beautiful, this is the first feeling of Xia Tian, Xia Tian isthe person who a very repugnant woman puts on make-up, however front female has not actually used too many cosmetics, but actually served as contrast beautiful of whole person completely, although rose beautiful, without contrastof green leaf cannot appear its elegant.Compared with her, in drama series these big beautyhad been inferior completely.This beautiful is not a rank . Moreover the stature of female is also perfect incomparable, she is different fromthe female nurse, the clothes of female nurse wrapped herstature, is this female actually using the clothes her statureperfect development.On her body, the cosmetics and clothing are only herset-off.Not is only Xia Tian, the eye that Dr. Li also looks was straight, but he responded immediately, lowers the head, does not dare to look at the female: „Madame once, youcame."„Un, many thanks Dr. Li." The voice of Madame oncejust like the oriole, as if can involve the soul in human bodygeneral.„Madame once, happen to you came, this Student mustleave the hospital, I urged his him not to listen, I am planning to give President Zeng make a call." Dr. Li does not dare to raise the head, he knows that oneself is unable to look straight ahead the beauty of opposite party, two people also are completely not person in a level.once the wife was legendary figure, 18 years old entered the market, then made the Zeng Family businessincrease day by day, 25 years old married, but the husbanddied in less than half a month, this year 30 years old, inJiang Hai City are top figure.„Your wound did not have, why can leave the hospital?"Zeng Ruo puzzled looks to Xia Tian.„I have the matter not to process, moreover there areme to want the college entrance examination for half a month." Xia Tian has not used the X-Ray Vision function to look at Madame once, because Madame once the presentclothing has let him irresistibly.„College entrance examination? Do not go, here heals from a wound well, when you injured, I will arrange the bestuniversity to you, moreover to you a sum of money, will be regarded as the thanks." Zeng Ruo is unemotional, she is not philanthropist, on the contrary she is an evil person, otherwise impossible to set up the foot in business world, in her eyes, all things can trade, Xia Tian rescued herdaughter, she truly thanked Xia Tian very much, way that but she thanked to Xia Tian best treatment environment, then to a Xia Tian sum of money.Xia Tian most repugnant is others spends money to speak with him, his girlfriend also leaves because of moneyhis.„I do not need." The Xia Tian complexion immediatelybecomes cold, although he does not have money, but hewill not take others' money absolutely, he saves that girl ishe is voluntary, whose regardless of that girl is he will rescue.This is his father since childhood to his education, the father once told him do not use strength to bully the weak, must bully bullies these powerful people.Sees the change of Xia Tian, several people stare, thisis the good deed is absolutely right regarding others.„1 million." Zeng Ruo also saw the change of Xia Tian, but she does not believe that in this world has the personwho does not love money, she saw too many gentlemen, but these gentlemen also disappointed her finally very much, the so-called gentleman was just the pricetag is also insufficient.„Snort!" Xia Tian cold snort/hum, should not be excessive , to continue walks toward outside, although is not quick, but is not slow.„2 million." Zeng Ruo enhances the pricetag again, onthe face cannot see any happy anger.Xia Tian this time has not spoken, but got to the entrance.„5 million." Zeng Ruo lifted all of a sudden the price 5 million, at this moment Xia Tian stopped the footsteps, turns head.Sees Xia Tian to turn head, on the face of Zeng Ruopresented one to disdain, the female nurse and Dr. Li alsonod, in their opinion no one can reject the Zeng Ruopricetag.„I will make people deliver to you money, moreover I will also make one give you to arrange the Jianghai best university." A Zeng Ruo confident appearance, acting with constraint of Xia Tian is also just raising own pricetag in her eyes.Xia Tian trend Zeng Ruo step by step, in he arrives atthe Zeng Ruo front suddenly turns the head to look to the female nurse: „Can borrow me 100? I certainly also your."The "Eh!" female nurse stares slightly, later spent 100dollars.„Many thanks, I called Xia Tian." Xia Tian is showing a faint smile to the female nurse, later turned the head to leave the hospital ward, but the three people in hospital ward all there, including beautiful incomparable Zeng Ruo, she only guessed the opening, but has not actually guessed the ending.Sees Xia Tian that moment then, she is sure of success, but she feels own unexpectedly failure now.Xia Tian then unexpectedly not because of that 5 million, but borrowed 100 dollars from the female nurse, onface of Zeng Ruo one red, later left the hospital ward directly, she sees Xia Tian this person for the first time.„Really is a strange fellow." Saying that the female nurses thought aloud.After Xia Tian leaves the hospital, hit taxi directly, goesto cousin residence, now he is injured, cannot live in the working place, therefore can only return to cousin thathouse.Xia Tian Young Aunt is very rich, the house is his Young Aunt gives him and cousin buys, in room top interior decoration, various facilities every kind have, this is also the reason that Xia Tian does not love, because he felt that oneself does not belong to here.Although he usually works for a month only to makemore than 1000 dollars, but these money are gain, hespends not to need to consider anything.After going home, cousin has not come back, is goodbecause of the door according to the password, otherwisehe could not have gone , after oneself clothes will all replace, opens the closet, here clothes are the name brand, is cousin buys for him, but he has not passed through, several clothes that under of closet suspends are he buy, most expensive only has more than 100, but puts on himto feel steadfastly.Turns on the drawer, inside puts a small box, box insidehas a blue necklace, the necklace places the palm the timesends out the sky blue ray, this is his father gives him.„Tian'er, if some day you met you unable the neutralizecrisis or are seriously injured put on it, this was yourmother leaves your."The words when this is his father the necklace giveshim to speak, moreover at that time also told him, if has not encountered any peculiar circumstance, best do not wear it, takes care of her mother to leave behind final onething well.„Father, child today must put on it." Xia Tian wore the necklace on the neck, the ray above necklace flashed, laterthe Xia Tian whole person fainted, when he woke up it is black, he discovered that own wound unexpectedly all vanished.All these made one to be dream-like probably, but hediscovered the key point immediately, the ray on necklacecompletely vanished, turned into the dark blue, moreoverhis skin looked like shed to be the same at this time, hewiped off the skin on wound, wound unexpectedly disappeared.Xia Tian continued to scratch several other wounds, unexpectedly vanished, moreover turned green entire is also good with swelling that several.„Has only heard snake shed, how my also shed, firstwashed says again." Xia Tian felt the skin that mattersheds is very disgusting, therefore moved toward the direction of bathroom.At this moment the gate of bathroom opened, went out of beauty from inside, at this time the body of beauty is binding the bath towel, almost hit with Xia Tian in one.„Ah!!" The high-pitched cry resounds.„What's wrong, how?" Xia Tian cousin directly flushedfrom own room, saw that front two people she know finallywhat happened.„Ok, Bing Xin, do not call, he is my cousin."„Xia Tian, when do you come back? How haven't I discovered you at home today?" Xia Tian cousin is called Ye Qingxue, she arrived with stride in front of that girl who called Bing Xin.„A day at home?" Xia Tian stares slightly, later looks tothe date on wall, his unexpectedly stupor two days.Then in other words all are not the dreams, he trulysaved a little girl, then injured was admitted to the hospital, girl's mother must give him 5 million, he has not wanted, what is main is the function of his X-Ray Vision eye andblue necklace.Thinks of here, the function of X-Ray Vision eye openedimmediately.„Winnie the Pooh cartoon." The one who maps in the Xia Tian eye is the Bing Xin underpants, this he believesthat time oneself has not misread absolutely.Hears the Xia Tian words, both female complexionschange.„Xia Tian, your unexpectedly peeps, looked that I do not tidy up you well." Ye Qingxue pulls own sleeve to beat toXia Tian, but at this moment the Xia Tian surprised discovery cousin speed is that slow, moreover own eye unexpectedly fell inside the arm of cousin, during the consciousness presented an inexplicable prompt, seems telling itselfto attack here to be able neutralize cousin.He will certainly not go to do, therefore flashes directlyforward, entered in the bathroom.This matter has no way to explain, he knows oneselfdefinitely was says, to cousin said oneself were guessesthat cousin definitely does not believe that but if said oneself met X-Ray Vision, then entire day below person will know with the cousin character.When the time comes he must turn into guinea pig, making one grasp to do the experiment.After entering bathroom inside, Xia Tian looked to ownnecklace, the ray on necklace vanished thoroughly, so long as before he takes up the necklace, on the necklace will emit the sky blue ray, but how regardless of now hemakes, will not present the blue ray.„Related with my wound?" Xia Tian realized immediately, oneself just started to have the wound, but after putting onthe necklace , the wound was good, the ray on necklacealso vanished.„It seems like the father was this meaning, this necklacecan cure my wound." Xia Tian got hold of the necklace withthe hand.