Operation Anti-D: Part 10

"Alex, is she busy yet?" He walked in front of the hallway and Alex was putting his ear on their beloved teacher's room door. The house's lights had been turned off and they were sneaking in the dark hallway of the house.

"Wait for a second," Alex had confirmation of loud buzzing sound, "Hitachi," Alex nodded.

"Hitachi? Nice," they walked to the door and Patrick put on his shoes, "Wish me luck," he opened that door and Alex stood there, watching.

"Yeah, make sure you get that footage, this is for us, our future," Alex waved his hand and he closed the door as Patrick got out of that house.

He walked slowly on the dark roads as if he was a robber. He tried avoiding any contact with people or anyone that would mark him as suspicious. Since there wasn't any bus at night, he had to walk to his school. Luckily, his school wasn't that far.

Nathan: "Search for an envelope near a trash can in front of the school. I left some equipment there."

He walked across the residential area and headed to his school. He grabbed his phone and started the group voice call and put a piece of headphone on his ears. He looked around the trash can and found a huge chocolate envelope. The content was a pair of gloves, a BB gun, a detonator, hydraulic cutters, a flashlight, and a crowbar. He put them all inside his bag.

Patrick: "I'm on position."

Laura: "Could you see me? I'm on the building on the adjacent side of the school."

A flashlight was shining from an abandoned dark building and it was Laura with her dart rifle. She looked at him and nodded.

Laura: "Well, have you worn the gloves? Push the detonator then."

Patrick: "I'm on it."

He pushed the black button and suddenly the entire city block was under a blackout. Everything became very dark and a silenced dart round was fired at the walking security guard and dropped him down.

Patrick climbed the school's gate and entered the schoolyard. The school layout was similar to a rectangle with four buildings covering each side. There was a gym on the north side and a river on the east side. He proceeded to enter the school but got stopped by a locked gate.

He used the hydraulic cutters, 'Damn, Nathan thought of everything didn't he?' he used the hydraulic cutter on the lock and broke it off easily.

Laura: "I've to go home now before my parents asked me things. You're on your own."

Patrick: "No shit."

He looked around with his flashlight because it was pitching dark black inside the school. He went for the administration room first. The door to the administration room was locked.

He grabbed the crowbar from his back and started prying that door open. He accidentally broke the door handles and gained access to that room.

Patrick: "I'm inside."

Nathan: "There should be a PC that uses a backup UPS battery. Search for it."

He searched for a PC that had a black box besides the main PC unit. It could be found in the principal desk. It contained a computer and a candy on that desk. He turned on the computer. The server was using a backup power generator.

Patrick: "What's the password?"

Nathan: "The username is MainAdmin. The password is SexyBoobs696969, capital on the s and the first b."

He typed in the username and the password.

[User: MainAdmin]

[Password: SexyBoobs696969]

'No shit, it's working,' he looked at the computer and searched for the surveillance record on that computer. He searched for the 11-H files on Tuesday midnight. He then found a file on the surveillance folder.

'Ok, a dark guy wearing a hoodie. He's not smart, he didn't go full tactical like me,' he said as he looked at the surveillance video, 'but who the fuck is this?'

He carried a green flag and replaced the national flag with that. The accident happened at around 8 p.m. Then, Shaddam came at 9 p.m to pick up his phone charger.

Patrick: "I'm copying the files to my phone now. Going to take a sec."

Nathan: "Nice, in the meantime, could you take out something in the server. The 11-B surveillance hard drive. It should put the blame at them."

Patrick: "I see that. So I need to pull a server rack out of its socket?"

Nathan: "Yes, good luck solo agent."

His heart beat faster as he looked at the progression bar that was very slow. He left his phone there and he turned off the monitor as the file continued to be transferred and he walked to the school library.

'I'm glad that I have the library keychain from Lynn, my lucky charm,' he pushed the key into the keyhole and turned in and opened the library. It felt as if he entered a haunted room as his heart beat faster. He entered that library and headed straight towards the server room.

From the experience of cleaning the servers, he knew the location of each and every part of the servers including the location of the data physically.

He pulled out a server and carried it on his bag. He looked around and locked that library again. He went back to the administration room and grabbed his phone. He put his phone back to his jacket and he turned off that goddamn PC.

Patrick: "[Video Has Been Sent] Here you go, Nathan. Do us proud."

Nathan: "Great, dump that server on the river. It should end up somewhere else."

Patrick: "Got it."

Nathan: "Now scram."

Patrick: "Copy that."

He ran out of the school buildings into the schoolyard, but before that, he threw the server into the nearby river. He got out of that school complex successfully without any obstacles. The plan was a complete success.

'As smooth as a girl's butt. I managed to succeed,' Patrick went back to his boarding house cheerfully.

Nathan: "Oh yeah, throw all the tools that I gave into a dumpster."

Patrick: "Ok."

He threw all of the equipment to a nearby trash can and kept his gloves on in case of someone tracks down his fingerprint. On his way, the city block was still under blackout. Luckily for him, the residential area was unaffected. He went back to his boarding house and noticed a very loud moaning the second he entered the door.

'Holy hell, Alex's drugs works too well,' he put his shoes at the rack and noticed Alex who was in front of the TV while watching a midnight movie. No, he wasn't watching any porn on the TV, as if Alex had the nerve to do so.

He sat down next to Alex who was holding a can of coke, "Done," he put his bag on the chair. Alex looked at him.

"Fucking Aiden Pearce incarnation man," Alex said as he gave Patrick a high five. They sat down in front of the TV and Alex gave him an alcoholic beer, "Here is for you. I want to sleep at ten, but our teacher does her business way too fucking loud," they toasted their cans.

"How long will that thing last?" Patrick asked his friend.

"Well, since I put it in her drinks. Maybe around three to four hours from now," The clock was pointing at two o'clock.

"Why don't you try jerking off?" Patrick asked his friend.

"I don't want to use my mother figure as a sauce," He replied.

"Me too, I'm not an Alabama person," Patrick said.

They watched that movie all night long as their teacher prevented them from sleeping due to "circumstances".