Thank you all 97 readers who have added this novel to your library.
However, it is unfortunate to say, but I will be taking an indefinite Hiatus for the time being.
My workload and timetable will be increasing tremendously, hence my limited time to continue writing this novel.
I started writing "The Underrated Boss" on the 11th May, and have now released 68 chapters plus an auxiliary chapter.
This novel started as a project to pass time during the last few months and was never intended to create money or be long lasting, thus my declination of the Webnovel Contract.
I once again thank all you readers, and a special thanks to the few of you who have commented, reviewed and gifted Power Stones to this novel.
Hopefully I will one day have the time and energy to resume writing this Novel from where I have left off. But until then, best wishes and thank you.