Bountiful Rewards

Alice escorted Souta into the Guardian Fortress. Souta, at this moment, was too vulnerable. He didn't have the best feram in his monster orb, and his parasite was incapable of regenerating his wounds. Also, every time he moved his body, extreme pain would assault him. All of these were the effects of pushing his body to the limit while fighting Rowan.

"Are you okay, Souta?" Isabella went to his side and asked him with a concerned look.

"You check it,"

Souta said as he slowly closed his eyes. He leaned his back on the wall comfortably, but the moment his back touched the wall, he groaned in pain.


His tolerance to pain was high, but it seems that this battle affected his nerves. His pain sensitivity had increased by several folds.

Isabella checked his body after she received his permission. Then she went to her laboratory to take potions that could help him in his current condition.