A few words were tossed around between Rati and her mother who finally caved in and permitted them to go out. Of cause, this was good news for Laone who just got new quests. He hurried upstairs and changed into much longer pants and accepted his quests.







He had gone over the basic ways of using his system and all that was left was to get stronger and find out what its purpose for intruding his life is.

"Since when did you jog?" Laone's sister intruded on his thought process before they exited the gate.

"Since you insulted me, hello let's get moving." He tried to speed up but was held back by his little sister's heavy hand, which unusually tiny.

"There is something different about you, I brought you out here so that I can find out why you have been acting weird all day."

Laone pinched his little sister's nose.

"Rati I am a growing boy and I will not stay the same forever. Most of the aspect of my character that you thought you knew might change so do not bother me about my unusual behavior." He let it go and started jogging.

She followed him feeling rather worried so in the end she ended up wanting to extend the talk they were having.

"Even when you are acting too bizarre and putting your life in danger, don't I at least deserve the peace of mind."

He slowed down for his sister and looked at her with a puzzled face.

"You know what? You are the weird one since when were you worried about me? Normally you would just let me sleep my day away without saying anything." [Laone]

"It is easier that way, to show mom who her favorite child should be." [Oratile]

"Huh?" Laone looked at his sister and she increased her speed.



Your sister challenged you to a run if you can stay ahead or at least close to her for the next 10 minutes of the run you win.


2D, 200 ZT, +0.5% STA, +0.1% STR, + 0.1% END, +0.5% FAME (your sister's adoration will grow)

DO YOU ACCEPT >>yes/no<<]

"Don't mind if I do." [Laone]

"Did you say something?" Oratile looked back at her brother who was grinning for some reason. "You are hearing things, I never said anything," Laone replied and sped passed his sister, she did the same and Laone was never able to get passed her again. Throughout the whole run, he was paying attention to the notification screen which showed his progress. How far he was from his sister and his goal, not that long into the run though his feet started growing heavy and breathing became harder.

"The park is just around the corner, I just have to hold on until there." He put his all into running and his sister who heard this was shocked by his determination and lost focus of what she was up to. Upon getting to the park he ran for longer because of the time limit on the PUP and when it was over he collapsed to the ground.


He passed out.

Laone's eyelids slowly pried open and they were met with his sister's gaze, "yo."

"You overdid it don't you think?" [Oratile]

"I won didn't I?" [Laone]

"I did not think that this was a race, in fact, I was not told we came out to race." [Oratile]

"Complaining will not get you anywhere I won." The wold around them momentarily disappeared and they fell silent just staring at each other and not knowing what to say next. They reminisced over their times when young before they stopped talking to each other, most of the people who knew them at school were not even aware that they were siblings.

Their little bonding session was disrupted by a group of people screaming his little sister's across the park. He lifted his head to see them and came closer and closer, just before they arrived at their area. Laone already had a distinct feel of who they could be, he knew that there were three of them. A group of alpha, beta, and omega. He could also hear their heartbeats and everything else that shouldn't be heard by a normal person.

"Hey, Oratile fancy seeing you here." The alpha extended his arm over Laone, to shake his sister's hand.

"I should be saying that about you, what do you want?" She kept her hands on her brother who was now back on her laps. The alpha finally gave notice to the omega boy sleeping on Oratile's lap.

"I didn't know you had a mate and weird one at that, it smells like sweat were you two running?" He back off into the others and looked at the siblings.

"This is my older brother Lala and he is in the same grade as you, and yes we have been running. I also asked you a question you know."

"Your brother is an omega?" Asked the beta in the group, betas are just average human with no appeal to them. The pheromone war between the alphas and the omegas never affect most of them. This specific beta though had an aura to him which made our main character nervous.

"Is there a problem with it?" Oratile looked directly at the beta's eyes and asked in a sharp town.

"No, not at all I just thought that since you were so amazing if you had a sibling they would at least as great if not greater than you." He did not seem intimidated at all and kept at his rudeness.

That was all it took to bore Oratile who took her brother and decided to leave the park. The alpha took her hand and said, "we were just leaving." As they started to walk away the omega turned to say her goodbyes and she was cute. Brown eyes and long braids tied behind her head to make a single ponytail. Her skin tone was much darker than the siblings but was still beautiful no dice.

As for the other two, the beta in the group was much more handsome than most alphas. His face looked dead and seemed like he was the type of person who did not talk much so his rudeness was unexpected. His eyes had an indigo shade to them which was weird considering his light brown skin, his teeth reflected the sun at full force. To top it all off he was wearing a hat. The alpha looked like all the others, fit and handsome with a blank personality.

Once the guys left Laone's system got a notification.




Time whip you in shape and prepare you for your life ahead as a dialer since you are using our app we are giving you an opportunity to level up faster than everyone else. What do you say NOOB?


You keep what you earn, +10,000 ZT for participation

DO YOU ACCEPT >>yes/no<< {12+ people participating}]

"I guess I do not have a choice then." Laone clicked the yes option.

"What did you say?"His sister crept up on him and demanded an answer.

He pushed her away and folded his fists, "home we must. We must go home, that is what I said." He ran off and his sister followed this time he was not in a competitive mood. He had already adjusted to his supernatural senses and now they were scaring him, especially the bad vibes he picked up from that beta followed by a notification that someone was after him.

His sister could not help but get worried by the stress her brother seemed to be under. After today's interaction with him she felt a strong desire to get closer to him. She wanted to know him more than everyone else and she needed someone to talk to who was not intimidated or drawn to her by her image and her brother fit the bill. He could stand to care less about her sister's life and treated her like she was any other person.


Standing around a table in a very dark room were suspicious men dressed in all black. They were bowing to a figure at the end of the hallway, the aura was so terrifying one would die from trying to guess the next move.

"So what you are telling me is that one omega killed Ditiro and not only that he almost completely destroyed his body." The figure said as he walked slowly out of the shadows and before he was completely out one of the guys bowing down screamed.

"Ditiro refused to practice his dial and remained a single digiter it was only right that his behavior caught up to him and became his downfall."

"You with the smart mouth come here," the shadow who was the first to speak said as he pointed at the second one. A freezing aura came over the room and everyone laid afraid and whispered amongst each other. Finally the second one came forward but was turned into ashes before his arrival.

"Find that omega and bring him to me, alive."