"She is just an eighteen years old girl. Why are you giving her so much pressure?" Han Changhong complained. "And she didn't accept you as her family just because you didn't contact her for sixteen years. Do you think she will call him 'grandfather'?"

"From what I observed, she doesn't care about the people who don't care for her. If our father cared about his granddaughter, why didn't he contact her sooner? And, the same goes for you," he blamed his youngest brother. 

"I have no idea what is your motive behind your sudden visit but must tell you one thing; don't mess with her," he warned Han Cheng. 

He added, "She is a hardworking smart girl who came all this way without letting us do anything for her. She doesn't have anyone to share her thoughts, pains and sufferings. She won't let us worry about her. She keeps everything to herself. If you still love and respect your second brother, try to care for her."

"I will, elder brother," Han Cheng promised.