C382-Isolated heart

Fur had his wrist in bondage. He was seating by the counter as he assist Saga in serving the costumers. Fur had no idea why did his wrist broke but he recalls Agsus' scream of help. He heared from Ain that he tried to kill Agsus with his hands. Agsus was wearing a scarf as he entertain some loyal costumers. His nail left some scratched by the hand. Fur never realized that he had such desire and emotion.

He has such opening that allowed tha darkness to creep in. Fur at that moment hated himself. He stood up by the counter and lead out to toward the kitchen.

Cherith and Urchin smiled at him and said

"You can't cook here, Let us do it for you this time." Kahieli voiced out.

"I know, I just want some coffee." Fur stated.

"I will make it right away. Sit still." Cherith winked.

"It'd weird that you guys are serving me right now?" Fur murmured.

"Well that is because you always did it for us even if you were busy. We often thought that if only your a woman, then Ain would have married you." Urchin teased.

"Stop saying something gross." Ain said as he passed by.

" Fur do you have a first love?" Cherith aired out if nowhere.

Kahieli and Urchin grin at Fur as they planned to have him spit it all out.

"I bet he does." Kahieli chimed.

"Look at how he is trying to roll his eyes." Urchin added.

"Do you really want to know?" Fur smiled.

"Yes." The three exclaimed.

Fur took them to his art office. He handed a single notebook that looked old.

"The first face that you will ever see their is my first love." Fur honestly handed.

Urchin accepted the book and was surprised to see his mother's face.

"She is beautiful." Cherith commented.

"It's my mother." Urchin pointed.

"Aunt Lila is your first love?" Kahieli asked.

Fur just smiled and shut his eyes.

"Yes, but she is someone that will never become my true love."

"That is because her heart is already owned by someone else." Urchin spoke.

"Don't you feel bad that your first love is already with someone whom she loved?" Cherith asked.

Urchin and Kahieli exchange glances as Fur blinked his eyes.

"No. Because she is happy. Besides her heart is something she owned. I cannot manipulate or control that. All I can do is to manage myself." The painter advised as he tilt his head.

Urchin browsed another page and it was a painting of his mother holding him up. She was kissing his forehead.

Urchin suddenly felt a lone tear drop from the side of his eyes.

"It's been too long, Now I am starting to miss her." He whispered.

"You can look at all of it. It's my hand sketch when I met you back then." Fur kindly offered.

"Did you confess to her?" Cherith again raised. Kahieli and Urchin sealed their lips as they eyed Fur to do some thing.

Fur who caught on from the gesture just chuckled.

"Yes," His answer made Kahieli and Urchin dumbfounded.

"How was it?" Cherith inquired as he kept his eyes on the next page. It was a sketch of Ophir and Kiel by the tent.

"It was a relief. At least she was grateful." Fur answered.

"Can you tell us exactly when did you confess?" Urchin asked in disbelief.

Fur can't help but grin at how Urchin was starting to get confuse and curious.

"It was before a sunset at a white hill. She politely listened to my voice and heart. She was feeling sorry for rejecting but at the same time she was grateful that I did tell her."

"Did my father knew about it?" Urchin asked.

"Yes. he did." Fur nonchalantly replied.

"I can imagine uncle Kiel throwing a tantrum from the background." Kahieli remarked.

Cherith silently helped prepare the dinner as Urchin and Kahieli kept up. The meal was done but Cherith looked devastated.

Fur noticed how his eyes casually drop whenever it caught Ole and Saga. The old painter just saw his old and young naive self from the young winged man.

Fur sat by his side and whispered.

"You don't have to sulk obviously. It will be awkward for the three of you."

Fur lead Cherith toward his art room and have the young man sit in front if the white canvas.

"This is the hill where I confessed to Lila. It was painful but I still treasured it." He started.

"Why do you have to treasure what broke you?" Cherith sounded annoyed.

"Because it helped me to grow from the inside." Fur winked.

"Have you confessed to Ole?" Fur asked.

Cherith nodded and Fur waited for him to open up.

"Yes and she confessed as well that we feel the same."

Fur just stared at him silently for a while and processed what he heared.

"How dare you sulk at me when the feelings are mutual!" The painter grumpily replied.

Cherith was surprised at his grumpy monotone replied.

"Well but we can't be together."

Fur shrugged at Cherith.

"So what do want to do now?"

"I don't know, I want to be happy for them but honestly I just can't." Cherith professed as he looked down the floor.

"I see, then how about you just accept it. Acknowledge that you are broken hearted and that you will go through the pain." Fur advised.

"Did it worked on you?" Cherith questioned seeking for assurance.

"Yeah, When I acknowledge how jealous I was and that I feel bad for my self." Fur stated

"Isn't that dramatic or too sentimental?" Cherith asked looking awkwardly at Fur.

"No, you are being honest to your self. That is you talking to your heart. Kids this days!" Fur mumbled as he handed another draft.

"That is your father's face with Saga's dad."

Cherith stared at the painting and saw himself and Saga on the portrait.

"It looks refreshing but then again, it is in the past."

Fur just pat him and comforted the young winged man.

"Yes, it is in the past. But you have this present and future. Don't hang up too much. You might miss the miracle of today."