The Encounter

I am lying on my bed looking at the ceiling dazedly... Thousands of thoughts coming and going.. Sometimes making sense yet contradicting...

' After thinking for so long I am hungry now.'

I took out the cup noodle, added boiled water from the bathroom..

' Ahhhh, Satisfying...Now today's I should finish my mission of collecting and concoteting the formula.'

' I still have time some time'

Looking at the Alarm clock It's just 9:30 and the sunlight was refracting through the window and shining the room..

Exploring the same floor and other rooms should be possible but most of the rooms here have more than one zombies which could be troublesome.. I thought of other ways decided it.

' I should go to the lower floors and search the empty rooms..I can find some stocks again.Um..It's decided then onward to another floor.'

I took up the decision to check the 9th floor which was down.

I got of my room before checking all the equipments which would be helpful when I meet zombies. For the extraction of saliva I have a small container ready..But I still need to think of how I can extract it.. If I take out it saliva gland would it work.. I'm not sure..

I took the steps to down floor.. I checked it first if there are any zombies but luckily there was no response when I threw an empty cup noodle container.. I slowly took my steps and check the second turn steps and it was still empty..

I came before a door and readied myself..I quickly opened the door and it made a loud bang sound..

This move was intentional as I wanted to attract any nearby zombies..

And soon there was a growling sound..I made more loud noises, a Male zombie came out of a corridor which was out of my sight.. I look at it and it sped up to chase me..I ran up again to the stairs that led to the 10th floor but did not go in and took out a container containing liquid and spilled it in the middle of the stairs..

The zombie had approached the 9th floor stair door.. By then I finished spilling it and ran up near the door of the 10th floor and waited..If the messes up I'm gonna run back..

I could avoid this zombie in the stairs by taking the elevator but I've watched many horror movies to know that it would only spell my doom.

I could see the zombie it was approaching and growling at me.. I stood there gripping my left hand on the handle of my crowbar and right hand on the stairs door knob.

The zombie was approaching as my heartbeat also fastened.. I could now see the zombie clearly..It's eyes pupil were unfocused and blue veins popping near it eyes.. It's face was a pale and there were no other differences than a normal human except for these features. Though it's movement was a bit lazy.

The zombies approach the middle of the stair with hands stretching out as it landed its feet on the step which was spilled with some liquid..It lost it stepping and fell head first to the ground and hit his head on the stair edgy area. The zombie was not dead as it tried to crawl up..but before it could crawl up.. a silver colour iron on the pointed side came crashing on its head .It head split open with the force that I applied and it was enough to crack the cranium and the broken bits would destroy the brain.

I stamped on its head to find the zombie core which gleamed with dim luster.

' Something so beautiful can exist within these creatures..'

I flipped over the zombie took the container which was kept ready for storing of saliva.

I put the opening inside his mouth and repositioned him downside..

I tried this thing thinking.. As they have just died some minutes ago their saliva gland should work for a bit more even a bit would work.. I didn't want to go and hunt another zombie.. I can't be sure if there are one or many so I have to be cautious..

I left the body with the container there and left to the 9th floor...I skipped the step which I had spilled the liquid..btw the liquid was a lubricant so I had guess it would work well.. Ahhmm.. It was from Room 1001 and not mine.

I look around and slammed the stair door again waiting for two minutes and there was no response. I sighed in relief and went in knocking from door to door... Some doors had zombies so I didn't dare go in..I found some rooms which had no zombies and went in with caution but there was no one...I looted what food I could find..I even took around 3 bed sheets and other available stuffs such as wine,soft drinks, there were even ice creams.

I found food item for 2 Rooms out of 3.

Maybe the 2 rooms were booked but they could never reached..

I finally reached my 7th door now..I knocked on it and waited and knocked again and waited for one minute and there was no response.

With a confident face I use the key card and went inside and locked the door.. Can't really trust if there are zombies hiding in the corridor who were deaf.

I went in and look around..I look at the bed no one and I walked toward the fridge with excitement but I felt something lingering in my sideline of my sight.. I hurriedly look at the left side and found a body lying on the floor which was at the left side of the door practically at the blind spot. It seemed as if it was a female body..I went near cautiously and could hear a breathing.. I got shocked ..this zombie is still alive but why did it not respond.. I look again and it seemed as if it was sleeping... I strode silently with my crowbar and was ready to strike when I heard a sound from it.

' Ummm..'

The body shivered..and I thought about it more. It seems it is a survivor but who is so idiotic to stay indoor for 3 whole days since it started.. A normal person would go out and look for help yet this....

I look at it and know that she is a female.. After reaching so near her I could feel the citric smell of her mixed with sweat...She seemed to have fallen asleep deeply which was a rarity this this kind of environment where you are surrounded by so many zombies...

She has a round face with a point bridge nose..

Her hair were messy but still had the beauty..

Her long eyelashes were well maintained..I went up near to see if it were fake or not.

It was real deal... It seems it is real...

She had a slim figure wearing a pajama in purple colour which was wrinkled a lot.

I look at her..Relief that it is a human..there was still a chance to negotiate and GTFO and be on their way... Taking her together will just be a burden and a bigger waste of resources.

I thought of looking inside the fridge and take of what can be eaten but my heart ached.

This fridge was basically a mess.. This didn't seems like a fridge but a garbage bin. Packs and all were thrown inside.. Even the wine bottle was empty..

I look at the woman again which solidified my decision to not take her with me.

' I need to get out now before she wakes up so she stay oblivious to the fact anyone was here..'

I took my steps slowly without making much noise as I reached my hand to the knob.

* Clark

" Who's there ...?"

I could hear a female voice which was mature.

I found it quite beautiful ..

" I asked who are you and how did you get in..!?"

I was frozen near the door thinking about the voice. I turned my head to the voice and realise that the female body which was laying had stood up and look at me with caution.

I was silent as I didn't know how to reply.. I was just getting outside to avoid danger yet danger just came to me.

I thought of hundred reasons but only this word came out.

" Hi.."


Heya Chibi Ayaya here..

I am now thinking of how to extract zombie saliva..

Plan 1:

Let the zombie bite the container and store it saliva.. Just like extracting venom from snake.

I tried it but I was scratched to become zombie..

Plan 2:

Kill the zombie and extract it's gland.

I tried it but I got scratched by the bones and become zombie

Plan 3:

Stuff the bottle to dead zombies so they spat some saliva.


But the cost was more than ten zombie died falling to death with lubricant hitting the steps with their head.

Ayaya is scared..

The potion can be made so

see you in Episode 8