Final Countdown

After finishing my work on the 2nd floor I reach toward the first floor I am pretty confident enough to take on more than 20 zombies in a narrow corridor.

I opened the door as I slammed it hard to attract the zombies...But as I saw what was in my vision ...

I ran back with an unbelievable face as what I saw was not real... I lock the door and rush back to the second floor...

I was truly scared.

' How come the corridor is so packed. I can't tell how many zombies were there. Can one even move in these situations... Wouldn't they be trampling each other... And what were they doing there so jammed packed ..'

I tried to forget the scene but it was so scary that I couldn't get it out of my head...

I went to the 4th floor... I have to give those survivors some supplies as I know they would be hungry. I will give them little to last a week...

I have a lot but I need to restrict it so that they should feel that I also don't have much.

If I'll give them a lot now they'll take me for granted...and try to use me ...As a fellow survivor, I need to help them. It's only that I can not ignore them because my heart will feel guilty then on. It's not that I am a Saint or something it just for my own selfishness so that I can proudly say I did something as a human.

There are two people on this floor staying together ...both are female...I reach towards Room 407 and knock at the door...

Waiting for some time finally I heard a creak of the door hinges. The door was only opened slightly for a person to peek out. An eye looked out from the door as it saw me the eye that was watching me backed off and then the door was fully opened as I was invited inside by a small petite girl who looked like a middle schooler.

" Uncle !! come in."

Looking at the girl who had a bright smile so pure, She looked to be at my waist height with black hair tied in a pigtail, her eyes that only showed admiration, alas my heart is feeling bitter.

' you should be calling me big brother... For God sake, I'm still a virgin. I can't force you to call me big brother as watching all those crimes shows I know ill be mistaken for a paedophile.'

" How are you doing now little girl? Have you had lunch yet?"

I ask the small girl with a smile while showing my teeth wide enough so that I look like a kind person.

" No.. Uncle My sister and I had not to get to fill our stomach fully since yesterday night... The food you gave us 3 days ago had finished yesterday night which was not enough."

"umm.That...I'm really sorry that I didn't have much to give that day... I'm sorry you and your sister might have been hungry for long right."

" Yes, Uncle. Alice here tried her best to not be a burden for big sister."

Looking at this small girl I was out of the word.

This girl who looks like she just 10 years, my heart aches thinking just what does she have to experience to be sensible to this degree to be thinking of herself as a burden.

" Alice, You're not a burden... You're my family and family are never a burden."

I heard a sweet mature voice and turned to look at the direction and finding another female whose body height was at my shoulder length. She had her hair spread out as she had just showered her head.

Looking at her wearing the pyjama which was sky blue in colour with small white birds patterns.

It looked kinda dreamy...I quickly pull myself back from this situation... Being a man is truly difficult when he gets attracted to other females who look beautiful and bountiful.

" Hello there, Good afternoon... so Today I came here to deliver this...."

I moved out to the corridor and carried the pillow sheets which had been filled with supplies which I had already prepared.

There were 6 Pillow sheets filled to the brim with edibles.

They were never there in the corridor but lying inside the inventory.

I came into the room with the bags A.K.A pillow sheets dumfounding the big girl where else Alice was jumping crazily and clutching onto my pants.

" Alice..!"

" Big sister this...!"

I was rather caught off guard when I heard the shout I looked at her stern expression which she showed towards Alice.

Alice stopped clutching my pants and moved to the side clearly a bit guilty.

"Sir... This we...can not accept this much...we..."

Watching her behaviour I can tell she is hesitating to accept these but for what reason I don't have a clue. Well, that had to be but if I were to say this is not much that I am giving out but not asking for anything in return ...

If it was me in the receiving end I can tell that he's up to no good. If it was a male it could be managed but with females, it gets very troublesome...Their line of thoughts is so contradictory that they'll reach nowhere only leading to more problems.

After some deep thoughts, I think this is the best way

"...I didn't say that I am giving this for free. You'll have to pay up for this soon."

I think I said it correctly this should do for now.

I look at her but for some reason, she is clutching on her hand tightly.

"...Sir. Pay as in...what...form."

I think I require help in opening-up heads to get the cores it gets very tiring and looking at her closely...I am not really a good appraiser but she seems fit where she's not too thin and not too fat.. As she felt my gaze on her she squeezed her legs together. Ah. It seems I made her uncomfortable.

" You just need to help me in my daily chores, help fight zombies, harvest zombie cores, cleaning my room and my clothes."

I list out most of them but the second option would make her hesitate so I'll try to tempt her with the potion.

" So...About..."

" I agree! But I have a condition"

I was surprised by the reply she gave out without mich hesitation.. Though she said she wants to talk condition.

" Sure, I don't mind... please state your condition."

As soon as she heard my answer she sighed a relief as her grip on her hand slightly loosened.

I wonder what her condition might be..

" I hope you don't involve my sister in the fights with the zombies."

' Ohhhh...'

Hearing this a light smile formed on my lips.

How I wondered it'll be something like.

No touching.

No sexual requests.

In the first place, I never thought to make Alice work ... Com' on now if I make her work that is child labour...

" Here, right I was..."

Before I could finish my word a sudden popped up in front of my vision also turning my whole vision red.

Emergency Mission

Save Eliza

Time Limit: 2:05

Progress: 0/1

Reward: Log Out Option

Failure Penalty: Death

I look at this scary pop-up.

Oi, are you planning on killing me... Just because I won't be able to save someone. This is too much. I haven't even started the intermediate tutorial.

Now I can't even shout at this thing as I am seeing the time counting down 2.1. 1:59..1:58


Now, who is this Eliza...I am very angry, helpless and at the most confused.

Where to search for her..!?

I suddenly felt something cool inside my head as it had me to calm down.

Thanks to cooling down I try to think about the possibilities.

I don't think the system will be unreasonable as to issue an impossible task. So it may be related to what I am doing this time.

As I' ve conquered from the top to the 2nd floor.. I have found only 5 survivors 3 women, 2 men... Eliza is a girl name any idiot will know this. Wait where are am I thinking. Alice, ????.

I turn toward Alice big sister and ask

" What was your name?"

She was a bit befuddled but she still replied.

" My name....Lily.....To"

I did not listen to her other words as I concentrated on the task . The 9th-floor lady or the 1st floor...But if it's the first floor it's impossible to clear it in...

As I look at the time already it was counting down.



I can't waste time watching this shit anymore.

I bet my all on the 9th-floor lady. Please God save me.

I ran towards the elevator as I tap on the button but I changed my mind and use the stairs... I ran like a mad dog on the 6th floor I got a bit tired.

" Damn Hotels. I am hating these now."

I ran as I tried to remember the room but it seems it was useless to remember as there was a sole door with the door closed Room 905.

For the first time, I thanked my bad habit of leaving the door open.

I see the count down at the top corner of my eye it was 6 seconds left more I ran as I had taken the key card


..I had swiped the key card and rush in




Chibi Ayaya here with chibi Alice on the beach.

Alice chan is running on the beach with her resort frilly swimsuit so cute.

Ahh, the bliss for Chibi Ayaya.

I heard a sound from my back.

' Hands up, On your knees you cheapskate.'

I turn around to find Chibi Lily in Cop dress.

See you Episode 15
