Born In The Immortal World, Yet Can’t Embrace Immortal Magic

"I see, so that's what happened." Jie Xiulan's father nodded in understanding as he listened to the explanations of the two. He sipped on a cup of coffee that Lin Shen had just brewed for him, contemplating his thoughts.

He was glad that his daughter was now safe and sound, but the fact that someone dared to kidnap his daughter enraged him.

He heard from his daughter that she was captured because her background was discovered, causing her to be wanted by many. Even though many people dared not act on their thoughts because of her father, one person decided to exploit the use of another person, Wolf's Bane in this case, to do their biddings.

That person gave out a hefty sum of money in exchange, in which he drew out Jin Da himself.

Jie Xiulan's father, Jie Zheng, was a cultivator at the peak of the Prime-Originator stage, very close to achieving the Immortal Ascension stage. He was 330-years old this year and was attending a meeting between fellow cultivators when the protective talisman he gave to his daughter; who was living in the mortal world, was activated.

It took him awhile to reach her location from the Immortal World, but when he did, he found her inside someone else's house?

And what, they also already kissed?!

That's right. These two kids didn't hide anything from Jie Zheng at all. They were truthful and very honest to the bones. Well, when it came to this part, it was actually Jie Xiulan who spoke and Lin Shen just nodded to affirm. He was too shy to admit this to someone he didn't know.

Although, now that Jie Zheng paid more attention, he could notice that surrounding Lin Shen was a blue aura that gave off yang energy. Only then did he understand why his daughter actually kissed this young man.

His daughter, Jie Xiulan, was born with a very rare constitution which disabled her from cultivating. Doing so anyway would slowly kill her, which was the last thing a father wanted.

He had found many doctors, mostly Immortal Doctors to help treat his daughter, but to no avail. The doctors told him that Jie Xiulan had a frost constitution which blocked all her meridians. Because of this, her body required a rare type of flame from a yang-oriented constitution to unfreeze the meridians.

However, such constitutions were already rare. It was impossible to find one without spending dozens of years. Even if he did find one, by then his daughter would've already aged and it would've been too late.

Since she was unsuited for cultivation, he sent Jie Xiulan to the mortal world to live a normal life, which was also her wish. Thankfully he gave her some protective talismans to protect herself. Otherwise, he'd fear what he could potentially do to this fragile city.

Jie Zheng glanced at Jie Xiulan who was sitting next to him in this mortal kitchen, then to Lin Shen who leaned on the counter and watched.

"Lin Shen was it? Have you ever cultivated or come in contact with a cultivator before?" Jie Zheng decided to learn more about this young man. He could potentially be the one who would cure his daughter, so he had to test him a litte.

Lin Shen shook his head. "You are the first." He reverted to his timid self in front of Jie Zheng since he didn't know him that well.

'I have really never cultivated before, and since Jie Xiulan isn't a cultivator, I am technically not lying.'

Jie Zheng gave a look to Jie Xiulan, who in turn shook her head, affirming that she didn't know anything. He could only question Lin Shen himself at this point.

"Hmm, alright then. What do you think about cultivators?"

Lin Shen didn't know if this question was a trap, but it seemed very easy to answer. "I guess I think of them as immortals, since I envy the long life they have."

"Not bad, very honest I see." Jie Zheng nodded. "Now what do you think of my daughter?"

Lin Shen hesitated on this one. 'A trap! This question is definitely a trap! How does one respond to such a question?'

Lin Shen's eyes suddenly lit up. He tried to look more solemn as he spoke, "I'm afraid she is only attracted to my aura. There is no real love, therefore I can't feel anything."

Jie Zheng looked calmly at Lin Shen, but the temperature in the house seemed to be rising. Lin Shen could clearly feel the increase in temperature as his blood started heating slowly. Jie Xiulan seemed to be the only one unaffected and sat in her seat calmly.

"Xiulan, you heard what he said. What do you have to say about this?" Jie Zheng asked Jie Xiulan without turning to her, his apparent blue eyes focused on Lin Shen.

"I'm afraid Brother Lin is right. I kissed him mainly because his aura had me captivated, there was no love involved. Father, please don't hold Brother Lin accountable for this. He did nothing wrong." Jie Xiulan calmly dissuaded her father.

Jie Zheng didn't see this coming. However, since his daughter had already spoken, he didn't pursue this anymore.

"Sigh." He returned his energy back into his body as the room temperature changed back to normal. "Alright, I won't pursue this anymore. However, since you've already decided to destroy Wolf's Bane together, I can't let you guys do so without any preparations."

He turned to Lin Shen and took out a scroll from his robe. "Since my daughter can't cultivate, you, young man will have to be strong enough to protect yourselves. I won't meddle in your affairs, meaning I won't help you in destroying that organization, but know this.

As he said this, Jie Zheng stood up slowly towards Lin Shen. His left hand held Lin Shen's hand open and his right hand dropped the scroll onto Lin Shen's hand. He closed Lin Shen's hand slowly, tightening his grip. Lin Shen could feel his hands slowly getting crushed.

Jie Zheng sent a telepathic message to Lin Shen. "Brat, don't you dare bring any harm to my daughter, you hear? I'm giving you this cultivation manual so you can get stronger and protect my daughter. Practice well." With that said, the tension dropped as he returned to his seat.

Lin Shen was pleasantly surprised. 'This father of Jie Xiulan has such a good temper, he actually didn't lash out at me like in those novels.' Lin Shen put down the cultivation manual and massaged his hand which slowly recovered.

At this time, Father Lin came out from his room.

"Son, did you play with the heater? How come it was so hot when I was sleeping?" He came out fanning himself, with his clothes drenched from sweat.

"Huh, another guest?" Only then did Father Lin notice Jie Zheng. He looked puzzlingly towards Lin Shen.

"Ah, he's Jie Xiulan's father. He came to visit." Lin Shen pointed to Jie Xiulan since his father might've forgotten her name.

"Ah! Jie Xiulan's father! It's nice to meet you! Do you want to talk over some wine?"

"Wine? Are you kidding brother, who wouldn't want some wine? Come come, let's talk over some wine."

Seeing as the two fathers were busy, Lin Shen and Jie Xiulan decided to leave them alone. They left the kitchen and went back to their room.

Jie Xiulan came up to Lin Shen and examined his hand. "Brother Lin, are your hands okay? I know my father well, he has a good temper but is protective over me. I hope he didn't harm you."

"No worries Jie Xiulan, I have a very fast recovery rate compared to normal humans. See?" He moved his hand around to show that he was fine.

Jie Xiulan smiled happily. "Wow, that's so nice Brother Lin! You can recover so fast from injuries, unlike me. I still have these bruises covering my face."

"Hmm, can't you ask your father to heal your face?"

"Other people he can, but not me. My body doesn't accept any energy that isn't yang in nature. My father practices water techniques and has a water element spirit energy, so he can't heal me. Doing so would actually harm me instead." Jie Xiulan's smile turned less cheerful when she mentioned this.

Lin Shen's heart felt pained seeing her like this. He reached out to pat her head softly. Such a girl, born in the Immortal World yet can't embrace immortal magic.

Jie Xiulan enjoyed the feeling of Lin Shen's hand. She smiled before saying, "Don't worry though, Brother Lin. I usually have Yin-Yang pills to help my energy levels stay balanced. Without them, I would probably freeze to death or burn from taking the wrong medicine."

"More importantly, Brother Lin!" Jie Xiulan pouted as she said, "You're still calling me by my full name. At least call me Xiulan, if not then sister is fine…"

"Huh, you were worried about this?" Lin Shen giggled at her.

"You still haven't called my name."

"Alright, alright, Xiulan."



"More! More!"

"Xiulan Xiulan Xiulan Xiulan…"