37 : Hoax pt. 2

" Stop here. "

Rakim said after locating them by their smell.

* He's even faster at tracking people when he's fired up. *

I stood up and followed Rakim.

" There's an empty water bottle, they probably went there. "

Rakim said.

" Try not to kill them. "

I whispered.

" I'll try. "

Rakim said and we went to follow them.

{ Christopher's POV }

" What, I thought you wanna go at the medical room? What are you waiting for? "

Raymond said.

* I can't choose, both are important to me.. *

" Okay, tell me what you need. "

I answered.

" Oh, so he prefers his base than his friend. "

Raymond whispered.

" What the fuck did you just say? "

I asked him.

" Oh, nothing. "

Raymond smiled and sat back to his chair.

I leaned at the wall.

" So we'll be moving later at sunset. "

He said.

" For how many days will it take until we reach our destination? "

I asked him.

" If I would estimate it, it'll probably take for a week. "

He answered.

" Aren't we using cars? "

I asked him again.

" Of course we will. If we won't, it'll take a month to get there. "

He explained.

* I see. *

" I'll bring 10 of my finest men and bring everyone who will come with you. "

He ordered.

" Will do, now I'll go. "

I said and opened the door.

" Oh oh oh. Did I already said that you can go? Not yet right? "

Raymond said.

* This fucker... *

" Now close the door and sit in the chair. "

He added.

I did what he said and he stood up.

" You'll stay here until sunset. "

He laughed and went outside.

* Bullshit! I need to check up on Sam now... *

I tried to go outside but the door was locked.

* I can't outsmart him then..guess I'll be bored here. *

{ Dustin's POV }

" No! Don't! "

I begged.

* Is this it...? Thank you everyone then...thank you Shino.. *

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

I heard the loud gunshot and a lot of liquid substance was all over me.

* Am I...dead..? *

I was too scared to open my eyes and I heard a lot of gunshots.

" There they are! "

Someone screamed.

* Oh...backups... *

I smiled then someone carried me.

" Will he be fine? "

I heard Shino's voice.

I can feel those liquid substances dripping down.

* Is that my blood...? Am I dying.. *

I closed my eyes.

{ Shino's POV }

" Where are we riding though? "

I asked Ramon.

" You'll walk with Rakim. "

He answered.

* No time to complain. *

" Okay, please take care of him. "

I asked Ramon a favor.

" We'll see. "

He replied and went away with his motorcycle.

" Now let's start walking. "

Rakim said.

" So what made you brats go here? "

He asked while we were walking.

" Well..Dustin said that there was a dog that will transform into a wolf at dawn. "

I explained.

" What? A dog will turn into a wolf? "

Rakim laughed so hard.

" I know, he's too persuasive. "

I replied.

I checked my ammo and I got five bullets left.

" A helpful advice, always save a bullet. "

He whispered.

" What do you mean? "

I asked him.

" Let's see, if you'll be trapped in a room full of infecteds, what will you do? "

He asked me.

" I'll fight them. "

I answered.

He laughed again.

" Wrong. "

He replied.

" What? Isn't fighting those creatures the correct way? "

I asked him in confusion.

" What if you ran out of ammo, you gonna punch them? "

He asked me.

* I'm still confused.. *

" I guess? "

I answered.

" You're an actual idiot. What if they got you, then you'll be infected too. "

He explained.

" Then what do you want me to do? "

I asked him.

" Pull that gun in your head and pull the trigger. "

He answered.

I became silent.

* He...he's right. *

He laughed and tapped my back.

" Don't worry kid, it won't happen right now because I'm here. But prepare when we got back because you'll be punished. "

He said.

" Understood. "

I replied and I kept silent.

While walking, we saw a bunch of infecteds in the road.

" That wasn't there earlier... "

Rakim whispered.

" Take cover, we'll take them out one by one. "

He added and we crouched.

I pulled out my gun.

" No shush, here take this. "

He handed me a bow and arrows.

* Woah... *

" I'll sneak up behind the one on the left and you shoot the one on the right. "

He ordered.

" Got it. "

I replied and went near the infected.

* You can do it Shino. *

I inserted an arrow and pulled the end of it with the bow string.

I saw Rakim alarming me and I let go.

The tip of the arrow pierced through the head of the infected.

* Dang.. *

I pulled another arrow and it pierced through the other one again.

Rakim finished the other two and we went back to walk.

" You've got skills kid. "

He tapped my back.

" I think its called luck. "

I scratched my hair and handed it back to him.

" No, that's yours now. "

He smiled.

" Woah..thank you! "

I smiled and hid the arrows in my bag.

" Thank you so much. "

I thanked him again.

We reached back to their base and went inside.

I saw Raymond standing at the front door.

Rakim tapped my back and went inside.

* I'm dead. *

I entered.

" Fuck you. "

Raymond rushed towards me and punched me in the stomach.

" Argh... "

I spit my blood at his shoes.

« Oh he's a dead meat... »

Someone whispered.

Raymond kicked me hard at my stomach.

I fell down at the ground and lot of my blood went outside my mouth.

" Bring him in my room. "

He ordered then went away then some of them carried me.

« That's good you're still alive you know? »

The stranger whispered at me.

They threw me inside his office and I saw someone sitting near me.

* Huh...? *

" Hey Shino! What are you doing here? "

He asked me.

* How does he know my name...? *

He lowered his face and I recognized it.

" Ch...Chris...? "

I asked him.

" Yes, what are you doing here and what happened to you? "

He asked me.

" They...no...Raymond...beat me up... "

I answered.

" What...? Raymond did? Oh..are you one of the people who sneaked outside? "

He asked.

" Ye..yes... "

I answered.

" What the hell entered in your mind to go outside? Didn't you know that this place is full of infecteds? "

He said.

" Well....both of us...believed in a hoax.. "

I explained.

" Tell me the whole story after you drink this. "

He handed me a water bottle.

A few minutes of explaining, I felt better and tried to stand up.

" Don't rush it, you can sit at the chair for now Shino. "

Chris assisted me and I thanked him.

" We'll be going out for a week. "

Chris said.

" I'm sorry if I can't come... "

I whispered.

" It's alright kid, I'll handle this. You should take some rest for now. "

Chris smiled.

I closed my eyes then someone entered the room.