as he get intentional.

"I won't." Ole firmly answered.

"What did he do to you?" Saga asked fully knowing what exactly happened. He already heared it from Ophir personally but he wants her to open up to him.

Ole redirected her gaze as he started to grieve.

"It's..." Her words were not aligning.

"It's okay, I already know. I just selfishly want to have you open up to me. I am sorry. I don't know what to say but I am here for you." Saga assured as he reach out for a hug.

"I wonder if this tree will still stand even after all that it witnessed falls apart?" Saga silently raised as he stared at the wide branches.