Without something below

Seeing the list of mission was fine thought but the 3rd task was asking for too much..

' Are you crazy...Isn't is truly an absurd mission. To kill 500 zombies...'

I stopped looking at it as it soon vanished..

I am still in Basic Mission part...I feel like there is a long way ahead of me..If I am right...When this system stops giving mission it will mean that I am already at the top of this world..Hmmm.

' It seems like it will be fun to be at the top of this world.I wonder what kind of expressions will they show when I reach the top.'

I fantasized again about something which may or may not be appropriate..I will but try it once.

' Ok, Let's set up a plan to increase my strength and Dexterity...'

I made a list but I feel things are lacking a bit.

20 Push Up.

20 Pull Up.

20 Squats.

20 Bench pull.

20 Sit up.

30 minutes Running Simulation.

10 minutes of Air Boxing.

10 Minutes of Stretching.

5 Minutes Meditation.

' These are Fine but I fell I need to add more..I did receive a 10x Stamina and also 5x Extra boost in having results. There is also this Immunity to Zombies of Tier 1...'

I Remember again that If these were Tier 1 then there may have been some that have or will evolve further to Tier 2... Woah.. It seems That the zombies can evolve..

This will be a tough fight to survive in this world..

Maybe I should start my training from now..

4 Hours Later..

' Wow, I feel I still have a lot more energy than before and my muscles aren't feeling sore but energised being trained..It feels so comfortable..'

' In my last world, I did try to work out at home but even that I quit after a month because of the soreness and also because I was quite lazy..I don't think that I can quit here... This feels more like a massage..'

2 More hours later..

' It seems that Now I am feeling tired...I am trying to do more Push ups but I don't feel that massage feeling anymore....'


I feel hungry now...I drank up some water..

It feels sweet...The same water seems sweet now..

Ahh, I am also all sweaty..I have to take a bath again...

30 Minutes later...

Now I need another Pajama too...It reeks of sweat..

' I promise myself now, Next time I'll work out naked.. Just so I don't have to waste anymore clothes..'

I went out of my room with a towel covering man jewels..I am so poor I don't ever have an underwear..

I got out checked most of the rooms but there was no clothes in any of them.. I felt so frustrated.

I got into the bathroom...Took a white Bath Robe and my crowbar...I could sleep with the Bath Robe but it feels so uncomfortable without something below..

I do have immunity towards these so I can be reckless..I just need to smash their heads..I feel that I can get them without getting hurt..Before I wouldn't dare because even a small error could get me infected but now it's a different story..these zombies are slow in reaction and with their lazy movements their nothing much... If it was someone else they wouldn't dare go near it.. But me..I have an advantage of Immunity.

I am near Room 1005... I did not knock but use the key card and opened the door while I hid waiting for them to come out... and they did It was 2 female zombie in jeans and T shirt.. One wore white T shirt imprinted with a teddy bear and other wore Yellow imprinted with Cat .

They were looking around sniffing the air..One turned to me but before it could respond I smashed my crowbar onto her skull and pulled back my crowbar again and moving back a bit.. The injured Zombie was moving in a dizzy movement as blood flowed out of its head covering her vision..

The other zombie turned around soon I backed off and charged toward me in a swooping motion... I was calm and side tracked as the zombie fell down facing the ground ..Before it could regain its footing I smashed it down on its cranium cracking it and poking it further as I felt to meet Something soft and it push deeper...Soon I pulled it up as I saw the other zombie rushing in my direction but it tripped on the dead zombie corpse and fell down..

Not thinking much I smashed the crowbar on its head finally killing it.. I use my hand to fiddle inside their head to take out 2 cores..

' Tsk..Tsk..So idiotic...'

Now that I think about it..These zombies are stupid....Their power is their virus infectious power and being together as a horde..

' Doesn't this make me this floor owner...I should Wear some clothes and also clean my hands first..I also need to eat something soon..I feel like I can eat a lot now..'

I went inside Room 1005 ...This room has the same setting..

Looking out of the window..It seems it is already night time.. The lights on this building are always on for some reason ...In this apocalypse wouldn't electricity stop working soon..I look outside to see most of the other buildings have no light on..Maybe it's running on a backup power system of this hotel...

I don't need to think much about this none of my problem..

I cleaned my hand and look for something edible in the fridge..Oh there are fruits a lot of them..Why would one keep candy bars inside fridge.. Soft drinks are fine... Pickles hmm..

I took most of the edible things and ate some..Had around 20 cup noodle which truly surprise me..I don't know but I feel so hungry now..

It seems the cost for that 10 times Stamina is huge hunger..

This will be a problem in the future for me.

Can I truly survive this way..!

I feel I need to stock up a lot until I reach the Peak.. It seems more and more difficult now.

I am sorry Residents zombie..But you all will have to check out soon.


Exclusive Task progress: 2/500

Chibi Ayaya here.

I am working out a lot now as I realize I need to work out a lot to earn more strength..

I trained I trained..

For years I trained..

The result was my left hand has more bulging muscles than my right hand....

Chibi Ayaya need to find a girlfriend it seems..

Life is so hard..

See you In Episode 11
