Trust and Lies

"...So that's what happened?" her father said.

Olympia nodded, holding the contract in front of her father's face.

"Now I'm going to have to live with him!" she said with asperity,

"I'm sorry, Olympia, but he threatened to blackmail us with our black market tradings from 10 years ago."

"And you sold me off for it?" she demanded her father.

"But you sounded so fine with it--"

Olympia gave him an acrimonious glare and sighed.

"Why did you even sign the contract, then?" he finally managed to ask.

"He fooled me." she gritted her teeth, "He didn't even tell me that it was part of the contract that I live with him."

Her fair forehead was now creased with irritation as she let out a deep sigh.

"On the positive side," she said, "This partnership will eradicate my Pheromone and..."


"My future would be more...independent."

Her father tried to understand her ineffable expression.

"Oh," he finally realized, "But now, you can't be the CEO because Olympus Entertainments was acquired by Z&U."

"Exactly, but I'll be the Head Manager of that segment of the company." she declared. "As you know, I'm turning 18 next month, so by next month, I can have an official job."

"What about your college?"

"...I'll have to postpone it." she sighed.

She felt slightly powerful, now that she was allowed to even be the Head Manager. But on the same hand, there always had to be a price: she was required to live with him.

"He says that I'll have to leave by tomorrow so I told the maids to pack my stuff,"

"Oh." his father sipped on his tea, "I'll get to see you sometimes, right?"

"I think so," she answered. But with honesty, she wasn't sure. Her eyes almost teared up, thinking that there was a risk that she couldn't see her father ever again.

Her father had been so protective of her and now he was letting her go so easily, like a mother bird that was evicting its own child.

"Then fine. I'll hand you the position of the Head Manager next month and you will be the Vice President of Z&U, I think."


"...You seem very calm about this," he commented, sipping on his tea.

"You too,"

There was an awkward silence between them, Olympia felt a sense of betrayal and hatred towards her father who had sold her off for his business. She dried her tears by staring hard into her tea. He had objectified her in the grossly false pretext that he was being "protective".

"I gotta see if Accalia's packing the right things," she sat up, thinking of an excuse to dodge the silence.

"She went out to buy groceries, dear."

Olympia sighed and stomped upstairs with great uneasiness.

"I'll just to it myself then," she said bitterly.

This had all happened because of Zev's blackmailing. It was a mistake to blame her father anyway.

'It's not Dad's fault,' she thought to herself.

Olympia opened the door to her bedroom and took out a turquoise suitcase in her closet then packed her luxurious, beautiful clothes and accouterments. It was her first time packing for herself so she was quite maladroit but managed. Her breath quivered as she did, trying to tell herself again and again that her father was perfectly innocent.

Suddenly, as she was stuffing the last dress into the suitcase, an idea popped into her head.

Olympia walked to her bed and bent. She groped her hand for a cold, metal object taped beneath it, grunting. Finally, it fit through her hand like a magnet as she took it out and dusted it off.

"There you are!" she said to herself.

All of a sudden, she could hear someone's footsteps coming up the stairs and quickly stuffed the object between the layers of her clothes and closed the suitcase.

"Are you done packing, miss?" Accalia said, entering her room with a knock."I'm sorry that I couldn't help you."

"No, it's fine, Accalia," she said as she cleared her throat, "Just give me a moment,"

Accalia nodded and walked back downstairs. As soon as Accalia's footsteps disappeared, Olympia sighed a breath of relief. She opened the suitcase again, inspecting if the Smith & Wesson XVR 460 Magnum gun was there, safe and sound. Olympia grinned, and quickly whispered to herself,

"I might have appeared quite peaceful about such a deal, Zev," she said in disgust, "But I certainly HATE to not revenge the people that underestimate me!"