13 : A Survivor


Helen cried out loud.

We grabbed her and went to the house.

She's resisting but she couldn't escape.

" Do you want to die too?! "

I asked her.

" What's the matter?! Joey's not with me anymore... "

She said.

Alix gave her a bottled water.

" Thank you Alix... "

She grabbed it and drinked it.

I went to Joel and helped him.

" Good thinking. So they can't get in. "

I told him.

We both pushed a cabinet behind the door.

" Now we can rest easily... "

Bill said.

They all went upstairs.

" What're you waiting for? Go upstairs and sleep. "

Felix said.

" I'll rest here, you guys take a good sleep. "

I told him.

Then he went upstairs too.

I checked the guns and supplies.

* This'll do. I should train Joel and Helen on how to use a gun. *

After that, I went to sit in the chair and closed my eyes.

| Someone's knocking at the door |

* Who's that....Did I overslept..? *

Then I woke up and opened my eyes.

* I can't see the sun...so is it still night? *

Someone's banging the door.

" Who are you? Stop knocking on the door! "

I shouted.

" Help! I need your help! "

The person outside said.

I pushed the cabinet and saw a man.

" Are you bitten? "

I asked him.

" No! Of course I'm not! But if you won't open this door, I might be. "

He answered.

Then I unlocked it and slid the door open.

" My name's Shino. I've lost my group yesterday night. "

He explained.

" Oh. Sorry for the news. "

Then I offered him some food.

" Thank you! I'm sorry to bother you early in the morning. It's still dawn but I'm banging on your door. "

He said.

" No worries, I'm glad to help you. "

I told him.

" Oh, I'm not alone here. There's people upstairs. They're probably resting. We've experienced a lot of troubles within these past few weeks. "

I added.

Then Joel went downstairs.

" Oh you're already awake. This is Shino. "

I introduced him to Joel.

After a few minutes, they all went down to eat.

" Alright, we'll be moving again because this place isn't safe. Joel, I'll be giving you a gun. You too Helen. "

I announced.

" Can I...do something helpful? "

Shino asked us.

" Oh yes, you can be a help to us soon. "

Felix answered.

Then we all went outside and hopped in the car.

" There's a good place to stay but I heard that we'll drive for hours! But I think that we can manage to get there in...I think evening? "

Felix said.

I'm driving the other car and he's driving the other one.

My passengers were Alix and Shino.

Felix got Helen, Bill and Joel.

" You guys, keep this weapon. This willl be helpful to all of you. "

I handed them a knife.

" Can we kill someone with this? "

Alix asked then Shino explained what to do.

A few talks later and I knew what happened to Shino's group.

" Ahh...some bandits tried to robbed your group but you guys refused? And a few days later, they went back to attack you all? "

Alix asked him.

" Correct. I think that I'm the only one that survived. Because my brother hid me in a secret place that no one knew but only him. I heard gunshots after he left me there and I waited until there's no shootings anymore...and there they were...laying on the ground and everyone of them doesn't have a heartbeat anymore. "

He said.

* I feel sorry for him....I'm glad that he stumbled upon us. *

" But....I'm hoping that my father and my brother's still alive because.. "

He said.

" Because what? "

Alix asked him.

" Their bodies aren't there when I checked those dead people. "

He added.

* So there's hope that they're still alive huh? *

" Alright, you guys take a rest. We'll be doing works when we get there. "

I told them.

" Alright. "

Both of them replied.