The Russian's Gambit: Part 8

She sat down on her car as bullets were flying between her, the terrorists, and the soldiers. Luckily, she was hiding in an armored vehicle, so she didn't have to worry about the bullet that was flying around. Her car was armored up to 20mm HE-AP. As long as the bullet isn't bigger than that, the car could handle it.

Echo: "I'm here with providing sniping support."

The terrorist fell down one by one from Echo's bullet. However, more of those pickups appeared and brought more backup. It just became harder and harder for the soldiers. Their IFV autocannon was disabled by the car bomb and their M2 Browning was detached from the roof of the armored vehicle.

The soldiers were wounded and only a third of them could put up a fight and none of them has a machine gun. 'Is my country military capabilities only depends on number?' Lima asked herself as the soldier was outnumbered 5 to 1. Echo was helping the soldiers, but a bolt action sniper rifle couldn't kill 30 people at once.

'I think it's time for me to get involved," Lima got out of the car and she held the MG in front of her hands. She aimed it at the ISIS personnel and started shooting the pick up trucks with her machine gun.

She managed to kill two persons with the 7.62x51mm ammo. But the bad news was the enemies noticed that and started shooting at her. A bullet hit her body, but she shrugged it off thanks to the ballistic vest. She continued shooting at the enemy although the enemy shot her with 7.62x39mm ammo.

"Why doesn't he drop dead?" One of the terrorists shouted as he continued firing his AK.

"I'M A WOMAN! HOW DARE YOU ASSUME MY GENDER!" Lima shouted as she got out of her cover and she shot her MG at the truck and killed three-person as she got shot by bullets from multiple directions, but all of them got blocked by her ballistic vest and suit.

She moved to another cover again and she got a message from the person that she loves to hear the most, Bravo and Alpha duo. They contacted her through her headphone.

Alpha: "Apache is standing by on the position. Did you bring your laser designator?"

Lima: "I always bring my laser designator."

Lima grabbed the tubular thingy that had the same size as a flashlight and turned it on. She waved the laser designator at the pickup truck.

Alpha: "Rifle."

A large explosion appeared from the pickup then followed by a barrage of 30mm rounds from the M230 Chaingun. The AGM-114 Hellfire missile made a quick work of that truck and killed all of the enemies.

Hotel: "Am I late to the party?"

An MH-60L Blackhawk flew near her and it shot its Hydra 70 missiles at the truck and destroyed with large fireworks. The helicopter flew across the road again and shot multiple grenade rounds that were launched from the MK 19 grenade launchers that were mounted on the helicopter.

It made a small explosion similar to a firecracker, 'God damn it, God bless air support.' she waved his laser pointer at an enemy that was running to the nearby forest.

Alpha: "Missile away."

An explosion appeared on the nearby and it blasted a tree from its root. The other terrorist abandoned the truck and ran to a nearby forest.

Lima: "Alpha, Hotel, most of the terrorists run to the forest. Could you wipe them out?"

Alpha: "Copy that."

Hotel: "Initiating CAS!"

The Blackhawk and the Apache flew to the direction of the forest and started to do CAS support as Lima approached the wounded soldiers in the checkpoint.

She walked to the checkpoint and her first impression was, 'Ah, I've seen worse.'

The bomb was breaking the outdated APC and IFV in that blockade. The military hardware was broken immediately. She approached the checkpoint and saw the damage by herself. The soldiers were mostly wounded by the car bomb, most of them were wounded by fragmentation.

She helped the wounded soldiers by donating her big bag of first aid kit that she placed on her hips. The bag was full of bandage and everything including several containers of stim.

She approached one of the soldiers that were wounded on his foot, "You're ok?" She asked as she cut the fabric that was in the way of his wound.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm an ally," she sterilized his wound and bandaged it with a bandage to make sure that its tight and secure. She did it proficiently.

"Thanks, doc," he said as he sat down on the ground to rest from the adrenaline beside his rifle.

She continued doing that as the helicopters continued chasing down the terrorist to the forest. Both of them fired their autocannons and missiles in the forest and made little fireworks show there.

Echo was busy picking off the terrorist who was still hiding behind a civilian vehicle. With his rifle, it was short work. He went downhill after that in his motorbike to help Lima treating the wounded soldiers.

Lima was busy treating the soldier who was wounded or too wounded to treat another soldier. It was a stroke of bad luck for them since the wounded in the checkpoint were the combat medics. Luckily, the contractors stepped in to safe the day.

The checkpoint squad leader was the first person that she treated. Luckily, he had calmed down and started gaining his ability to command his group. Still, Lima wanted an exchange for her favor in helping that checkpoint.

"Hey commander, mind if I ask you a favor?" Lima asked him who was sitting on the road.

"Yes, please go ahead," He said.

"Do you have any Intel of suspicious arms trafficking? Or anything else about illegal immigrants?" Lima asked the commander who clearly had no idea what she was talking about.

"I don't have any Intel on that, I'm sorry," the commander smiled at her, and Lima blinked her eyes twice as an indirect smile.

"Well, could you open the checkpoint for my car?" She asked the commander.

"Sure. Boys! Reverse the APC for this man car," He shouted as Lima looked away in annoyance.

She entered her car again and drove through the gap that the APC made. 'Looks like I come home empty-handed again.'