Vampire Attack!

Alyssa plopped on her bed after returning to her home. She was still banting and was sweaty from the panic she had undergone today. Her mobile phone pinged with a new message. She groaned and took the phone out from her purse. There was a notification of one unread message. She opened the app and found that it was from Noah.

'Come here as soon as you get this. Hurry!'

Seeing this message, she panicked. 'Was he in some difficult situation? What would have happened?' Various thousand negative thoughts crossed her mind like lightning. She hurriedly grabbed her purse and ran from the house.

"Noah? Are you alright?" she called as soon as she entered her hiding place.

But instead of some dangerous situation, she was greeted by a grinning Noah. She sighed in relief but soon anger boiled in her. She shouted, "What the hell Noah? You know how worried I was. Who sends a message like that?"

Noah realized his mistake and pouted, "Sorry. I was just so happy that I called you in haste."