Idea of making money

Death is not the opposite of life but the part of it. We all die. Knowing the truth, we fear it at the same time. The goal is never to live forever but to be with our loved ones. Forever. Not bearing to leave them in this cruel world alone.

For Alyssa life and death were one. She has no fear of death but that doesn't mean that she was suicidal or afraid of death. She has no loved ones beside her that will make her sad for losing them. She has Marcus, Dianna, Jacob, and Kale, her best friends with her though. She knows they will be sad when she will leave this world, but surely time will heal their wounds and they will have their family's help in the future to overcome their grief.

Alyssa had never thought of dying. This idea never crossed her mind. But even if she has to die in the future she never wanted to die pathetically, especially from starvation.

To at least support her pathetic little life, she has to earn money.

Alyssa was sitting in the cafeteria of her school building and pondering over this question. She blocked every noise from her surroundings. Slowly, slowly she was getting frustrated for not a single business plan was working for her.

Buying a land--- cancel, no money + no knowledge

Buying or opening a restaurant ------ cancel, no money + no knowledge

Opening a jewelry store, Alyssa cringed at this idea because it was more ridiculous than the other previous one.

Being in the army---- she laughed at her thought, she was an omega for god's sake.

Being a doctor ------ need experience, medical knowledge, and a medical degree.

Being an inventor---- need knowledge and money.

Her last two speculations were hit, but one needs time and the other money and she has neither of them.

Suddenly she felt a nudge on her shoulder breaking hear thought process. Alyssa's eyes met round brown eyes and a baby-faced face. Then she heard a cute voice "what were you thinking Allie? I was calling you for so long." Hearing such a cute voice and seeing a cute Kale standing in front of her, Alyssa involuntary stretched her hands to pinch his cheeks. He was Kale, Alyssa's best buddy, and also an Omega. Their relationship established with the shared pain of being bullied, but Alyssa's case was severe, thanks to her sister.

Not all omegas were bullied in their country. Some of them were like Alyssa but the majority of them got genuine love and care from their parents. Even though this category of omega can't inherit their family business, they can surely get a good position in the company.

Kale avoided her hands and pouted. Aww HE. IS. SO. CUTE.

Then Alyssa saw a chicken sandwich and a cola kept in front of her. She raised her eyebrows in question. It was not that these food items were expensive, but they were brought by Kale. Even though Kale was the son of a lord, governing one of the provinces of Coral Bells, he was not so wealthy and hardly received any money from his parents.

Seeing my raised eyebrows he chuckled, "Umm you know my father has a habit of gambling and all but to earn more money he recently buy some stocks and guess what he made a great profit, so this is my treat to all of you", he smiled while saying it.

"Oh, so that's why…. What did you say? Alyssa's shocked expression confused everyone around the table.

"I… this is my treat…. Geez I know I am poor but you don't have to be shocked…. hey, where are you going?" Kale shouted at the end when he saw Alyssa leaving the cafeteria suddenly.

"Yes, yes, yes how can I be so stupid to neglect this possibility of earning money easily without even making my identity known. Stock markets and gambling and casinos, how can I forget that? Sure, enough I can make a huge amount of money. Thank you, god". Alyssa clenched her fists and looked towards the sky with the sun glaring down at her but she smiled, taking it as a god's blessing

Optimistic enough, huh.

Happiness was just like a fleeting dream in her life. Just when she finds a little bit of happiness in her life, life gives her another nightmare.

She felt something sticky smelly liquid falling on her, wetting her whole white uniform. Being in this situation countless times she was smarter enough to wear some thick black fully covered inner garments.

Then she heard the laughter of students surrounding her.

Alyssa was their clown, their entertainment. Some students took out their mobile phones to record her embarrassing situation and later posting it on social media.

Seeing Alyssa all wet but not enough to humiliate herself, Violet frowned. It could have been better if she had exposed her bra and panty along with some skin. "This bitch is getting more and more irritating". Violet thought and glared at Alyssa.

When Alyssa saw her glare even though she was all wet, she smirked, knowing full well what was Violet thinking.

Seeing Alyssa smirking, Violet burned in rage. She wanted to kill her right then and there.

Alyssa wiped her face with the sleeves of her shirt and smelled herself. She was smelling like a fart. "well, that explains the sticky liquid" she said sarcastically. And started going towards the common washroom to clean herself.

Seeing Alyssa going towards the washroom, Violet smirked and motioned her lackeys to come near her. Then she instructed her plan to her lackeys she then motioned them to go.

Hearing her plan, her lackeys hesitated, but seeing her glare they hurriedly went towards Alyssa's direction.

Keeping her gentle expression, Violet coldly looked towards their direction and thought, "I want you dead bitch, for before dying I will make you go through hell. I will take your reputation first. Don't blame me because you came in my way".

Thinking this, she flung Edward's arm, for he was of no use anymore, flipped her hair, and went in the direction opposite of Alyssa.