Mum finds out I’m a Nudist … bit of a BIG surprise

My parents were never nude around me once I reached my teenage years as I assume they didn't want to force anything onto me as more of a lifestyle but I had my suspicions that they would still go on holiday to nude resorts as I moved away from home as I got older. They lived around half an hour away from my flat, but we caught up once or twice a month. As family's do, we all had keys to each other's houses but rarely needed them as we only went around when arranged.

It was a couple of years ago now that I really started to get the urge to get back into nudism, I had always liked wandering around the house naked but not so much in public. That feeling had certainly changed and after years of pestering I managed to get my ex-gf onto a clothing optional beach last year. She only agreed to this as she could leave some clothes on. I really enjoyed the experience and definitely wanted more. This was one of the main reasons for us breaking up as Jenny really didn't like it and couldn't face going again, and to the point where she even started getting upset with me walking around the house naked constantly.

Although I was sad to be breaking up I was still happy and excited about the future possibilities that being naked had in store for me, not least having the freedom to roam around my own flat with it all hanging out again. I'm no catalogue model but I'm not in bad shape and proud of my appearance. I have always swum a lot in competitions and so have a typical swimmer's body of powerful shoulders, arms, legs and firm round bum. Also due to swimming I'm almost always completely shaved. I do tend to leave a small trimmed area downstairs as I don't like the completely bald look. Talking about downstairs, I was very proud of what was down there too, it hung nicely when soft but when hard reached 8" and was very thick. All of my partners had said it was the thickest one they'd ever seen, and it had girth as that I could just get my hands round it but generally women couldn't.

Anyway, after Jenny left, I was really enjoying the freedom of the house again, I would often spend most of the day naked if I could. Being a flat in a larger block it was always warm and so didn't cost a lot for the extra heating. The feeling of being without clothes was so amazing to me that I would often get aroused quickly and I would be at full mast for a large amount of time. I'd obviously have a play every now and again to keep it this way but the rush of being hard and naked was so good.

It was another one of those days that changed our family dynamic for good. It was a Friday evening and I had just returned from a work trip to Asia. It had been a very long and busy trip this time and I hadn't had a lot of chance to be naked for long, even in my hotel room, and so I was really looking forward to tonight. After a long flight I had just finished in the shower and dried myself off and wandered towards the small kitchen at the front of the apartment. Without hesitation my cock was rising as normal and within seconds was up and hard. When I was stood up, as I was still young, it still stuck upwards as opposed to straight out and tonight looked pretty impressive I thought as I walked past the hall mirror. Once in the kitchen I put the radio on, grabbed a bottle of beer out of the fridge and was just putting a meal in the microwave. The problem with long business trips is coming home to an empty fridge. It must have been the combination of the radio and the microwave noise that I hadn't heard the door but just as I was taking a sip of my beer my mum appeared in the door frame.

Here I was stood stark naked with a huge hard on, sipping a beer, and am faced with my mother. Her mouth opened in shock as she struggled to hold onto her shopping bags, it was an awkward silence that seemed to last for eternity, her eyes transfixed on my groin.

'good god, look at the size of that thing' she finally blurted out involuntarily. She then turned red with embarrassment as she recovered her senses. 'I'm sorry David, I didn't mean to ss s say that, you just caught me by surprise, I thought you weren't back until tomorrow and I came round to put some shopping in the house for you'

'sorry mum, didn't mean to shock you' although seeing the look in her eyes and the words she spat out had made me even harder as I was enjoying the awkwardness of my mum. 'and thanks for the shopping' I added.

'it's ok love, you weren't to know I was planning to come round, and it's your flat, it's just you've grown a lot since I last saw you naked' she laughed 'anyway, really need to get this shopping away'

'thanks Mum, let me help, there's some wine in the fridge if you want a glass' I said

After the initial awkwardness and shock my mum was really cool with the whole situation, getting on with the shopping, now she was still glancing over regularly as my cock was loving the situation and showed no signs of going down.

We finished putting the shopping away and headed into the lounge for a sit down. It was very surreal us both sat on the sofa next to each other with my rigid pole still pointing northwards.

'the benefits of youth' mum joked 'not going down soon is it?'

'haha, I can't complain' I said cockily

'I bet you can't, I hope you don't mind me saying but I'm not sure I've ever seen one that thick' she commented

My cock twitched as the compliment left my mum's mouth 'Yes, most have said the same Mum' I said a little cockily

'So did Jenny like going nude too?' she asked

'no, afraid not' I said 'she wasn't keen at all, she said I just wanted to show off'

'Well who wouldn't want to with one like that.. If your dads looked like that I'd be keen he showed it off as I'd be proud it's with me' she joked

'I appreciate you being cool with it mum, sorry again'

'Don't worry love, you probably don't want to hear this but your Dad and I still go on nudist holidays and have the odd night at ours with a few friends so I'm used to them popping up now and again. It's just I wasn't aware my little.. or should I say very big boy also enjoyed the freedom of no clothes.'

'if I'm honest, although not sure you'd want me to, if I had longer I would have joined you for a bit, but I need to get back as only popped round to put the shopping away'

'that's a shame mum, I'd be fine with you joining, make it a bit less weird with me sat here naked and you in clothes' I laughed

Mum took a quick look at her watch, 'well I suppose I still need to finish this wine, if you're sure you don't mind?' it was a pointless question as she was already stripping off. 'And plus seeing an older lady naked will probably help that thing go down haha' she joked.

She had a long summery dress on that just moved off the shoulder and fell to the ground. That's when I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra and her large breasts were hanging in full view. She was wearing some black bikini style briefs that she quickly slipped down to the floor to reveal an untrimmed bush and a very round shapely ass.

I had always thought my mum was attractive with short cropped brown hair, nice eyes, smile and normally in good shape for someone in her late 40's but seeing her like this made my cock twitch some more.

'you look great mum, certainly not made it go down look' I laughed

'not even with the hairy look?' she laughed as she rubbed her fingers through her untamed mound 'not something you put up with by the looks of it'

'I think it looks cool Mum, don't see too many like that these days but it's what you feel comfortable with I guess. I've always preferred to be trimmed and shaved, although not sure Jenny really cared' I added

'Well for what it's worth' mum replied 'I have to say the trimmed look works very well, looks so young and clean and big. Do you mind if i….?' she started 'no I better not, it wouldn't be right'

'Do I mind what Mum?' I thought I knew what she was going to ask and was playing her a bit

'Well, I was just going to ask if I could feel how thick it is as I've not seen one like that before? But I know I shouldn't'

'Don't worry Mum, it's only us and I'm hardly going to tell anyone am…' I was in the process of responding but mum's hand was already trying to wrap itself around me.

'My word young man, that is impressive' she looked over and then grabbed my beer bottle with the other hand 'yes, I think it's thicker than this beer bottle, unbelievable'

I couldn't help but stare at Mum, her nipples were hard and erect as she was obviously enjoying the situation but I really wasn't sure what was going to happen.

It was an awkward few minutes as we sat naked together, our eyes pretending not to but then scanning each other's bodies.

'I'm sorry Mum' I said as I broke the silence 'I've gone a bit quiet, a bit strange being here with you naked, especially in this state' I added jokingly

My mum smiled 'don't worry honey, i've really enjoyed tonight and glad we've discovered the fact you're into nudism too'

'Well I better get back as your dad will think I got lost, and plus you may want to deal with that' she joked as she stood up.

She slipped on her knickers and dress and was ready to go. 'you were due to come around tomorrow night and watch the football with your dad' she carried on 'if you want to I could ask your dad and we could turn it into a naked night? We haven't had one for a while so think he'll be fine and now you want to get more into it then no time like the present'

Before I could answer, she had already decided 'great, that's it sorted then, see you tomorrow' and with that leant in for a big hug. Her pert nipples pressed through her dress and against my chest as my dick got thrust into her midriff. 'Wow, I forgot about that thing, need to be careful, could do some serious damage with that' she laughed and had another quick grope. Kissed me on the cheek and then headed out of the flat.

I fell back onto the sofa, a bit aghast at what had just happened and looked down at my now throbbing cock. I placed my hand on my shaft and started to wank, closed my eyes to relive my mum stripping in front of me and the feeling as my cock pushed against her flesh. It took only seconds before I shot my load all over my chest as I headed back to the shower.

After a long trip and an eventful night I slept right like a baby through the night and almost to midday.

I spent the rest of the day sorting the flat after my trip and catching up with a few friends on social media but the evening soon arrived. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed over to my parents house. I hadn't given it too much thought during the day but on the drive over the situation dawned on me. I was about to go to back to my old house and be naked with my parents, it was daunting but also exciting. The prospect of seeing my naked mother again had started to stir down below but then the thought of seeing my dad naked soon killed any urges.

I pulled up on the drive and noticed all the curtains were drawn and I couldn't see into the house as I normally could. I walked up to the door and entered as I normally would, took off my shoes and made my way in.

As I walked through the hall and approached the lounge my mum came out of the doorway. She was completely naked and I have to say looked even better than last night. Not sure if she had moisturized or applied fake tan but her body was glowing and her pendulous breasts and furry mound made their way towards me.

'hi darling' she greeted with a huge smile, a kiss on the cheek and a huge hug as her huge tits pressed against me. I looked down over her shoulder as we hugged and saw her curvy cheeks below. I could already feel my cock start to inflate slightly.

'glad you could make it' she carried on 'now let's get that stuff off you'

I was a bit taken aback 'hold on mum, I've just arrived' I protested

But she wasn't having any of it as she pulled at my t-shirt and lifted it over my head. 'don't worry David, we're both naked and you know I've seen it all before' as she threw my t-shirt to the floor and moved to my belt. She unbuckled my belt and jean button in seconds, she grabbed my jeans waistband and the top of my boxers and pulled them down over my groin and to my knees.

As she bent down to try and remove my clothes her face was right in front of my groin as my semi was hanging in front of her 'oh David, it looks just as magnificent soft, you're a very lucky boy'

Her desire to get me naked paid off and with a few more moments of her tugging at my jeans and socks I was stood in front of her as nature intended.

'now that's better' she said smiling 'now come on through'

I followed her into the lounge to be greeted by my dad in his normal chair on the far side of the room, also naked. He looked pretty much as I was expecting with a bit of a beer belly and hairy groin and leg area where his small dick looked almost lost in the hair.

'Here he is Brian' mum introduced me as almost like a special guest

'hi son' dad said as I saw him checking me out 'take a seat, the games about to start'

It was a strange situation as dad acted as though we were fully clothed, but I guess they must be used to it after all this time. I sat down on the sofa facing the television which was a few feet away from my Dad's chair.

My mum disappeared briefly and came back with a beer, 'here thought you might like a drink with the game' she said

'thanks mum' I replied as I grabbed the beer and took a sip

Mum had a large glass of wine and sat down on the sofa next to me.

'you don't normally watch the game with us Carol' Dad said pointedly

'I know Brian but I'm just enjoying the first time in a long time we're naked as a family'

'yes, I bet that's what it is' Dad said with a loaded tone to his voice.

He seemed put out by the attention mum was paying me and that made me feel a bit uneasy. 'it's ok love, don't worry about him' my mum whispered as she placed a reassuring hand on my leg.

She continued the conversation from earlier 'I can't believe Jenny didn't enjoy sitting naked with you, but I suppose each to their own' she questioned

'there were other reasons we split up mum but rather not go into them just now if that's ok' I said quickly which seemed to kill the conversation for a short while.

The game was passing quickly as I seemed to be drinking to cope with the slightly awkward situation.

'do you want another beer David?' mum asked as she noticed the empty glass.

'I'd love one mum but I better not as have to drive back' I replied

'don't worry about that honey, we've got the spare room ready as always, have another drink, you deserve a few drinks after being away all week' and before I could say no I had another beer in my hand.

'err.. ok mum.. that would be great thanks. Don't have anything in the morning so can head back after breakfast' I said as I started my next drink

It was approaching half time and Mum got up off the sofa, she crouched down on all fours right in front of me as she added some more wood to the burner. The sight of her round ass on all fours in front of me, her round cheeks jiggling as she poked the fire and her pussy lips visible between her legs beneath her bush was having an effect and very quickly my cock began to rise. I felt awkward and not right but the thought of mum almost ready to be taken and us all naked in the room was too much. By the time she turned to return to the sofa I was sat with my cock fully engorged protruding from my lap.

'oh wow' mum said 'somethings popped up' she laughed as she returned next to me on the sofa but a little closer this time so our thighs were touching. My dad turned following my mum's comments.

'shit Son, your mum wasn't lying then, if that was attached to a horse not sure anyone would know the difference. Not sure how we made something like that' he joked.

His mood had changed from one of grumpiness to one of being impressed or proud.

I felt more comfortable after that but that didn't help the hard on situation which only seemed to grow harder and more throbbing as the game approached half time. I could sense mum's eyes not moving far from my groin as her hand moved further up my leg.

'right, I'm going to sort a few things upstairs during halftime' my dad announced as he got up from his chair and left the room

As soon as dad left the room the tension seemed to rise. My mum's hand was inches from my cock that was showing no signs of subsiding. She didn't say a word but her hand worked further up my leg and before I knew it was wrapped around the base of my big hard cock.

I was almost speechless and was trying to stutter something but mum interrupted 'it��s ok David, not what you probably want to hear but your dad will be fine with it, he knows he can't compete with this'

I wasn't quite sure what to think, I didn't have time to think what that really meant as I felt my mum's hand start to rise up my shaft and back down again 'you feel so big' she whispered as she grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast and leant in for a kiss.

I was completely stunned, what was going on, I had my hand on my mum's tits as she kissed me and wanked my cock. I knew it was wrong but it felt so good, my cock being stroked by her soft hands and my hand full of her large breast and hardening nipple. I teased her nipple and caressed her breast as she moaned lightly as we kissed. Her hand started to work my cock up and down faster as she explored my full length. My hand made my way from her top half, down her body and slowly through the forest of hair before I reached her lips. She let out a sigh as my hands explored her lips and located her now protruding clit. I started to tease her as her lips left mine and slowly kissed her way down my chest. I knew what was coming but it had been a long time since Jenny had taken me in her mouth, then seconds later I felt the soft, wet, warmth of my mums mouth engulf my head.

I let out a groan 'that feels so good' I couldn't help saying as she sunk more of me into her mouth. My arm was now unable to move underneath her as she leant over from next to me to suck on my cock. I slowly untrapped it from her midriff and slid it down her back and grabbed a handful of her sexy ass. I couldn't believe what was happening, my mum now with half of my cock deep into her mouth and my hand groping her round fleshy ass. She moved herself onto her knees on the sofas as her head bobbed faster up and down on my cock and my hand now able to each round to her soaking lips.

Both our moans and sighs were increasing in volume and I could feel we were both close to cumming when my dad walked back through the door. I stopped almost in panic, shit, what was going to happen.

'didn't take you long Carol' he sighed 'but can't say I blame you looking at that thing' I was taken aback by Dad's response but even more by his next comment 'do you want me to leave you to it or am I ok to stay and watch?'

I wasn't sure what to say but Mum responded 'up to you Brian' she lifted her head and looked me in the eyes 'do you mind him watching me suck your huge cock?' I shook my head as she smiled and returned to devouring my cock. i returned to start teasing her clit as her hips started to buck against my hand, her moans increasing as she pushed more of my cock into her mouth and throat. I couldn't take any more as she sensed I was close she wanked my shaft with her hand and teased my head as I exploded into her mouth. I let out an almighty groan as I felt her mouth tighten round me and suck every drop from my still hard cock. her hips thrust one more time onto my hand as she also released a groan of pleasure as she sank back onto the sofa.

Just then I heard a groan from the side of us as I turned to see Dad wanking his small dick and coming all over his hand and forest of pubes.

It was a bit of long awkward silence as our family dynamics had changed forever and I was at a loss as to what to say. But dad soon broke the silence 'she never sucks me like that son, so make the most of it' he laughed

Mum frowned at him 'now don't get jealous Brian, I would if yours looked like this'

She then turned to me and looked longingly into my eyes 'don't listen to him darling, anytime you need that I'm always here, just let me know' and gave me a long passionate kiss.

Dad went off to clear himself up as mum and I snuggled up on the sofa as the game progressed through the second half.

It was relatively silent until the game finished. Dad looked over as we were cuddled up together, my arms round mum's shoulder and my hand draped over her large breast as I just teased it gently.

'so tell me about these other reasons you split up then David' Mum probed further

'Mum' I said sharply 'I'm not sure you want all the details, it's not something you would normally talk about'

'Well I don't think we need to worry about openness now do we darling' as she playfully grabbed at my cock

'I guess not mum, but maybe later. Plus I think it's my turn to return the favour. Do you mind Dad?' I asked

'don't ask his permission love, we can do what we want, can't we Brian' she said in a forceful way

Dad looked over 'no worries Son, she's not like this very often so make the most of it'

I leant in and kissed mum again and then gently kissed down her body, lapping at her big and hardening nipples as she started to moan again. I ventured further down as I positioned myself on my knees between her legs. I pushed her legs wider apart as my tongue explored the bushy heartlands of her pussy. My tongue tracing the length of her lips and then returning to circle and tease her clit. 'you taste great mum' I added as she moaned and pulled my head into her groin.

'god you're good honey, that's it lick my pussy, I think you're going to be redundant Brian, not only is he huge but he can give great head too.' Dad was unmoved

Mum was getting closer she was thrusting her hips into my face, my tongue teasing, twirling and then diving into her pussy and within seconds she moaned as she released the grip on my head slightly as her hands wandered through my hair. 'thanks honey that was amazing' she added.

I then grabbed mum's legs pushed them back towards her shoulders which made her bum slide forward and rear up slightly. I was now faced with her incredible ass and I couldn't resist, I dived forward and started to tease her ring with my tongue.

It took a while to register with mum as she was a bit confused but soon felt the waves of sensations as my tongue rimmed her ass and teased at her hole.

'oh wow David, that feels amazing, no one has ever done that to me before'

Dad looked round to see me with my face buried in her ass as she moaned and played with her clit. 'Easy son, don't get lost up there' he joked

I removed my head from Mum's ass and looked at her shocked but smiling face 'and now you know one of the things Jenny didn't like either' I joked.

'Silly girl yet again if you ask me' said mum as she looked down between her legs as she felt something touch her lips. My cock was now back to full granite status and butting at the entrance to my mum.

'I can't believe I'm going to do this but I want it so bad Mum'

'me too darling, please'

I didn't need any more encouragement, the tip of my thick cock pressed forcefully at her lips as they parted slowly as I pushed further into her.

'gently darling, gently, you're stretching me' she begged

I looked down and she wasn't wrong, my cock was pushing her lips wide and opening her up as I continued my push inside her.

'oh my god David, oh my god, that feels so good, but please go slowly'

'Ok mum, you're pussy feels amazing'

I was now fully deep into her and she held me tight briefly as she acclimatized to my size. She relinquished her grip slightly and looked down as my cock made its way slowly out of her pussy.

'Holy shit!' she shouted 'Brian, come and look at this. I've never seen my pussy do this, look at the way it's stretched by his girth and my lips gripping his cock as he withdraws'

'Jesus honey, you're right, looks incredible' he responded

'well don't just stand there Brian, I want a picture of this, actually sod that I want a video of my son's huge cock stretching me like I've never been before'

Dad quickly grabbed his phone and started to film the action close up. 'It looks great on film honey' he said

I don't know whether it was the fact we were now on film or just the impact of my cock but mum became more vocal 'oh my god, I'm going to cum on your cock, I'm going to cum on my son's huge cock' she pulled me in tight so I was deep inside her filing her up and 'now don't move' she held me tight as she climaxed again all around me 'urrrrgh, shiiiit' she exhaled and leaned in for a kiss. Her grip loosened slightly and I took this as a cue to continue my slow thrusts in and out of her pussy.

'here he goes again honey' dad laughed

I could sense her pussy was now more accommodating, stretched and lubricated with her juices, so I picked up the speed. On my knees working my thick dick in and out of my mum. Her tits jiggling as I pushed deep into her. I wanted to go harder and faster so I pushed her legs back to her shoulders, really opening her up as I spread my legs wider. I started to increase speed further and with each thrust into her getting harder and deeper.

'oh my god darling, it feels so good, please don't stop' mum screamed as her hands reached up to grab hold of the sofa. I wasn't relenting, faster and harder I fucked her

'shit honey, you���re getting so pounded by his huge dick, give it to her son, give it to her'

I wasn't going to disappoint, I felt like a pornstar with the camera on and my huge cock making my mum scream as I drove into her so hard. 'you feel fucking amazing mum' I moaned.

I could feel her building again, even given the situation I didn't feel close to cumming and so really went to town. I leant forward and grabbed her tits in each hand and used them to hold onto as started pounding harder. By this point my dad had the camera underneath me between my legs with a close up of my cock impaling her again and again.

'fuck, I can't believe how good this looks on film, I can't believe you're taking this darling, he's properly banging you'

'god, I'm cummmminggg, I'm cuumminng, fuck me my gorgeous boy' she screamed as her body shook as her pussy gripped and pulsed around my cock. 'oh my god darling, that's 3 times already' she smiled as she lay back on the sofa as her body continued to shake every so often. I leant forward to kiss her as my still rock hard cock withdrew from her pussy. 'Jesus, look at the state of your pussy hon, its gaping wide open, he's stretched you so good' as he pushed the camera in close to her and could see deep into her cavernous hole 'I reckon I could get an echo out of that' he laughed as he pushed his fingers into her. 'I don't think I've ever seen her this wet son, but not sure she's ready for the next round yet'

'don't you tell me what I'm not ready for, I want his young hard cock' she smiled as she leaned forward to kiss me, my dad capturing it still on camera. I stood up and pushed my cock into her face. 'taste your juices mum' I instructed her and she duly obliged, lickng the head of my cock before engulfing half of me deep into her mouth

'that's it baby' dad encouraged 'suck your son's huge cock, look at the camera and tell me how much you love that cock'

She was loving the attention and being in the video and gave a sultry look into the camera, removed my cock from her mouth 'I love his big thick cock' and then returned it to her mouth.

'you're such a good cocksucker mum but I want round 2 now' I said firmly as I pulled my cock from her grasp. 'now turn around and get on your knees on the sofa'

She looked me in the eye, 'I love being told what do by you darling' she whispered, turned around and settled onto all fours with her ass facing back towards me. Her ass looked so good.

'fuck mum, you have the best ass, it's perfect. Come and film this dad' I shouted as I put each hand under each ass cheek and then started to jiggle her ass up and down. 'look at that sexy big ass, I love it'

And with that I raised a hand and 'smack' I spanked one of her cheeks as she let out a whimper and a groan. 'she normally tells me to stop that son, but not you, spank her again' 'smack' her ass rippled from the impact. I stopped with the spanking as needed to take her again. I placed one hand on each cheek and spread her wide 'look at that tight ass, so hot, but I will have that later, now I want that gaping pussy again'

I stood up behind mum, placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy and forced my way in once again. I grabbed her hips as I started to pick up speed quickly. 'you're so hot mum, my cock is so hard for you'. I leant forward over her back and grabbed her huge tits swinging beneath her, teasing her nipples and grabbing at her huge globes. My hand went down her stomach to reach underneath her and tease her clit as I ploughed in and out with increasing vigour. This seemed to make her juices flow even more as I was now gliding faster in and out of her from behind. Her groans were louder and louder, almost like a tennis player grunting as she received each thrust inside her.

I could tell I was starting to build but I wasn't finished yet 'shit mum you're so hot, I want to fuck you so hard' I warned

'fuck me, fuck me harder' she pleaded. I moved my arms forward and grabbed onto her shoulders and started pulling her back onto me harder as I thrust into her. I couldn't remember a feeling like this, fucking anyone like this.

'this is soo hot honey, I've never seen you take anything like this before' he said as he moved around us videoing from all angles. 'you're going to love this angle, his muscly ass going at you so fast'

Mums grunts were now so loud they were almost deafening and could feel she was so close. I couldn't hold back much longer 'I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum' I shouted, slamming into her harder than ever before 'I'm coming too baby, cum for mummy, cum where you want baby, anywhere you want'

'shiiiit mum, here I cummmmmm' and I thrust one long last thrust deep into her

'fuck yes, cum deep inside me baby, that feels so good' she moaned as her pussy contracted around me once again 'uuuurrgggh, shitttt'

As I slowly rocked back and forth inside her I could feel I wasn't finished I could feel another load building. 'oh my god I can feel another load coming, I'm gonna cum again mum. I want to cum all over your sexy face'

She moved so quickly spinning around and sliding onto her knees beneath me, staring into my eyes with her mouth wide open. 'cum all over me, I want your cum all over mum's face'. She got into position just in time as I exploded again as a huge stream of thick cum gushed from my dick and covered her face.

'wow baby, what a huge load' she leant forward and grabbed my cock and started to milk the last few spurts and drops onto her face 'your mum wants all your cum, I can't get enough of your cum' she moaned as she wiped her face with my cock and sucked the sticky juices from it.

Dad was still filming 'shit Carol, I've never seen you in a state like this, covered in cum, devouring his cock and your legs are still shaking and you have cum dripping out of your stretched pussy'

She looked down, pushed her hand into her pussy to scoop up the last of the cum and swallowed the lot, looked at me and smiled.

'I can't ever remember cumming as hard as that mum, that was incredible' my cock was still bolt upright and felt like it was still exploding as I sat down back on the sofa. Mum wasn't missing any opportunity and spread her legs as she straddled me and sank onto me. She let out a deep sigh of satisfaction.

'I just wanted to feel you soften inside me' she whispered 'I'm glad you enjoyed yourself darling, I didn't want to disappoint' she leant in to kiss me passionately

'not at all mum, you were amazing'

'glad to here it son, from now on no one will make you cum like me, no one understands her young man like his mum, I will do anything you want, and I mean anything' as we kissed again

'Carol, go easy on the boy, maybe he doesn't want you again, and why do you never say things like that to me?'

Mum looked at him up and down and then returned her attentions to me running her hands all over my toned body 'because this young man is like a god to me, I wish he could be inside me all the time' she gushed 'now go and get us another drink please Brian, and by the way you're in the spare bed tonight, no way I'm letting him out of my sight' Dad did as he was told

'you're bed hey mum, I think this is going to get better, I can't get over how sexy you are' as I grabbed her ass and pulled her close

'I've never felt so sexy until last night darling, you've unleashed something in me and you are going to get the rewards'

My cock was subsiding and mum slowly dismounted as we chilled with another drink for the next hour or so before we headed up to bed.

Mum headed for a quick shower and I went in once she had finished.

As I came out of the bathroom I got a very pleasant surprise. Standing by the edge of the bed was my mum dressed like a top class hooker. I mean she looked incredible, high heels, stockings and supenders, brassiere that made her tits look huge and the sexiest pair of black knickers I had seen in a long time. I was speechless and she could tell, she smiled.

'so how do I look?' she said as she twirled around and bent over the bed 'not bad eh? I thought I would show you how sexy you make me feel, this is all for you darling, now lie on the bed' she instructed

I did I was told and lay in the middle of the bed. She climbed on all fours and kissed her way up my body to my lips and then kissed all the way back to my groin.

She started to work on my cock again, licking the shaft, sucking on its head and teasing at my balls. I was bolt upright again in seconds, she had a real talent. 'I can't get enough of your cock my man but I know what you really want' and with that she continued to stroke my cock with her hand but her tongue drifted over my balls towards my ass. She started teasing my hole with her tongue rimming me and pushing it gently in as she stroked me.

'oh my god that feels amazing mum' It was like she was reading my mind

'I know what you wanted from Jenny and weren't getting, and like I said, I will do anything for you'

Her hand left my cock as she used both hands to spread me to get in deeper, her tongue now deep in my ass as she moaned as she sounded like she was enjoying this. she stopped for a second 'Brian, get in here, you'll probably want to see this'

Dad moved sleepily from the spare room as he entered their room, as he walked in, he saw his wife dressed like a sexy slut with her head buried in my ass. 'you lucky bastard David, she's never done anything close to that for me' his cock stood up to attention 'you look amazing honey' he said

He walked over and started to touch her 'don't get any ideas Brian, this is all for him but thought you may want to watch, and also may need your help in a bit' he looked a bit put out by the rejection but at the same time was enjoying the view and started to jerk himself.

Mum removed her tongue from my ass 'and so how was that darling?' she asked

'amazing thanks mum, you're incredib..' but before I could finish she was standing up. 'and now for your next treat'

She walked up and stood right above my head, as I looked up I could see her legs looking so sexy in her stockings, her knickers clinging tightly to her lips and her tits looked even bigger from this angle. She smiled down at me and then turned around. she was facing away from me and as I looked up I saw the back of the stockings and then the curve of her chunky ass looking incredible in the sexy knickers. My cock was twitching

'wow mum, you look incredible'

She the bent forward and slowly lowered herself onto me. I was lying on the bed as this huge sexy ass came towards my face. I felt the sheer satin feel of her knickers on my face before I felt the full weight of her body sitting on my face.

She nestled herself onto my face and started to grind down onto me. Her knicker clad pussy was rubbing over my nose and mouth. I pushed out my tongue to try and tease at her clit. You could tell she was enjoying this new found confidence and dominance, her hips sliding across my nose, tongue and chin as the sensation of her son's face making her wet.

Her knickers became damp and then wet as she moaned, her hips picking up speed as she gyrated and pushed down onto my face. 'mmmm, David, you make me soo wet, I'm not sure I can take much more'

She didn't stop her thrusting but reached one hand underneath her and pulled her sodden satin knickers to one side, her glistening furry pussy appeared millimeters from my face, and then pushed down onto my tongue.

'yes, god I'm so close, eat my hairy pussy son, taste your mum's cum'

I wanted to talk, I wanted to tell her how great she tasted and how much I loved her but I could hardly breathe let alone talk. She now had her two hands on my chest as she sat upright riding my face hard. I was flicking my tongue out to push into her pussy and tease her clit but she seemed to be enjoying the friction and impact of her pussy on my face. she was now riding almost like a horse on my face, I couldn't believe the impact on my face each time her wet lips ground into me. I could feel her legs starting to tremble and the movements get more uncoordinated.

'oh shit, I'm coming, I'm coming' she screamed as with one last lurch onto my face she smothered me and let out a deep groan 'uuurrrrrggghhhhh, urrrggghhh'

She sank forward which opened up just enough of a gap for me to breathe easily again.

'Shit David, I've never come like that from oral before'

'well I loved it mum, any time you want to ride my face just jump on' I laughed

'my god, I'd never be off you darling, looking at my gorgeous young man and then feeling you trying to do anything to please me'

At this point you could hear Dad picking up speed with his jerking as he walked towards Mum, it looked like he was hoping Mum may help him out.

'What's the matter Brian, can't take seeing how hot your wife looks and how much she's just cum? Looks like you're going to blow your little load anytime soon? As you've been a good husband so far here's a little treat'

She stood up and slipped off her soaking knickers, she held them under his nose and pushed them into his mouth. 'you like how wet our son makes me honey?'

Dad was struggling to control himself he was sniffing at the knickers, licking at her juices 'you taste so good Carol'

'I know Brian, but it's David that make me that wet, he's the man around here now so I think these may suit you now.' She removed her knockers from his face and dropped them by his feet. 'now put them on'

Dad looked a bit shocked but he didn't hesitate, he bent down and pulled up mum's tight, Sodden knickers, his hard cock making a small bulge in the front.

'suit you honey, now cum in my wet knickers' she reached forward and teased his cock through the fabric and within seconds Dad let out a moan as he filled mum's knickers with his load.

'I think someone enjoyed that Mum' I laughed

'I think you're right Darling, but now it's your turn and I have a special treat for you' she walked over and got onto all fours on top of me again, facing away in a very similar position to before. She leant forward and started to lick and nibble on my cock.

'you like what you can see, honey? You like your mum's big sexy ass?' she said confidently

'you know I do Mum, it looks so hot' I replied 'and you suck my cock so good'

'Well, it's all yours darling' she said as she pushed her ass back towards my face. she stopped licking me as she positioned her ass just inches from my face. she reached around and grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, pulled them apart and them let hem go as the slapped into the side of my face. she reached one arm around her back to grab my head and then pulled it into her crack of her ass and then grinding into my face.

'it's a good job your mum knows you son and gives you what you want, no one will ever know you like I do'

I have to admit it was not anything I had considered a few weeks before but being smothered in my mum's sexy ass and licking at her ring was like being in heaven. The little whimpers of pleasure that came from her lips as I teased her were all the encouragement I needed.

'but now time for the real treat, now you've warmed me up' she turned round and kissed me passionately, her hips sliding down my body and approaching my waiting and rock hard cock. she worked her way down until I felt her ass cheeks start to butt against my cock.

'I see my big boy is ready for me' she smiled as she kissed me again 'you know I wouldn't do this for anyone else' and with that started to push down onto my cock. I felt her cheeks part and my thick tip reach the entrance to her ass.

She continued to push gently but with no joy, then a bit harder, but it was breaking into her. 'this is going to be harder than I thought' she uttered 'Brian, we need your help'

I looked over and dad was still recovering from his orgasm but responded to Mum's call for help. 'Yes honey, how can I help? What can I do?' he asked willingly

'get the lube, we need it now' it was a blunt instruction but one that did the trick. Within seconds Dad had produced a tube of lube from the drawer.

'now put some on my ass, that's it, work it in with a finger. You see, by being a good husband you get what you've always wanted, to play with my ass'

'yes honey, I'm loving it' he answered

'well that's enough on me' she said sternly 'now put some on David'

'bbbb..buut' He started to complain

'Do it now' mum said even more forcefully

I couldn't see what was going on behind Mum but then I felt a dribble of cold gel land on my cock and start to dribble down my cock.

'properly' mum replied

She leaned in to kiss me 'won't be long my darling' and as she did this I felt a hand start to work the lube into my cock. I couldn't see it was dad but it just felt like I was getting a great hand job as he worked my cock up and down my shaft. He must have been getting into it as soon there were two hands working my full length and my tip. I can't lie, it felt really good and let out a groan of pleasure.

'sounds like someone is enjoying playing with a real cock, aren't they Brian?' mum sneered

'it's so thick' he replied 'it feels amazing, I think it's twice the size of mine'

'well now it's time to give him what he wants honey, force him into my ass' she instructed.

Once again he did as he was told. His hand gripping my cock tightly and placing at the now slippery entrance to mum's ass. This time the entry was much easier, straightaway I felt the tightness as her ring stretched to accommodate my girth.

'shit, slowly Brian, he's fucking huge' mum grimaced as she realized what she had agreed to do.

Dad didn't seem to listen this time, he was getting carried away and started to push me into her and then start pulling at her hips back onto me. 'Go on lad, you're halfway there' he said excitedly

'eyes too big for your ass hey Carol' he joked ' bet you wish you'd let me in there first with'

Mum was still grimacing as I made my way further deep into her ass 'shut up Brian, just get it all in'

She was on a mission and nothing was stopping her, she sank back further onto me while my dad held me in place.

'you're nearly there honey, last bit to go, I never thought you'd manage all of that' dad sounded impressed

Her ass was gripping my cock so tight but could feel it start to acclimatize. 'How does that feel darling?' mum looked deep into my eyes

'it feels amazing mum, you're so tight, no one has ever let me put it all in their ass before'

'that's because you're my special young man darling and I will do anything and everything to please you, no other woman will ever treat and satisfy you like I will'

And with that she started to ride up and then back down my cock. it was like she was now more comfortable with the sensation and stretching of her ass and was starting to enjoy the feeling.

'mmm, you're stretching me so good baby, god I love your cock' she was quickening the pace

'turn round mum, I want to see that sexy ass bounce on my cock' I instructed

She did exactly as I had asked and switched her legs around and was now resting on her knees facing away from me. I could see her back, still in her brassiere and her sexy legs still in her stockings as well as her exposed round ass still impaled on my cock. 'my god mum, you look so sexy, I will remember this image for a long time.' I raised my hand and gave her ass a hard spank 'now ride me'

'yes darling, I love it when you spank me' so I smacked her again. Her squeals were getting louder as I did it more and the redness began to appear on her raw cheeks. 'no one has ever treat me like this honey, but I love it, you know I'm yours so do what you want to me'

I spanked her once more and then grabbed her hips and started to pull her down hard onto my cock. I couldn't take much more but wanted to take her hard. I sat up, pushed her forward, face first onto the bed and entered her again hard from behind.

'fuck David, fuck, that feels so good, but wait just one second 'Brian, get under me now, I need my pussy licking to be able to keep taking his cock'

Dad looked so happy, he was called into action and didn't hesitate. He slid onto the bed, lay on his back underneath mum and started to lick at her pussy. I could see the top of his head from behind mum as I reentered her. Mum was now almost there bucking back into me as Dad tried to eat her wet pussy. I wasn't sure whether to risk it but felt like right time and knew Dad had enjoyed playing earlier on. I pushed deep into her so I was balls deep 'Dad, while you're down there I need my balls sucking'

There was an awkward silence from everyone as no one was sure what to make of it until Mum spoke up 'you heard him Brian, what are you waiting for' and with that bit of encouragement, with my cock sat inside Mum's stretched ass I felt a tongue start to lick at my balls and then suck them one by one

'mmm, that feels good, now eat her pussy again as I need to cum' and then started to really pound hard so that the slap against her cheeks grew louder and louder. 'that's it David, that's it, don't stop, I'm cumming'

'I'm cumming too Mum, I can't hold it any longer'

'cum in me again honey, fill me up' Mum shouted

And with my last thrust I exploded inside her as I fell on top of her, leaning forward kissing her back, and all the way up to her face as she turned her head.

'my god Mum, you were amazing' I said passionately 'I've never had a night like this'

'I know honey, I can't believe we're only discovering each other now, but there's plenty more where this came from'

My cock slipped from her ass as it deflated slightly. I was about to pull off from Mum's back when I felt a warmth around my tip. I looked down and saw Dad taking my cock, straight from Mums ass into his mouth as the last few drips left my cock.

'I think you may have some competition' I joked.

Mum turned around and then squeezed her ass and emptied the contents of my balls from her gaping wide hole onto my Dad's surprised but eager face. He pulled her ass onto his face and cleaned her up completely.

'He's no competition my Baby, he can just serve us both' she said with a knowing smile.