Great Astley Empire: Battling the Royal Guards

"Your Highness, please leave this place quickly!" Daynsvi, the captain of the royal guard, said while looking at Souta with a wary expression. "Orlan, Gin, and Farlon, escort Your Highness and the rest."

The three nodded respectfully, and they turned towards the emperor and his family.

At this time, Souta opened his mouth and said, "It's no use. I've already locked down the entire palace. No one would be able to leave this place without my permission. Well, if you have the strength to defeat me, then you could shatter the gravity field that I set up, but from what I could see, nothing among you has that kind of power."

The emperor looked at Souta and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

Souta shrugged his shoulders and said, "Nothing personal here. Someone just asked me to help her destroy the empire. You could say that I'm a mercenary that will accept any job as long as you provide me with a quest."