Han Luo was showered with kisses. Before she got drowned any deeper in pleasure, she pushed his chest, refraining him from going any further.

She panted softly and said, "Wait, wait, I haven't given you a present. We mustn't do this until I give you my present."

Mo Yuan paused before lightly licking her lips. "What present?"

"You have to wait for a while. I need to go to the washroom," saying that Han Luo's black pearl like eyes stared at him with anticipation.

Her eyes were irresistible. Mo Yuan's heart softened instantly. 'She must have worked hard for this gift,' he pondered. Giving her a small peck on the lips, he moved away from her and said, "I want to know what you have prepared for me. Hurry and bring it for me."

Han Luo's eyes glinted with a mischievous light. She then smiled brightly and said, "Just wait a bit longer. I'll fetch it as soon as possible." She swiftly headed toward the washroom.