25 : In Danger

{ Shino's POV }

" Is Felix still alive? "

Joel asked us.

" Keep your voice down, we're just inside a tent and there's a lot of people outside that can hear us. "

Dorothy whispered.

She went outside and then Bill went near me.

" I hope that they're fine...I don't want these new rulers....a lot of people died yesterday and I'm scared that we'll be the next one to die... "

Bill said and I tapped his shoulder.

" You don't need to worry about them, they're alive and I am a hundred percent sure that they will come back here and save us. "

I calmed him down and I sat at the chair.

* I won't let those bastards hurt my friends, if that happens, I've got few rounds left. *

I checked my handgun and hid it in my jacket.

Then Dorothy went inside the tent again.

She brought a few pieces of bread.

" Here, let's share with this. I've brought 4 pieces. We will cut it into four pieces and the bigger ones are for the kids and the smaller ones are for the adults. "

She started cutting it and distributed it to us.

* The kids will be : Bill, Joel, Alix, Marko, Marco.

The adults will be Me, Dorothy, Roberto and Helen. *

Someone went inside and looked at us.

All of them didn't noticed the girl but only I did.

" Here, take this piece. "

I handed it to her and she took it.

" What is your name- "

Before I could ask her, she ran away.

" Oh you're done already? "

Joel asked me.

I nodded.

Then Azul went inside.

* The demon is here. *

" You, and that old hag. Come with me, it's your time to watch at the tower. "

He pointed me and Roberto.

" But we- "

Roberto said and Azul went towards him.

" No I'm sorry- "

Azul punched his stomach and Roberto kneeled down.

" Guard or I'll kill you. "

He said and went outside.

I went near Roberto and helped him.

" C'mon, I'll guard in the tower. I'll let you rest when we're there. "

I said to him and we went outside.

" Thank you Shino...I really thank you. "

Dorothy whispered to me and she went back inside.

* I'm doing this because they're my friends and I want to repay my debt... because it's my fault that Chris got caught... *

We went upstairs and I let Roberto sat at the chair.

" Here, take this one. "

I handed him a bottled water and we talked.

" I- I really hope that Chris is still alive. "

Roberto said.

" Yes, I hope that they'll come back. Felix's probably sacrificed his life to save him but he failed. "

I said.

* Well I hope that I'm wrong. *

Then someone went upstairs.

" Oh, Chandler. What do you need? "

Roberto asked him.

" Well I'm bored so I chose to go here. "

He said and yawned.

* This brat...he really makes me wanna kill him. *

" Oh, the nerd boy's here. Hello Shino! "

He laughed and tapped my shoulders.

" Don't touch me. "

I removed his hands and stared at him.

" Woopsie! "

He laughed again.

I was about to attack him but Roberto stopped me and changed the topic.

" Oh, you can join us here if you want? "

Roberto asked him.

" Nah old hag, I'd rather sleep than work here with you guys. "

He said and opened the door.

" By the way, Azul is a great leader than the other one. What was his name again? "

He said and stepped outside.

" Apologies Roberto. "

I whispered.

" What, don't do that! "

He whispered and stopped me.

I removed his hand and pushed Chandler down.

He fell slowly and the people saw him.

« Fucking shit! He's bleeding! Call Azul! »

" You messed up kid... "

Roberto whispered.

" Prepare pops, I'll distract them and you go back at the tent. "

I said to him.

We saw Azul heading towards the tower and we hid inside.

I looked at my handgun and prepared it.

" You've got a gun?! Why didn't you told us? "

I covered Roberto's mouth.

" Shush! "

I whispered.

Then we heard someone walking upstairs.

" Now! "

I said and we opened the door.

I aimed at one of Azul's guard.

Then he went slowly near me but I kicked him.

Roberto escaped and went back at the tent.

* Good. *

Then I heard gunshots. They were aiming at me.

I dodged it but I'm not that good so I got shot.

* Dammit! *

I grabbed a towel and pressed it down at my wound.

I looked behind and saw them chasing me.

* Shit! *

Then I bumped into someone.

" Kennedy? Move! You're in the way- "

He punched me and I fell in the ground.

" Good. Now tie him up and bring him inside. I'll handle him myself. "

Azul commanded and he went in his place.

I stared at Kennedy and whispered to him.

" I'll fucking kill you Ken. I thought you were my friend. You'll fucking pay for this. "

He didn't replied neither made a reaction.

Then he brought me inside.

" Good, you may go outside. "

Azul said and he sat at the chair.

He laughed and stared at me.

" Why? In all of people why my cousin? "

Azul asked.

" He said some words that made me hurt him. It's his own fault. "

I said.

He laughed.

" Oh so he hurted your feelings? What are you a little cupcake? "

He said and opened his drawer.

I saw him grabbed a knife and stood up.

" His life is 50/50 right now you see. If he survives, I'll let him decide your punishment. But for now, I'll be the one to give you a little punishment alright? "

He whispered at me.

Then he ripped my hoodie.

* Fucking idiot. *

" Oh this is your favorite glasses right? "

He asked.

" No- Not that one please! "

I begged but he doesn't care.

He pulled it and threw it at the ground.

" Grab it if you want. "

He said.

I was about to reach it with my shoe but he smashed it.

" Oop- I didn't did that on purpose. "

He said and he laughed.

* That was my mom's gift..... *

Then he went back at his chair.

" Not so cool now huh? You look bold now. Without a hoodie and a glasses... "

He said and someone went inside.

« Boss! Please come with me right now. »

" Why? What happened? "

He asked but the guard's in a rush and went outside.

" I'll be back little scaredy cupcake. "

He said and went outside.

I tried to reach for my glasses but I couldn't.

Then I fell.

* Fuck! I can't stand up...I'm tied. *

Then I heard the door opened.

I was scared that maybe Azul would finish me when he sees me like this.

" Here, I'll pick it up for you. "

A person said.

* Huh the voice is too feminine... this isn't Azul then. *

I looked behind and saw the girl.

" Oh- it was you. "

I said.

She fixed my position and talked to me.

" Yes, my name's Monica. "

She introduced herself.

" My name's Shino. "

I said.

" What a beautiful name...I saw what you did earlier. "

She said and stood up.

" I'm sorry...but it's his fault because he talked bad about Chris and I couldn't help myself but to push him.. "

I explained to her.

" Of course I know that. I heard everything. "

She said.

" What? How? "

I asked her.

" I'm just chilling below the tower and of course I can hear everything. "

She explained.

" I see...then you believe me? "

I asked her.

" Why wouldn't I? "

She said and searched something in her bag.

" I suggest you go outside now. "

I said to her.

Then she pulled something in a case.

" Here, take this instead. "

She hid it in my pocket so Azul couldn't see it.

" You look handsome without the hoodie. "

She said and smiled.

Then her face went towards me and whispered.

" Don't cover that handsome face again I suggest. "

And she kissed me.

I couldn't react then she stopped.

" Later Shino. "

She announced and went outside.

* She just kissed me- Am I dreaming or am I already dead? *

I smiled and Azul went back inside.

He dragged me outside and I saw Roberto tied up and kneeling inside the circle where a lot of people can witness.

* Ro-Roberto? *

He pulled me and brought me inside the circle too.

" What the hell will you do?! "

I asked him.

He stared at me and punched my face.

I can see a lot of people watching us and I can see Monica too.

" You fucking killed my cousin bitch. You'll pay for this. "

He said and kicked my stomach really hard.

" Doesn't hurt me idiot. "

I told him and smiled while enduring the pain.

" Oh that doesn't hurt you? Well probably this old bitch would feel it. "

He said and punched Roberto.

" No! Don't hurt him! I'll do anything just- Don't involve him here! "

I begged but I couldn't do anything because I'm tied up.

He pulled out his handgun and aimed at his head.

" No don't! Spare his fucking lif- "

I shouted but he pulled the trigger.


Dorothy screamed and went inside to hug his body.

" Roberto..... "

She whispered and cried.

I saw Marko and Marco standing there in shock. They were crying.

" You think I'll kill you? Hell no. That job will be done by the infecteds outside. "

Azul laughed and 4 of his men grabbed me.

" Yep, bring him there. "

Azul commanded.

Then Azul went towards me.

" Please say hello to Chris and Felix in hell. "

Then they dragged me outside and threw me inside a car.

" Where will you fucking bring me?! "

I said but they won't answer.

Then someone turned their radio on.

" Hello? You guys can hear me right? "

Azul asked.

« Yes boss. »

" Shino, don't worry. I'll end your miserable life. You'll probably live for a day but you can't survive in that location. "

He laughed and turned his radio off.

« Sleep tight kid. This'll be a long journey. »

Then he knocked me out.

« What?! That's not possible! I thought you brought an extra canister full of gas? »

I can hear them arguing and I opened my eyes.

* Where the hell am I...? *

« The brat's awake. »

I fixed my position and looked at the window.

" Where the hell will you bring me?! "

I asked them but they won't answer.

The outside is too foggy. I saw a few of a survivor walking.

« There's some survivors? »

They laughed and continued to drive.

« They'll just die later on. »

A few hours of driving and they stopped.

They opened the door and threw me outside.

« There you go. That's your payment for taking Chandler's life. »

And they went inside and drove back.

* Shit...I'm all alone here.. *

I saw a car and went inside.

* I can probably stay here for the night...

If I didn't pushed him, Roberto should be still alive.....I'm an idiot....forgive me Roberto.... *

Then someone knocked at the door.