Two Male...

My plan would have been perfect but there are the sprinklers at the ceiling which would hinder my plan.

I thought of finding the pipe station but It was a waste of effort because I did not find it on this floor.

I thought of another idea to cover the water sprinklers with wet clothes. I took any furniture available in the rooms which were infested free. I stacked them first in the corridor above one of the sprinklers so that I could reach the height. It seems I am done with the preparation so let's get down to work.

I took one towel and tear them into strips.

Dipped them in water and tie it around the sprinklers.

These sprinklers were the typical simple ones which had a tube with red liquid inside..Their functions were simple the heat would assault the tube to burst up and release water..It was a one time thing and if one wanted to stop the water flow he'll have to close the pipe supplying the water or another way was to close the sprinkler by sticking something of similar size to the liquid tube in the same place.

I covered one with the wet towel and went to another. This was truly tiring going front and back doing the same thing again and again.

But I have to do it. It's all for the

' Mission'

After Half an hour of covering around 3 sprinklers which were near the targeted location. I went back to room and ate a heartfelt meal.

" Cup noodle of this quality will never get me tired.."

In this lonely room I started talking to myself which was a kind of instinctive action.

I wish I could share this tasty treat with someone...If it's a girl that'll be more pleasurable experience..

My thoughts wondered

'What if I find a good looking woman in this world.. What would I do..? I am man so by nature I'll welcome here with smiles but if she turned out to be a dangerous person..I would die pitifully.. Maybe I should just kill her..No No...'

I seem to realize now that I am unusually active in imagining weird scenario...For now let's think about the mission.. But if I met a male what will I do..? Stupid brain... Stop stop.

I feel expectant at times but I don't want to think about it anymore.

I look at the Room 1004 Whose door is opposite to Room 1003. I am hesitating a bit.

I took out the bed covers, wine, ....Ahhhmm...I mean the weapons.

It was all of them which were

2x bed covers

6x Red Wine.

2x deodorant.

1x bucket.

1x lighter.

1x cigarette.

1x Crowbar.


I took out the buckets and poured 3 red wine inside it Took a bed cover and dipped in so that it soaked it .I took it out and kept it in my Inventory. I took another bed cover doing the same procedure again.

I went to the end of the corridor and rolled the red carpet ..Removing it from the place.

The floor was made of tiles set in a beautiful pattern of blue ocean colour.

I left the long carpet roll at the corner end near the stair door.

Step 1 Completed..

Step 2

Set the traps.. I took the furniture and dragged it near Room 1004 Door at the right side where the key card scanner was.

The key card lock was a swipe model one.

One would have to swipe the card on the sloth which was given.

The system would scan the key and let the person enter.

I took out one bed cover holding it in my hand. I took out my universal key card..Which I had no idea why it was in the room.

I breathed slightly feeling the passive working.

I swiped it and waited..

* Klak.

I hid behind the furniture which was a lamp desk.

I could hear some zombies rushing out. From the footsteps I could hear ..There are two of them and they are male figures with short hair.

I sneak a peek at them they were looking towards room 1003 Door ideally.. This is my chance..

I spread out the bed sheet covering both of the zombies inside it the zombies started wheezing in a heavy tone as if searching for something . I whistled and they rushed towards me with cover on them. They were just following the sound.I was hiding behind the desk with a lighter and deodorant in one hand.

I pressed to spray the deodorant and use the lighter to burn the cloth.

Yellow blue flame burst out from the deodorant reaching towards the cover I jumped away and reached inside Room 1004 .

I left it a bit open as I watched the wine dipped cover Burning ajar which was a kind of satisfying sight ..I heard the squealing sounds of the two zombies .The sound they made while being burned was quite unsettling.

The fire became big as it burned the desk beside . The fire continued for around five minutes and soon one of the sprinkler burst apart with the sound of water gushing out stopping the fire. The fire knocked off as the zombies were still very much alive still but after waiting for a minute it died down.

I went outside looking the the aftermath.

The cover was fully burnt and revealing the zombies scorched blacked their eyeballs no more but just some liquid..The burnt smell was very strong and I had to use my sleeve to cover my nose and mouth.. The zombie skin was also burned showing muscles and bones near the face.. It was such a sad fate. I went nearby and heard the wheezing sound of the zombies ..I did not hesitate as I took my crowbar and smashed it on the head . It died easily the water made me wet but I pay it no heed and smashed the others ones too for a confirm kill. I broke the skull to retrieve the cores and left the scene which was still being watered by the sprinkler.

I took off my clothes literary naked as I searched for clothes. I found a pajama in the wardrobe of my room and wore it.

No I have 3 cores and lack one more with the lack of 2 drops of saliva. Now the problematic one is how to get the 2 drops of saliva from the zombie.

But first I need to fix the sprinkler ...Hmmmm...Let me think..

I took out a cigarette and burned it. As I sucked on it and release a buff. I took a look around the room searching for a small metal like thing to place to block the supply.

I did not find anything the I thought of something and took out a battery operated remote for the AC. Took out the thin battery. Maybe this should do the work.

I got out but I took off the clothes again and fully naked exposing my parts and stuff.

I took out another lamp desk from the room 1004 and kept it under the sprinkler and stacked some other small flat furniture to reached it. I took out the battery and stuck it there not a perfect fit..It seems.. I took out my crowbar and stretch the distance between the sprinkler and the hose this should do..Ahh now It's a perfect fit.. A bit of water is leaking out but I guess it should be fine.



Chibi Ayaya here.

I opened the door inside the Room of 1004 and saw two men inside there.

They seem normal at first glance but I doubt anything is normal.

I cleaned up the room and find a lot of oddity..

A pack of condom behind the pillows, A bottle of glycerine gel, and after cleaning it I hurriedly went outside.

As I went outside I see their eyes which look as if I stepped on their territory of a wild animal.

I now have a new view of this world which is very scary..

I imagined men and men intertwined in a single bed. As one latches on behind like a vine to a tree.


My self is being tainted by this world beings.

Chibi Ayaya is defiled by this world corruption.

So pitiful.

See you in Episode 6