Her Fucking Uncle 1:

Cindy had just gotten back from school – barely through the door, in fact – when the sight of her uncle soured her day.

"Oh, welcome home, pumpkin." her father said. "Uncle Jeremy just got here and we're having coffee in a minute. Would you like some?"

"No." she said coldly and strode up the stairs to her room, glaring at her uncle as she passed him.

He was a scrawny, yucky man. He dressed in dirty slacks and didn't bother to groom his hair properly. And, god, he said the most inappropriate things whenever they were alone. Why was he here? Oh, whatever. Her dad might like him, but she and her sister totally hated his guts. Rebecka had always been better at hiding her disgust with their uncle, as she was the older one, but Cindy was 18 now. She shouldn't have to take Uncle Jeremy's abuse anymore. His eyes lingering at them when out back by the swimming pool, or his creepy smile whenever they entered the room – she hated all of it.

Better just go to her room.

She resisted the urge to slam her bedroom door behind her. Couldn't let it show too much just how irritated that man made her. She glanced into the mirror above her bed, admiring her tanned skin and dishwater blond hair which fell to her shoulders. She always got compliments about her big, piercingly blue eyes, and she knew the boys in class were always gazing at her admittedly ripe breasts and firm yet curvaceous ass. Boys was all the guys in class were, though. What she wouldn't do for a man. A real man, not like her uncle.

With a sigh she threw herself on the bed and opened up her laptop. Two messages on Facebook. One from some guy she'd met at a party a week ago, whose friend request she bitterly regretted having accepted. But the other message was from her cousin, Tess. Not from her uncle's side, thank god, as if he could even find a woman willing to have his kids anyway. Tess was Cindy's aunt's daughter, and she was her own age. They were kindred spirits in many ways, not least in that they both abhorred their uncle. Both Cindy and Tess, who had inherited her mother's great figure and her father's dark skin, loved going to the beach and swim, but their fun was spoiled every time Uncle Jeremy came with them and the rest of the family.

"Hey," she wrote to her in a PM.

"Hey, what's up?" she replied in no time at all.

"Uncle is here. Yuck."

"Ewww, why?"

"Coffee with dad. God, I hate him."

"He's so gross, can't believe what Beckie said."

This was news, had her sister Rebecka said anything about Jeremy? Not that she could remember, she hadn't. Her sister was always more lenient with their uncle, so she rarely gossiped about him.

"Apparently," Tess started in a message. "Remember last time we went to the beach?"


"She saw him behind some rocks."


"She saw his dick."


"And she said it was HUGE."

"Shut up! OMG. Disgusting."

"Haha I'm just saying. Didn't Beckie tell you?"

"No! Yuck!"

She quickly changed the subject and they chatted for the better part of an hour. She had to log off, though, when her dad called her down for dinner.

She switched out her skirt for a pair of shorts – unfortunately she didn't have anything but shorts or tights. She silently treaded down stairs, hoping Jeremy was gone. No such luck, he was sitting down at the table next to poor Rebecka.

Cindy strode into the kitchen with a sour face before making an effort to pretend that her uncle's presence was even tolerable.

She paid little attention to the idle chit-chat and concentrated on her food. From time to time her dad and uncle would exchange a joke and her uncle would laugh loudly. His laugh cut into the air like a rusty saw. She shared a glance with Beckie and it was plain to see that their irritation was shared. She took some chicken on her fork, holding it loosely. Her fingers faulted, and the fork fell down unto the floor.

"Sorry." she said with little sincerity and reached down beneath the table. What she saw there almost made her shout out in disgust.

Uncle Jeremy's hand was on Rebecka's knee. He was caressing her – no, caressing wasn't the right word, he was assaulting her! For a second she thought she really was going to shout, but then she noticed the other thing. Next to his hand, through his slacks she saw an unmistakable bulge. There, from the other side of the table, she saw the outline of the biggest dick she had ever imagined. She covered her gasp with her hand. That thing had to be at least ten inches, maybe eleven.

She was so entranced by the shape sticking out from her uncle's pants that she almost forgot her fork. Eventually she got it and got up from under the table. However, now everything seemed different. Suddenly, when she looked at her uncle she felt something other than her usual repulsion. It was sort of the same, but there was something new now. From out of nowhere, she was now sensing something like interest. Fascination. She couldn't believe it.

What surprised her even more was that, once she had realized it, the sight of Uncle Jeremy's penis had made her forget the fact that he was rubbing his hands all over Beckie's leg. Suddenly the disgust was back in force when she looked at her uncle's face. She couldn't take it anymore, but she couldn't just call him out on it in front of their parents. Strange as it was, her dad really liked their uncle. She supposed blood ran thick. Better to approach Beckie calmly later and talk with her about it.

For now, though, she had to leave or she really would vent her disgust in front of their parents.

"Excuse me," she said. "I don't really feel well. Mind if I go up to my room and lay down."

"No problem at all, sweetie." her mother said. She was a beautiful woman, a natural blond but who'd dyed her hair brown. She still had an amazing figure, no to mention her smooth, delicate face and her big, piercing eyes.

Cindy went up the stairs and threw herself unto her bed. What was she to do? Her uncle had really gone too far this time.

She grabbed her cell phone and texted her sister.

"Come into my room after dinner k?"

She turned around and lied down facing the ceiling. Poor Rebecka, she thought. It was bad enough having to stand his stares and perverted comments. To actually be touched by him...

Cindy started up in horror when a warm sensation suddenly lashed her vagina, she took off her shorts and stared in disbelief at her wet panties. Had she really been aroused by... him? A flash image of Uncle Jeremy's swollen penis hinting through his pants appeared in her mind and, she didn't mind. She brushed it off as a guilty pleasure, and gently started rubbing herself.

After all, Tess had said it'd be huge. She had been right, it was. But the fact remained that Uncle Jeremy creeped her out. But still... thinking about the dick when touching herself couldn't hurt. It wasn't as if she would ever do anything with him.

A small moan escaped her lips as she heard the doorknob turn.

Expecting to see her sister, she only half-bothered to cover up. Then she saw who was really standing by the door.

"Hello, Cindy." her uncle said with a wide grin.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?"

"You seemed ill. Just checking on you."

"Well, I'm fine now so leave."

"Oh, so you're fine. Yeah, I guess you just needed some... relief." he said, eyeing the wet spot on her panties. She hastily covered it up with her bed sheets.

"Get the fuck out." she said, but he just closed the door and stepped closer.

"You know, Cindy. I've noticed how you act around me."

"Like I care."

"It's not unusual, you know. You're eighteen now, a woman. It's only natural that you'd start to notice the men around you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"No need to play coy, honey. I understand a girl your age has needs, fantasies. Thinking of your own uncle that way... some would say it ain't right, but I understand where it's coming from."

"What, you think I'm eyeing you?" she said and actually broke out into a laugh. "Yeah, like that would ever happen."

"Then explain that spot."

"This? What on earth makes you think this is because of you?"

"This." he said and stroked the surface of his pants, revealing the outline of his penis. It wasn't as swollen now, but nevertheless the size was obvious. Cindy's eyes widened at the sight of it. Still, there was no chance. No. Never.

"Y-you... there's no way. NO way."

"Really? Too bad. I suppose it's back to plan A then."

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"Well, you see. I'm a grown man, I need something to take care of my needs, too. And if you're not willing, then..."

"You wouldn't! You fucking monster!"

"I see two solutions. Either you help me, or I get sweet Rebecka to help me."

"You will NOT touch my sister!"

"Then get down on your knees. Dear niece."

With this he put his hand on his hips, and the shape of his dick visible through the fabric of his slacks grew and stiffened, trying to poke its way out. Cindy was disgusted with this turn of events, and yet she was strangely excited. Her heart was beating faster, she noticed. There were butterflies in her stomach. She realized that even though she found her uncle completely revolting, she was turned on by the idea of submitting to him.

When she refused to come forward

( didn't refuse couldn't move)

he came to her. He stood right in front of her and stared her straight in the eye. She couldn't turn away, couldn't scream for help. She had never felt so powerless. He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her down to her knees. She could smell his sweat, and the lower she went the more the sweat took on a damp, cheese-like tone.

"Now, take them off." he said.

She put her hands his legs.

(Resist! Scream for help)

She slowly lowered his slacks, revealing a fully engorged cock that appeared with such force that it slapped her right in the face. A mere whiff of the stench was enough to make a small squirt of juice shoot out of her vagina. She felt the moisture building up in her panties as the dick's smell made her more and more dizzy.

Could I really be... getting horny?

He was rubbing his enormous dick over her face now, occasionally slapping her on the cheek with it. She caught a glance of his balls and was shocked at how huge they were and how they hung so loosely down his thighs.

"Well?" he asked repulsively. "Don't you know what to do?"

"Ugh! I'm not gonna do anything!"

"Then I'm just gonna have to let Beckie savor this dick."

"Wha- wait, no."

"Sorry, if you're not into it I'm just gonna have to let Beckie taste it instead. I'm sure she'll appreciate the taste-"

(The taste?)

"The size-"

(It's so big...)

"Wait! No. I can- I can do it."

She defiantly corrected her posture and grabbed his dick with both hands. It was so thick she could barely wrap her gentle fingers around it. The stench coming from it was thick, too. It was revolting but oddly intoxicating. She started moving her hands, slowly jerking his penis. Its ridiculous length had her scared, she realized. Both her hands were firmly clenching her uncle's dick but three or maybe four hands could still easily hold on to it too.

"My god..." she said, not even realizing it. She was becoming mesmerized by this huge thing. It wasn't just the size, though. It was its smell, too. It was nauseating, but it made her feel shamefully good. She remembered this one time she and Tess had shared a small plasitc bottle of vodka they had swiped from a friend's house party. The smell and taste of it had been awful, but there had been a powerful woof the moment she had downed a shot. That's what her uncle's dick reminded her of. A shot of vodka. A huge, hard, veiny, smelly shot of vodka.

"Is this the best you can do, sweetie?" her uncle said disdainfully.

"Shut up, perv. I'm doing it."

"You think I was thinking about a handjob and nothing more? Why don't you lick a bit and see if you like the taste?"

"You better stay away from Beckie if I do this."

"You have my word."

With that Cindy carefully stuck out her tongue, but found it hard to build up the nerve to lick Uncle Jeremy's dick. As she moved her head closer the smell became even more potent, and she could literally feel her head spinning. Did he use some sort of cock-cologne or was this the smell of an unwashed dick? Finally, Uncle Jeremy became impatient, so he gently grabbed Cindy by the back of her head and nudged her closer, so that his dick pushed up against her lips. She wanted to cry out but was at a loss for words, and then her uncle started to rub the crown of his penis along her lips, applying pre-cum as if it had been lipstick to her sweet mouth. Suddenly Cindy acted out of pure instinct and sucked the tip of his dick into her mouth. To her surprise the taste wasn't unbearable. The taste was nice. The smell was getting more and more pleasant, too. She surprised her self yet again when her hand moved – as if by itself – to her panties and she realized she was completely wet. Her uncle gently nudged her head along, suggesting her to go deeper. She reluctantly let out a moan as she sucked and jerked him off.

"That's it, sweetie." Jeremy said. "You're doing great. I'm really proud of you."

A tingling sensation rose up inside her at those words. Did she like it when he praised her? No, no, no. This was so wrong. She couldn't possibly be enjoying sucking off her disgusting uncle. He was s scrawny, smelly, disgusting man. But he had an amazing cock with a smell and a taste that was like a drug. Against her better judgment, she sped up her jerking motion and started sucking harder. She started rolling her tongue around his crown, and as her spit intermingled with his pre-cum she found it easier to take more and more of his dick in her mouth. He was impossibly hard now, and she was couldn't ignore the aching sensation that pulsated between her legs.

There was not denying it now. She was horny. Her uncle was making her horny.

"I've got an idea." said Uncle Jeremy as he pulled his cock out of Cindy's mouth. He took a step back and point to the bed. "Why don't you lay down on your back, with your head by the edge of the bed?"

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Something that will feel real good for you."

Cindy was apprehensive at first, but her vagina was aching. The moment her hands had lost their grip of Uncle Jeremy's dick they'd gone straight for her panties. She wanted desperately to rub her clit and get off, but somewhere in the back of her head she suspected that she could feel unbelievably good with Uncle Jeremy. The whole idea seemed insane, considering how she loathed him. But the truth was that she was on her knees in her own bedroom, having just sucked her uncle's cock and she was extremely aroused. She suspected, though, that his huge penis was not the only thing that had made her like this. As she contemplated her options, she came upon the idea that maybe, just maybe, she enjoyed him being in charge. Never before had she seen Uncle Jeremy as strong, but here he was, having power of her. The Power of lust.

She crawled closer to the bed. She wasn't sure if she could stand up, her legs felt frail and shaky. She got up on the bed and lied down with her head at the foot-end. Jeremy let his pants drop to the floor. His scrotum was clean shaven, in contrast to the rest of his body which was quite hairy. His hair and his beard was always rough and a bit uneven. He never made an effort to look nice, which was one of the reasons Cindy disliked him so much. But now he got up on the bed, standing over her. His cock seemed larger now than ever, and Cindy felt fear mixed with excitement. He knelt down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She felt again a mix of resentment and lust, and a sense of chaotic wonder as he turned around and went down on all fours, his dick descending down unto her face and his face disappearing in between her legs.

Almost in panic, she took his huge manhood into her mouth and again the taste smell started to cloud her judgment. She wanted to say something when she felt him sniffing her vagina and fumbling around with her panties, but the her tongue seemed only interested in covering his dick in saliva, and her uncle's pumping hip movements seemed to convince her to start sucking. In a minute he was gently making love to her mouth, and slowly teasing her vagina. He'd taken of her panties and was giving her short, sensual licks along her labia, interspersed with brief teasing kisses focused on her clitoris. Then he parted her labia with his finger and started licking her more thoroughly. His beard itched pleasantly and she could feel something building up inside her. Dear god, he was going to make her come.

She moaned loudly, but was muffled by his cock going in and out of her mouth. She wrapped her lips around him and sucked as hard she could, every once in a while swirling her tongue around ravishingly, providing plenty of spit which started running down her face. She reached up and started cupping his huge balls with one hand, and tried jerking his dick with the other, but it was her first time in this position and her efforts were a bit awkward. Finally Jeremy was growing bolder and started attacking her clit, pumping his dick with more vigor into her willing mouth. She was already gagging when half of his dick came into her mouth, and she realized that Jeremy's work on her clit was rushing her into an orgasm. But just as he could feel the sensation rising to its utmost height, he stopped, and got up and out of the bed.

"Why did you stop, fucker?" she yelled at first but went into a whisper half-way through the sentence.

"I wasn't sure if you were enjoying it, and I wanted to get your consent."

"Are you fucking me? Now, you ask for consent?" she said as she got up on the bed.

"I never forced myself on you. I gave a suggestion and you agreed, but that's beside the point. If we're taking this any further I'd like to hear you say it."

"Say what?"

"Whatever you'd like."

Cindy realized now that she might have a chance to get out, but she didn't want to. Even if she'd hate herself for it, she wanted to finish.

"Please," she pleaded. "Let me finish."

"Finish what?"

"Pleease? Make me cum. Keep going down on me, it felt so fucking good."

"And what about me?"

"I'll suck that huge cock till you cum. I'll let you cum on my face, or I can swallow it. Fuck you, you fucking hobo, but your cock is soooo good."

"Do you like my cock, then?" he said, coming closer again. He was standing up and she was sitting on the bed, putting her face and his dick at about the same height.

"..." she said nothing.

"I'd like to hear you say it."

"Yes. Your cock is amazing. It's so big, and it tastes amazing. It's the only manly thing about you, but I love it."

As she spoke, she put her one hand on his dick and the other firmly grasped his balls. She gently massaged his scrotum as she started to lick his cock and giving small kisses to the tip.

"So do you want me to make you cum?"



"I want you to go down on me."

"Wouldn't you like it if I made you cum with my dick?"

She stopped. What did he just say? He wanted to fuck her? Like, for real, fuck her?

"I, I don't know..."

"Listen, sweetie. I can eat you out and make you cum if you like. You're so easy that I could make you cum ten times, if you want. That's fine. Or," he said, grabbing her hand and gently lead it up and down his shaft. "Or, I can make you feel even better."

She was mesmerized by him, somehow. She didn't find him particularly attractive, even though, suddenly, he seemed a lot less repulsive now than ever before. She still felt a level of disdain for him, but somehow he had turned her dislike for him into some sort of perverse attraction. She still didn't like him, but for some reason that was part of why she was so wet.

"If, if I say no you better not."

"Of course. But I don't think you're going to say no."

"No? Fucker, then I say no."

"Alright then." he said and pushed her backwards, and grabber her by her legs.

At first she thought he was going to force himself on her, but then he went down on his knees in front of the bed and attacked her pussy with his mouth. Overwhelming sensations rushed her, and in a few seconds she was close to cumming again. It kept rising, rising until he abruptly stopped.

"What the fuck, don't stop!" she said and then he attacked her once more.

Just like last time she could feel her sensitivity rising, everything blurred and dizzying feeling fell on her. Then it stopped again. She had just enough time to come down again before Uncle Jeremy was attacking her again. And then he stopped. And then he attacked her again. Then, for one final time, he rushed her with a tornado of the tongue, building her up in a way that she had never experienced before. She came violently, and she had to hold her pillow over her head to muffle out her scream. Then, when her orgasm started to wind down another came. And one more. And another after that. She found herself in a haze of orgasmic bliss, and when she finally came out of it she realized, to her disbelief, that she had been cumming again and again almost a dozen times.

Her uncle got up and lied down on her bed. His dick was flaccid now. Cindy had only seen one other dick in real life, an ex that she never went the whole way with. To her shock, Uncle Jeremy was a long when soft, as Brad had been when fully erect.

"Well, sweetie," her uncle said. "I was good to you. Now be good to me."

Cindy couldn't find it in her to form a coherent sentence. Instead she merely nodded and crawled over to her uncle. She took his soft penis in her mouth and lovingly kissed its tip. She cupped his balls and started sucking his dick. When it started getting hard, she licked up and down the shaft, and when it was fully erect she started jerking it with one hand and made her best effort to work her way to his base. She didn't quite make it, she started gagging about half-way again. Her uncle petted her head, like you would a cat, and felt extremely at ease. Uncle Jeremey's beautiful cock started twitching, and she saw it as her queue to work it harder and faster. She pumped her hand along his shaft and sucked hard on as much of his cock as she could fit in her mouth. When he came he exploded into her mouth. She couldn't even begin to take it all and soon it started running out of her mouth, drenching his cock and balls with cum and spit. She wasn't deterred, though. She happily started licking it up, kissing his cock as she went along. She practically gorged her face into his dick until her face was as covered in cum.

She didn't mind. The taste was wonderful. The smell was wonderful. This cock was wonderful. Just to bad she would have to spend time with her uncle from now on to taste it.