
The fight continued. At the start, it looked like those guys were winning but soon the fight turned its course and one after another the bad guys started falling.

It was then one a single spark traveled through the air and struck Reinhard in his chest.

A gush of blood came out from his mouth and his footstep staggered. Salvia came out from the shadow with her men. Her men rushed and held Reinhard from both sides.

"He could be an interesting subject." Salvia chuckled looking at him.

"What have you done to him?" Alyssa screamed at Salvia.

"Oh, this is just a little punishment for your rebellion. I wonder how you contacted them."

"What do you want?" Alyssa spoke.

"Come with me, on your own. And promise never to leave." Salvia placed her term.

"I won't go," Alyssa stated.