7 : The Truth

" Wake up. "

A one hard slap and then I opened my eyes.

" Let me go Kira. It's not me. "

I told her.

She won't believe me. She's accusing me as the killer.

" I won't do that to a person that welcomed us in this house! "

I defended myself.

She's not believing me.

" Where are we by the way? "

I asked her.

The place smells bad. Like rotten fleshes.

" At the barn. But no one can find us. This is a secret place where I'm the only one that knows this place. "

I tried to escape but she's guarding me.

She pulled a knife in her pocket.

" Two in the neck, and two in the chest. I'll let you feel the pain that he felt. "

She laughed then walked right in front me.

" You know? You're handsome. But your attitude, it's fucking trash. You belong to those infecteds! "

She added.

Then she started pointing the knife at me.

She ripped my shirt.

" Let's start shall we? "

Then she raised her hand, pointing at my chest.

But suddenly, the door opened.

I can't see who it was because Kira's blocking the doorway.

" You idiot. Drop that knife down Kira. "

As I heard the voice, it was George.

" What?! You're supposed to be there in the house! Not bothering me! "

She looks very mad. Then she turned back to me.

" Let's finish this. "

She slowly pressed the knife into my chest, and goes down until George spoked.

" Hey Kira. I'm sorry. You're not the Kira that I know anymore. "

Then I heard a gun shot.

Suddenly, Kira's body fell right in front of me.

" Help me... I'm bleeding... "

I cried for help.

Then he carried me back to the house.

The last thing that I saw was my family staring at me.

I couldn't see clearly and then everything went black.

" Wake up Chris. We're going. "

My mother woke me up.

I stood up and looked at the mirror.

" Why am I patched? "

I asked her.

" Well, Kira stabbed you. Luckily, it's not that deep. You'll live don't worry. "

She kinda laughed and hug me.

We went downstairs and then saw them all packed up.

" Where are we going? What's the matter? "

I asked them all.

" Check it out by yourself. Outside. "

Felix told me.

I went outside and didn't saw nothing.

" Brother....look down. "

Stella told me then I looked down.

" Oh hell. Those guards are here. "

Then they all went into the car.

" That is why were going. We're located here. "

Felix explained and I hopped inside the car.

We're all talking while George's driving.

Then Felix brought a subject accidentally.

" Well, who really did kill Chad? "

All of us became silent.

" Oh sorry. I should've not asked that. "

Then someone spoked.

" I did. I'm the one who did that to him. "

We're all shocked. We can't believe it.