When Mo Yuan changed their positions and pinned her down, Han Luo flinched in pain. "Ow! It hurts!"

However, Mo Yuan didn't heed to her cry. His eyes were flickering with scorching fire. He asked in a hoarse tone, "Did you have fun while playing with me?"

Not to hurt her, he placed his legs between her legs as her legs were spread. His hands were both sides of her head. Their faces were inches close. Their noses were touching and they could feel each other's breath.

Thinking back to what happened the night before, Han Luo's face burned up. Feeling embarrassed, she averted her gaze. For some reason, she couldn't look at Mo Yuan in the eyes. The emotion in his eyes was too direct. If she could back away, she would. She could only face his naked gaze.

Without finding any other option to get away from him, she opened her mouth and answered, "Big brother Yuan is mad at me. I don't like it. That's why I had to pacify your heart and satisfy your needs."